I can see hidden rewards

Chapter 228 With him here, this dungeon is stable!

Chapter 228 With him here, this dungeon is stable! (first update)
After going online again, Chu Yuan's figure appeared in the Beiyuan Teahouse in Black Rock City.

Beiyuan Tea House is Chu Yuan's fourth shop in Black Rock City. As for the function, it has not been clarified yet, and it is currently selling tea and the like.

The other point, of course, is as a safe zone for Chu Yuan and her when they go online and offline.

The store is the player's private territory, and the other few stores, because of too many things, do not have a suitable place to rest, but now, there is finally one.

The bed and so on were all bought by Yunxi, and Yunxi also completed it. It looks much better than Chu Yuan herself.

It's just a bit tangled. Yunxi likes pink, and many things here are arranged in pink.


After going online, the game went up to hug Chu Yuan immediately after seeing Chu Yuan's voice.

I won't see you for a while, but I will miss you too.

What's more, the two are now in the sweet love period, and it's normal to be a little sticky.

"It's going online very quickly today, isn't your brother at home?"

Some were surprised that Yunxi went online so fast, and Chu Yuan was also very surprised.

Usually before going online, Yunxi is always dragged by Yun Qingfeng to eat breakfast or something, trying to buy as much time as possible.

"Brother has something to go out today. It seems that Dad asked him to go back for something important. Isn't it surprising?"

Nodding her head, Chu Yuan was indeed surprised, but this situation is normal.

The recent changes in Black Rock City are so great, not to mention that Chu Yuan also rented two of the shops to Yun Qingfeng.

Among them, there are many interests involved.

Chu Yuan doesn't understand, but it doesn't mean that the established forces don't understand.

Being able to open a store so early in advance, although it cost a lot of money, compared to the benefits gained, it is already very good.

What's more, this is the beginning, and the main purpose is for fame.

However, Chu Yuan always had a strange feeling that Yun Qingfeng had some strange connection with Chu Yuan when she came home this time.

Inexplicably, there was a guilty sense of tension.

"It's a bit of an accident, but it's better for him to be busy, so as not to bother us every day."

Rubbing Yunxi's cheek affectionately, Chu Yuan and the two walked outside.

After arranging the matters of the store to Li Hongxiu, Chu Yuan was completely at ease. Arranging these matters was difficult for Chu Yuan, but for Li Hongxiu, this was his specialty.

It is not difficult to purchase suitable servants.

However, Li Hongxiu didn't make purchases here in Black Rock City, but spent a whole day taking the shopkeepers of the clothing store and medicine store to the thirteen cities, and chose the suitable branch shopkeepers in their respective places.

"Big news! Big news, a mysterious vortex was discovered in the wild boar forest in the north of the city, and it seems to be the entrance of the dungeon!"

As soon as she came out of the teahouse, Chu Yuan saw many players gathered there, but after getting closer, Chu Yuan heard such news!

That's right, it seems that I have been in Qiangu for so long, and I haven't encountered any dungeons.

Basically, besides killing monsters, it is to do tasks. It seems that dungeons are not bad.

However, as a game, it seems unreasonable not to have a copy!
Chu Yuan had also thought about this question before, and had even thought deeply about the word dungeon.

What is a copy?
If you understand it conventionally, it is probably a special small space with a special plot in it. If you clear the plot, you can get corresponding rewards or something.

And this plot can be played infinitely.Of course, there are some limitations.

However, in general, this dungeon is a place where repeated operations can be carried out continuously.

But, what exactly does copy mean?
At least, in the ages, Chu Yuan felt that it was impossible for the dungeon to appear so abruptly as before.

There must be some special way to incorporate it.

Even, Chu Yuan was very suspicious, how did the dungeon of this act appear?
"Let's go and have a look too. I haven't played a dungeon yet when I came to Qiangu."

Coming out of the crowd, Chu Yuan walked back to Yunxi's side.

It seems that the appearance of this dungeon has greatly increased the interest of the players!

"Well, do you have the medicine ready?"

Coming out of Black Rock City, Chu Yuan and the two wanted to fly in the direction of the wild boar forest.

Compared with the road in the sky, the players on the ground are obviously denser.

Even, players in many places have reached the point where they can be seen everywhere.

The wild boar forest is the area where the 28th-level monsters, the Scarlet Flame Demon Pigs, mainly gather. Of course, this is also an area where monsters coexist.

In addition to the level 28 Scarlet Flame Demon Pig, there are many other monsters, and even level 29 or even level 30 monsters can occasionally be encountered here.

Although very few.

Monsters of this level are not a threat to Chu Yuan. After all, Chu Yuan has killed many monsters above level 30.

Seen from the sky, the wild boar forest was not much different. However, as Kunpeng approached the ground and the direction where the players gathered, Chu Yuan quickly found the entrance to the dungeon.

That's a weird crack.

Floating in the air close to the ground, it seems that as long as you take a step forward, you can enter the crack.

It's amazing, it's obviously air, but there is a broken trace.

Even from this crack, one can feel a sense of fear called darkness.

As if, if you go in, you can't get out.

At this moment, there are already many players around this crack, but everyone is not in a hurry to enter, but carefully observes around this crack.

Although some players have said that this is a dungeon entrance, but before it is officially confirmed, it is easy to hang up if you enter rashly.

What's more, even if it is really a dungeon, someone has already entered in advance.

Compared to land reclamation, most three-player players prefer to clear the dungeon with greater confidence after getting accurate information.

In that way, the losses suffered will be minimized.

"Xiaoxiang Night Rain is coming!"

"With him here, this dungeon is stable."

"Mao, Xiaoxiang Yeyu's guy is very dark, who knows how much he can sell through this method."

"That's better than going in by ourselves. Those big guilds are not willing to sell the method. With Xiaoxiang Yeyu here, at least there is a way to get it."


Chu Yuan didn't pay attention to everyone's discussion, but his eyes were fixed on this crack.

This is indeed a dungeon entrance, and it is also a dungeon entrance that looks very good!

Even, when he saw the task panel above the entrance of this dungeon, Chu Yuan knew that he was sure of this dungeon!
After entering Qiangu for so long, although Chu Yuan has also made some suits for sale, they are all just equipment that look like suits in shape, and do not have real suit attributes.

It seems that that property doesn't exist.

But at this moment, after seeing the task reward at the entrance of this dungeon, Chu Yuan even felt a little hopeful in her heart.

For this reward, there is a complete set!


(End of this chapter)

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