I can see hidden rewards

Chapter 226 Turning point!Another day!

Chapter 226 Turning point!Another day! (Second more)

"Is that all right?"

Seeing the actions made by City Lord Baiyue, Chu Yuan couldn't help laughing.

This guy, the speed of changing his face is really fast!
Wasn't it awesome before?

"Okay, of course, they are just making an appointment. If someone can buy directly, I am willing to, but I don't know how many stores you plan to buy?"

The answer was very enthusiastic, and even the flattering expression made Chu Yuan feel like goosebumps were about to fall off.

This guy is really...

Chu Yuan didn't say a word, compared to Chu Yuan's plainness, City Lord Bai Yue was much more enthusiastic here.

Even when he dragged Chu Yuan to the map of Moon Worship City, he kept introducing the layout of Moon Worship City.

"How about it, Xiaoxiang Yeyu, just tell me, which store you want, the price, etc., you are satisfied!"

After saying this, City Lord Baiyue fixed his eyes on Chu Yuan, for fear that Chu Yuan would refuse.

Never expected that Xiaoxiang Yeyu has so many identities!
Thinking of this situation, City Lord Baiyue couldn't help secretly hating the seven dream-chasing prophets just now.

If it wasn't for that guy, how could I offend this big man!

"The previous shops were sold in advance. What price did they give, what is the normal price, and how much benefit did they give you? Don't worry, I won't pursue these issues with you."

After staring at the map for a while, Chu Yuan suddenly asked a strange question.However, after seeing the nervous expression of the city lord worshiping the moon, he added another sentence.

Is this asking for guilt?

of course not!

Chu Yuan has Chu Yuan's idea.

Taking a deep breath, the Lord of the Moon Worship finally calmed down, and his voice sank a lot, "I have a total of 760 shops in the Moon Worship City, and I booked 130 and five of them, all of which were reserved by the Dream Chaser Seven Prophets at one time. , including 76 C-level stores, 39 B-level stores, and 20 A-level stores.”

"The price is three times the original price because it is pre-purchased. There is no tax reduction, and the annual transaction tax paid is increased by 5.00%."

After saying this, City Lord Baiyue's expression was very disturbed. For her, this deal can be said to be a very good deal. If she made fun of it, it would definitely hurt her heart.

However, compared to offending the Purifier Legion and Black Rock City, it can only be admitted.


She was really surprised. After hearing the price, even Chu Yuan was surprised by the generosity.

What kind of organization is this dream-chasing organization? Just such a prefecture-level city has purchased so many shops!

Moreover, in order to be able to book in advance, the price paid is even more terrifying!
What good way can they make more money than this?
A way to make money?Chu Yuan is not proficient in this, after all, before this, he was an ordinary person who was so poor that he could barely pay the rent.

"Well, then I don't want these shops anymore. Merchants are chasing profit, and I can't let City Lord Bai Yue bear such a big loss. But..."

"I want this shop, this shop and this shop, how much is it?"

Chu Yuan pointed to the three shops on the map and asked.

His expression was very flat, as if he was talking about something unrelated.

As for Yunxi, watching quietly from the side, although he was puzzled, he didn't make a sound.

"This... these three shops are all A-level shops, but the location is not good, you..."

Surprised by the location of the shop that Chu Yuan chose, this guy should not fail to see that the locations of these three shops are very poor. If it is for business, it is likely to be the kind of shop that opens one after another.
"I know, so I have another request to the City Lord Baiyue. If it is possible, I don't know what happened before."

The mysterious smile even makes people full of doubts.

Just a request, can all those things be crossed?
"Okay, no problem, yes, please tell me!"

Without any hesitation, after Chu Yuan said this, City Lord Baiyue replied excitedly.

If one thing can overcome such a big problem, it is absolutely perfect!

Bringing over the blueprint of the five-year plan for Moon Worship City on the side table, Chu Yuan had a strange expression on her face, "Is this the next city plan for Moon Worship City? It looks like you designed it yourself?"

"Yes, because players will enter Moon Worship City in large numbers, so they have to plan ahead."

"Then, to make some better adjustments, I think the Lord of the Moon Worship City will not refuse, right? If it is possible, I think I will invest in the Moon Worship City, and maybe find some friends to develop the Moon Worship City together."

The planning drawings are in Chu Yuan's hands, and Chu Yuan's expression is full of a bewildered smile.

Is Dream Chasing Organization rich?

Is being rich really a big deal?

Not really, right?

Hearing Chu Yuan's words and looking at the planning blueprint in Chu Yuan's hand, City Lord Baiyue's expression became quite silent.

The meaning is already very clear, Chu Yuan is going to revise the next urban construction planning blueprint of Baiyue City!

If it is said that fighting for the store is a head-to-head move, then what Chu Yuan is doing at the moment has a nice name, and it will be another day!

There is a saying, if the luck of urban planning hits you, it will be considered a remote shop, and it can become a prime location in a blink of an eye!
If he can control the pattern of urban planning, then the location of this prime location is like a plaything in his hands!
However, this benefit...


"Don't worry, it won't cause any damage to Moon Worship City, your design is too bad."

With a chuckle, Chu Yuan's hand changed from holding Yunxi's hand, picked up the exquisite brush beside it, and marked on a moon worship map.

Is it that simple to change an NPC's decision?
Coming out of the Moon Worship City, Yunxi was even a little dazed. So simple, it decided the next pattern of the Moon Worship City?

Thinking about it feels a little unreal, but this is a very real thing!

Even, Yunxi was surprised to find that Chu Yuan's carefulness exceeded her imagination!

After drawing the blueprints, Chu Yuan did not pass the blueprints to the city lord Baiyue, but let the city lord worship the moon according to Chu Yuan's idea, to complete the modification of the next urban construction plan of the moon worship city.

After the modification, the entire Moon Worship City looks better and even more complete than the previous design, and every area is very complete.

It can be said that if the economy of Baiyue City develops and hits the main city level, it will be a matter of course.

Moon Worship City is a map from level 45 to level 60. Players at this stage have plenty of resources and anything else, and level 60 is a big hurdle. If there is no way to advance, there is no way to go to a higher level. map.

The more advanced maps, the degree of danger, are not allowed to be touched by non-level C strength, otherwise, you will die if you touch it!
And the three shops that Chu Yuan bought can be said to be the positions of the stars in the next layout of the entire Moon Worship City.

Although the number is small, it occupies an absolute advantage.

Even, in terms of Feng Shui, it can be described as a dragon's den!

Suppressing luck will bring blessings to future generations, and if there is a catastrophe, luck will be sent directly!
In terms of location, if Moon Worship City is attacked, the other buildings can be said to be the most loyal umbrellas for these three shops!

If these three shops are destroyed, the Moon Worship City must be completely destroyed!

(End of this chapter)

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