The Lady Falls from the Sky: The Enchanting Husband Is Addicted

Chapter 607 What the hell is Nanxiang College

Chapter 607 What the hell is Nanxiang College
A strand of hair slowly fell from everyone's eyes.


"What the hell is Nanxiang College?"

Feng Xueqing's smiling face suddenly became fierce.

In fact, the beautiful eyes are just a little wider.

"I forgot to tell you that my girl's patience is very poor. Now I ask you anything, and you can answer whatever. If you dare to say one more word of nonsense, then this dagger will be cut off next time. It’s not just a strand of hair.”

While she was talking, she beat rhythmically on the palm of her hand with the blade of the dagger. The silver blade reflected a cold light in the sun. Following the rhythm of her beating, it made people feel frightened. trembling.

"The witch..."

One of them couldn't help cursing, and as soon as he opened his mouth to say two words, he was frightened by Feng Xueqing's light eyes and held back.

They can't move where they are standing now. If they say something that angers this woman, then their lives may really be in danger.

For the current plan, they can only delay time and wait for their uncle.

As early as when they noticed her in the city, they had secretly passed the news to the uncle who was nearby. I believe that the uncle would arrive soon.

Feng Xueqing didn't know what they were playing in their hearts. At this moment, people were already under her control. Of course, she could be as arrogant as she wanted, and as bad as she wanted.

"Say, why are you following me?"

Hearing this, the four of them were silent and did not answer. One of the women let out a cold snort through her nose. She was obviously extremely upset, but she held back and dared not say anything more.

Feng Xueqing's eyes swept across their faces, and she dangled the dagger in front of their eyes. She pouted suddenly, staring at them with harmless eyes: "I heard that those little bugs are the most I like to eat sweets, just right, I have a lot of newly bought maltose here, I don’t know how to stick these candies to you..."

She slid her slender finger across their faces one by one, and suddenly pointed at the woman who just snorted coldly, her voice was full of curiosity: "On your face, do you think it will attract many, many..."cute" little bugs, Are you crawling around on your beautiful face?"

She bit some words very hard, for example, many, cute, and crawling. These adjectives instantly formed a picture in their minds...

After finishing speaking, she actually took out maltose in the interspatial ring, and just as she was about to touch the woman's face, the woman closed her eyes and screamed in fright, and then quickly said: "I will tell you."

"Junior sister... ah!"

Among them, the man known as the third senior brother was about to stop him, but was suddenly kicked to the ground by Feng Xueqing, who stepped on his chest, still looking at the woman, and arrogantly raised his hand to her. Chin: "Say!"

Seeing this, the woman couldn't help swallowing, thought for a while, and finally said: "We follow you because of you..."

Suddenly, a clear whistle came from the sky, interrupting the woman's words.

"Look, it's Master Uncle coming."

In the sky, a middle-aged man riding a black bird and beast galloped down in their direction.

Caught off guard, Feng Xueqing raised her head, and a huge black net quickly enveloped her. By the time she reacted, she was already firmly covered by the black net.

(End of this chapter)

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