Chapter 606

When Feng Xueqing heard their conversation, she couldn't help feeling a little doubt in her heart.


She was just born 16 years ago, and the person they wanted to arrest would definitely not be herself.

So, who are they going to catch?

If she can be mistaken, then she must be very similar to the person they are looking for, could it be...


The person they are really looking for is mother? !

You know, when Feng Xueqing grows up, except for those dark red eyes, her facial features are [-]% similar to Tong Shiying's. Standing together, they are like twin sisters. If you recognize Feng Xueqing as Anyone else, then this person must be Tong Shiying.

Almost immediately, Feng Xueqing guessed that these people did not look like treacherous people, why did they want to arrest their mother?
For 16 years, they have been looking for their mother for these 16 years. Could it be that their mother has a grudge against them?
No, she has to figure this out.

Under the tree, several people were still looking for Feng Xueqing's figure.

"Look, she can't walk so fast, she must still be around here."



Several people nodded in agreement.

"keep the change."

Suddenly, a faint voice sounded from behind them, revealing a trace of disdain: "I am here."

While speaking, Feng Xueqing's figure slowly appeared on a big tree behind them. Almost at the same time, she raised her left hand, her middle finger was connected to her wrist, and she was wearing a string of purple bells, shaking slightly , as soon as his eyes deepened, the timbre of the bell controlled the movements of those people.

They kept the posture about to turn around, and before they had time to see where the people behind them were, they were horrified to find that they were like being immobilized by someone, standing where they were, unable to move a step.

Feng Xueqing jumped off the big tree and walked towards them.

Unexpectedly, the broken bell that mother gave her was quite powerful, and it controlled these people casually.

"Tsk tsk, if it falls into the hands of this girl, I'm afraid..."

While saying threatening words in her mouth, she casually walked in front of the few of them, then took out a delicate short dagger from her boots, pulled out the blade, swayed it slowly in front of their eyes, and then spit out the Words: "It will be a miserable death."

After successfully seeing the faces of several people change, Feng Xueqing smiled even more arrogantly, then looked at one of the women, and continued to threaten: "For example, this girl has such good skin, I don't know how to slash your face with a knife." , let some blood, will it be more beautiful?"

"You... you won't tell the truth, will you?"

There is no woman who doesn't care about her appearance, especially a woman who thinks she is pretty.

Therefore, Feng Xueqing's words frightened the two women's faces to turn pale instantly, for fear that her hand would really scratch their beautiful skin.

And the faces of those two men are not much better, but, they are two big men after all, even if they are afraid and nervous in their hearts, they can't show it too much on their faces, besides, they are still in front of their two junior sisters, they must not lose face.

"Young girl, let us go quickly, otherwise, we at Nanxiang College will definitely not let you go."

"Yes, if you are sensible, let us go quickly. We Nanxiang College are not easy to mess with."

The two men thought that moving out of Nanxiang College would definitely scare this woman, but when she heard the words, she didn't say a word, and directly waved a knife in front of one of the men, raised the knife and dropped it...

(End of this chapter)

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