The big demon Sun Wukong

Chapter 475 Lingwei Yang's Confidence

Chapter 475 Lingwei Yang's Confidence
As a man, he should gallop on the battlefield, stand shoulder to shoulder with Pao Ze, and kill the enemy in blood.

Feeling the powerful aura of the two fire phoenixes in the sky, Sun Wukong was full of pride in his heart. Once upon a time, he also had such a group of brothers in Huaguo Mountain, but he was the only one who dared to confront the heavens. people.Although Sun Wukong never mentioned it, the pain of fighting alone really exists.But now, facing an enemy countless times stronger than before, Monkey King is no longer fighting alone. Behind him, there are his comrades-in-arms and his comrades.

As the two fire phoenixes in mid-air were full of flames, Sun Wukong had turned over and jumped down, holding the golden cudgel in his hand, and killed Lingwei Yang.In fact, Monkey King now knows that the most correct choice is to open the Wan Yao Palace immediately, so that everyone in the Wan Yao Palace will be teleported to other places immediately.But such an approach would certainly be safe, but that's not what Monkey King needs, what he needs is a fight.

While falling down in mid-air, Monkey King was already looking for Xizhao among the crowd below, but he didn't find anything.Is the rhino photo not here?Why didn't he join the battle at such a critical moment?However, Sun Wukong didn't have much time for him to think about it. The whole person fell to the ground like a meteor. With the roar of the earth, Sun Wukong had already crashed to the ground.At the same time as he landed, Monkey King had already entered the state of a chaotic giant, with silver-white hair all over his body.

Moreover, although the bodhi wonderful tree in the body is missing, it has no effect on the body. After entering the chaotic giant transformation, the bodhi wonderful tree is also integrated into his flesh and blood at the same time, and this is not over yet. With one movement, he raised his right hand, and he spilled one hundred and eight grains of space sand, filling the entire battlefield.Immediately after raising his hand and pointing, the space was torn apart, and the nine magic skills of the Myriad Spirit Realm were the ninth decision, the nine were spirits, and the nine vajra apes appeared in the world.And when the nine vajra apes, the Chijiri horse monkey Wuzhiqi, appeared, Monkey King moved his hands again.

"Nine are decisive, eight is for destruction; nine is decisive, seven is for ban; nine is decisive, five is for defense; nine is decisive, four is for destruction; nine is decisive, one is for power! "After the appearance of the nine vajra apes, Sun Wukong added five in a row, eight for annihilation, seven for banning, five for defense, four for destruction, and one for aura.With the addition of five things, the Chijiri Horse Monkey Wuzhiqi at this moment has become stronger than ever before.Both attack and defense have reached a peak.

Wuzhi added to his body, and Wu Zhiqi also felt that he was stronger than ever at the moment. In mid-air, he suddenly beat his chest with both fists, roared to the sky, and then turned his body upside down, with his head down and his feet up, and his arms bent back.The whole person descended directly from the sky with an indomitable aura, and felt the crazily rising aura and deterrence of Wuzhiqi, all the people fighting below were all trembling, no one dared to challenge his edge, and they all retreated quickly. The place where the timeless Qi landed unexpectedly formed an open space.

However, Monkey King did not immediately participate in the battle. Looking at Wuzhiqi's soaring fighting spirit, Monkey King showed a smile, and then moved his hands in front of him again, and then the space fluctuated violently again. The Twelve Patriarchal Witches, come.The current Twelve Ancestral Witches are far from what they were in the Pangu Realm back then. Although all nine of them are at the peak level of the Nine Patterns Supreme, the combination of twelve people is definitely no less than the combination of six or seven world lords.The Twelve Ancestral Witches were originally the ancestors of the twelve races, and later they were refined by Tongtian with secret methods, and their strength was greatly increased. Each Ancestral Witch has its own unique ability. a happy event.

The balance, which was already seriously tilted, became more and more serious with the addition of the Twelve Ancestral Witches.After the Twelve Ancestral Witches joined the battle, Monkey King is still not finished.Turning around and facing Yin Shantong behind him, he suddenly shouted: "Yin Shantong, I will let you have a good time today." As soon as the words fell, Monkey King clapped his right hand in front of his chest, and then pulled it hard, and suddenly appeared on his chest. A ball of yellow light, and then Monkey King turned sideways and threw the ball of yellow light towards the empty space next to it.

I saw that yellow light rising against the storm, and when it hit the ground, it had already turned into a giant peak of thousands of feet. When the giant peak landed, a deafening roar sounded, and everyone present was shocked and inexplicable. It is even more shocking.When Yin Shantong saw this mountain peak, his eyes lit up, and he flew up on tiptoe, and directly sank into the mountain peak.This mountain is naturally the Zhenshiling Mountain transformed by Sun Wukong's barren earth tablet, and Sun Wukong can't think of anything more suitable for Yinshan than this Zhenshiling Mountain.

And Wu Ming watched Yin Shantong plunge into it excitedly, and couldn't help but whispered: "Fortunately, I made an early move, otherwise I really can't tell who Xiao Yin will fall in love with." Although Wu Ming's voice was low, Sun Wukong still Hearing that, he turned his head and looked at Wu Ming with a playful face. Wu Ming quickly smacked his mouth. Of course, the strength was at most a caress, and then he pulled Hei Kui, and the two rushed into the battle formation.

Wu Ming and Hei Kui had already made their move, so the Dragon King and Ming Tie Kuang naturally wouldn't just watch. The Golden Dragon Spear appeared in the Dragon King's hand, and with his feet exerting force, he also joined the battle group like a mad cow.But Mingtie shook his head wildly, but he rose directly into the sky. In this kind of melee, he can't exert much advantage, so it's better to assist Yin Shantong. With his spiritual power, Yin Shantong Absolutely outperforms.

Before Sun Wukong and others joined in, the battle between Wan Yao Kingdom and Canglan Water Realm in the ancient world was chaotic, but they were all fighting on their own, that is, Wan Yao Kingdom fought alone against two or three people.But when the reinforcements brought by Monkey King joined, it immediately turned into a melee. Among them, this was not intentional by Huang Quan and Fang Cun. In fact, it was more beneficial for them to fight alone, because of the huge gap in numbers, they could definitely do it. Four people beat up one.

It was precisely because of the fear of this situation that Ling Weiyang immediately ordered to shrink the defense line, and everyone gave up their opponents to fight together. In this way, 20 people faced 90 or 40 people. Although the gap was still obvious, because of the shrinking of their encirclement , so they only need to face the attack of [-] people at most at a time, and other people can't reach them at all, so they can persist for more time.

Yes, the people of the Wan Yao Kingdom are struggling to hold on. With such a huge gap in numbers, if they want to make a comeback, it will take a miracle.And what Sun Wukong has to do now is to let their miracle disappear before it even started.Therefore, seeing that the battle situation had stabilized, Monkey King immediately greeted Lao Sha, and the two of them flew into the air and flew towards the distance.Of course, Monkey King is not cowardly fighting, but lost the photo of looking for rhinoceros.

He guessed before that the trump card of Wan Yao Kingdom is likely to be the World Extermination Order in Xizhao's hand, but it turns out that Xizhao did not participate in the decisive battle just now, so it is conceivable that Xizhao must be summoning The world-destroyed hydra is gone.And just now, Monkey King and Lao Sha felt the aura from the Boundary Monument of Burning Fire No. [-] Town almost at the same time, so he took Lao Sha there immediately.Ling Weiyang, who was fighting below, naturally saw Sun Wukong and Lao Sha leave, but instead of being surprised, he showed a smile.

Until Sun Wukong and Lao Sha had disappeared from his sight, Ling Weiyang suddenly ordered this time: "Do it!" It was such a simple word to shout, but the effect of these two words was extremely powerful. The earth, the people who were besieging the Wan Yao Kingdom, immediately began to cause riots, and the source of the riots was that undercover agents appeared again among them.

The big man's plan once again surprised everyone by surprise. Among these four forces, the ancient world, the water world, the square inch spirit world, and the Pantheon, some of them died and resurrected, and some survived all the time. Among these people, As Ling Weiyang said those two words, sixteen or seventeen people immediately attacked, and the targets of their actions were all comrades-in-arms and companions who had handed over their backs to them.

Because these people knew that they were undercover agents, they always put themselves behind their companions without any trace during the war. Therefore, the next moment they attacked, more than ten people died immediately on the spot. Although the rest reacted quickly, they were all affected. A serious injury.

Among these undercover agents, there are those who are supremely powerful with nine patterns, and those who have always been unknown and mediocre. , it is the peak powerhouse of the Pantheon Nine Patterns Supreme, Fengxi.And, one blow is fatal!
(End of this chapter)

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