I can see hidden rewards

Chapter 227 Surprised!Accidental discovery!

Chapter 227 Surprised!Accidental discovery! (third change)

After leaving Moon Worship City, there was only one last stop left on Chu Yuan's itinerary, and this place was exactly Shuoye City.

If the judgment is correct, Shuo Ye City must be the headquarters of the Chasing Dream Organization.

However, it is rather strange that after coming to Shuoye City, Chu Yuan did not find any news about the Chasing Dream Organization.

Shuoye City, one of the nine main cities of the Great Xia Dynasty, has three main players: the Eternal Kingdom, the Mercenary Dynasty, and the Heavenly Lantern Palace.

It is said to be a big force, but it is only relative to Shuoye City.Compared with the players of the entire Great Xia Dynasty, the ranking of these three strengths is relatively low.

The number of players is much less than that of Black Rock City, but as the main city, even if it is less, there are still many people.

At this moment, it was already approaching evening, and the sky was gradually darkening, and even in the distance, the bright moon that was handed over slowly appeared.

At the last stop, after completing the work here, the two of them can go offline to rest.

"Xiaoxiang Yeyu and his wife Yunxi came to visit the Lord of Shuoye City. This is my letter of recommendation."

It's still the same old saying, but after Chu Yuan's initial recommendation letter, the guards of the City Lord's Mansion had a different attitude.

The expression was a little surprised, and there was even a slight sign of flattery.

It seemed that Chu Yuan was surprised to have a letter of recommendation from the Lord of Blackstone City!Also very...envious?
It didn't take long, and shortly after the guard entered, he invited Chu Yuan and the others to enter the City Lord's Mansion.

The process was very smooth, even easier than that of Moon Worship City!
This is true, is it really the headquarters of the Dream Chaser Organization?

Why does it feel like the Dream Chasing Organization has disappeared in this base camp?
"Since the two are recommended by City Lord Zhao, I naturally welcome them very much. I wonder what kind of shop you two want to choose?"

The Lord of Shuoye City is a man wearing a long black suit. He looks very indifferent and speaks concisely.

He looks thin and looks a little difficult to get along with.

However, after seeing the task panel on Ling Jueding, the lord of Shuoye City, Chu Yuan's expression became a little weird.

What the hell is the Dream Chasing Organization?

Why does it look like the Dream Chasing Organization is not doing well in the Shuoye City at this moment!

The lord of Shuoye City actually has a mission to arrest the Great Prophet of Chasing Dreams!

In fact, the city lord's mansion of Shuoye City was stolen before, and it was the Prophet Chasing Dreams who led people to do it!
It's amazing that the Dream Chasing Organization actually stole the treasure house of the Shuoye City's Lord's Mansion!

Kind of dick!
"You're welcome, the city lord. I want to buy three A-level stores first. Is it possible?"

While speaking, Chu Yuan chose three good-looking shops on the shop map of Shuoye City.

Why does it feel a bit strange, in this Shuo Ye City, the process of buying a store for Chu Yuan seems to be easier than before!
"Yes, each store has 150 million gold coins, and the tax rate is [-]%. If it is paid on a monthly basis, it can be reduced to [-]%."

The voice is still very cold, and there is no emotion.

Such a high price!

Hearing Ling Jueding's voice, Chu Yuan was a little surprised. The price of this store is much higher than expected!

"Is this price a bit expensive?"

After a pause, Chu Yuan looked at Ling Jueding with a puzzled expression.

This price is absolutely abnormal!
Otherwise, how could it be more expensive than Black Rock City?

"It's a bit expensive, but Shuoye City is short of money recently. If you can catch a few thieves who stole Suoye City's supplies, these shops will send you free."

The voice was very flat, and seemed to be stating a very ordinary thing.

However, from Ling Jueding's eyes, Chu Yuan even felt an aura called anger.

That dream-chasing organization stole the supplies from Shuo Ye City?
so slippery?
"There is a chance. If so, then this is the money to buy the store."

Nodding her head, Chu Yuan was not in a hurry to catch the Great Prophet of Shuoye City and the others. Now that she knew who it was, it would be a matter of time before she caught it.

But the store still has to buy it.

Although it was much more expensive, Chu Yuan was not short of that money.

Even, compared to the good news I got, the money was spent very comfortably.

If the Chasing Dream Organization is targeted by the Shuoye City lord, then in the days to come, Chu Yuan will receive more preferential treatment if she develops here.

If you can catch the Dream Chasing Organization, it will be more perfect!
Perhaps, those guys will be locked up in a prison until they die?

After some handover, Chu Yuan successfully completed the purchase of the store here. As for the next decoration, after going to Black Rock City, she will discuss it with Li Hongxiu before making a decision.

Now under Chu Yuan's command, the three shopkeepers are in charge of one type of store respectively, and these branch stores are also opened with those three stores as the main store.

The process is basically the same, but in detail, you still need to buy more NPC servants to help.

Otherwise, if Chu Yuan is alone, it will definitely be similar.

There is no other possibility!
There are thirteen cities, with Shuoye City as the center, surrounded by shops in twelve cities. If the Dream Chasing Organization wants to develop in this base camp, it is absolutely impossible!

As for why the Dream Chasing Organization offended the Lord of Shuoye City, Chu Yuan was not clear, but she had a feeling that those guys did not want to give up Shuoye City!
It is very possible that their purpose is even crazier than what Chu Yuan thought before.

Perhaps they wanted to kill the Shuoye City lord!

It is even possible that there is a force like the NPC behind Chu Yuan behind the Dream Chasing Organization.

Maybe it's a certain legion, maybe it's a certain prince!
Or maybe, something else...

From Ling Jueding's tasks, Chu Yuan confirmed one thing, that is, Ling Jueding's time as the city lord here in Shuoye City is running out, only two years left!

In other words, after two years, Ling Jueding will leave Shuo Ye City!
And Shuoye City will have a new city lord!

Two years, give the player two years of your time, it seems that it is not very difficult to surpass this level of NPC who is only level 70.

Perhaps, it is not impossible for the player to be the city lord.

In the eternal world, as long as one has enough strength, even the throne is not impossible to fight for!
Everything, players and NPCs, has equal rights!
NPCs can grab the player's tasks, and players can also grab the NPC's job!
Just like Chu Yuan, who was an outsider of the Purifier Legion, before this, no player had it at all, and the legion of the Great Xia Dynasty was all in charge of NPCs!

Just like the mission that Xia Mai Feichette gave Chu Yuan before, it was even an officer of the Independent Legion!

This is also the reason why Chu Yuan's attitude towards NPCs is generally very good. This attitude is the sympathy degree. If you have enough sympathy with these guys, you will gain a better advantage in doing tasks and so on!

Otherwise, why is Chu Yuan dangling around every day, but her level is always so much higher than other players?

If the favorability is high, if the strength is too weak, the NPC with a good relationship will definitely not be able to stand it, and try to help him improve his strength!

Remember that guy who was forced to do missions because of his high charisma?

(End of this chapter)

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