Chapter 476

Feng Xi couldn't believe it anyway, but his final fate turned out to be like this. He didn't die in the hands of the enemy, nor in the hands of fierce beasts, but in the hands of his closest relative, He Tu .This made Fengxi really restless, so when he turned his head with the last bit of strength and looked at the face that was so familiar but so strange at the moment, he had only one question in his heart, why.

And Hetu handed the long sword in his hand hard, and then the whole sword shattered, and with the shattering of the long sword in his hand, a big hole was directly blown out of Fengxi's chest under the violent explosion.As for He Tu, he immediately dropped the long sword in his hand, and at the same time, he became short, avoiding the long sword stabbed by someone behind him.Immediately afterwards, He Tu did not attack the people around him, but immediately turned into a white light, piercing behind everyone, and in the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in the encirclement of the people in Wan Yao Kingdom.

And those undercover agents of the Wan Yao Kingdom who made a sudden attack also rushed to the Wan Yao Kingdom at the first time. Of course, not everyone was so lucky. Yin Shantong, who was assimilated by Zhenshi Lingshan, was sent flying with two slaps, and at the same time as they flew out, the two fire phoenixes in mid-air swooped in, tearing the two of them to pieces in the blink of an eye.

But no matter what, Wan Yao Kingdom's action still caused considerable losses to the ancient world and the Canglan water world.This loss does not refer to the comrades who were attacked and died by these dozens of undercover agents. Although this is also a loss, the courage is even more serious. Quite a mess.Although a total of more than ten people revealed their identities just now and successfully attacked their companions, who can guarantee that these ten people are all of them?
All of a sudden, even the most trusted companions started to be wary of each other, and everyone had a tacit understanding and stopped the attack on the people of Wan Yao Kingdom. The encirclement of six to seventy people began to slowly expand, and everyone Start to keep a considerable distance from the people around you. This situation is not between a few people, but everyone.Especially Wu Ming and Hei Kui, who were originally in the form of beasts, they didn't trust these people from the bottom of their hearts, and Monkey King was not here, so all their actions were completely up to them.

Looking at the current situation, the superpowers of several forces all frowned.Lingwei admired his ingenuity, and it must be said that this move was really well played. Not only did he kill more than ten enemies, but it also made everyone on the other side suspect and fear each other, so they dared not join forces to attack. In this way, They can then get a respite for quite a while.

Under such circumstances, neither the Langxin swordsman nor Monkey King in the world of Huangquan is there, so the supreme command falls on Ming Wanjie, and the same is true for Fangcun Lingjie. Daozhun still does not know where he is hiding, so Fangcun The command of the spirit world falls on Ling Yi.Zhibei and Pojun of the Pantheon were holding Fengxi's body at the moment, looking quite lost, especially Zhibei, who knelt on the ground, looked up at the sky, two lines of tears were already all over his face .

Zhibei, the majestic oracle of the Pantheon Temple, has been plotted by Lingweiyang again and again. He was an undercover agent at the beginning, and the attack plan was leaked at the beginning. Later, part of his prophecy was taken away by Lingweiyang. He put it on his back, and since Hetu is from the Wan Yao Kingdom, the news he brought is obviously a trap of the Wan Yao Kingdom, so now everyone seems to have the upper hand, but in fact, they should have fallen into a trap. In the desperate situation, they just don't know it.

As for You Yu from the Canglan Water Realm and the Spirit Devouring Monk from the Great Desolate Ancient Realm, they both frowned, looked at each other, and then turned their gazes to Ming Wanjie and Ling Yi.Before Ling could open his mouth, Ming Wanjie had already stepped forward and shouted loudly: "I am Ming Wanjie in the world of Huangquan, I believe in the brother behind me!" After speaking, Ming Wanjie suddenly closed his eyes and sat cross-legged at the same time When he landed on the ground, his hands kept changing various strange spells on his chest. As his hands fluttered up and down like butterflies wearing flowers, the space in front of him suddenly split open, and the crack gradually expanded to both sides. and go.

Just when everyone was surprised, a majestic but spooky palace slowly floated out of the crack.The palace is three stories high, the top floor is slightly smaller than the lower two floors, and the third palace as a whole looks like the head of an evil spirit.The whole palace is magnificent and majestic, but the next moment everyone sees this palace, they can't help shivering.

The underworld is underworld, the city lord of the inner city of the underworld, the strongest under the world lord and guardian, at this moment he finally plans to make a move with all his strength, and once he makes a move, it is his famous powerful move in the three worlds, the underworld descends.Seeing that Ming Wanjie planned to fight against everyone in the entire Wan Yao Kingdom alone, everyone couldn't help but hesitate a little.Looking at each other's comrades-in-arms, and at the brother who was already standing in the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom's camp, everyone was at a loss as to what to do.He wants to fight, but he is worried that someone behind him will also stab him, but he doesn't fight, looking at the former brother who betrayed him, his teeth itch with hatred.

But not everyone is so hesitant. Among them, Du Tianyang, Shang Sheng, and Zhan Yunyi from the Underworld World, Ling Yi from the square-inch spiritual world, Xuanling Laodao, the spirit-eating monk from the prehistoric ancient world, Yufan Taoist monk, Cang Youyu from Lanshui Realm, Tear Ye and Liangji, the superpowers of these various forces all stepped forward at the same time, slashed behind Ming Wanjie, and all stretched out a hand to press Ming Wanjie. behind the robbery.

Although they are also worried about whether these people behind them will play tricks on their backs, but the current situation cannot help them hesitate, otherwise once people's hearts are scattered, they will be timid before fighting. People will all end up fighting on their own, and advantages will turn into disadvantages in an instant, and it will be fatal.

Following the huge energy transmitted from the palms of Ming Wanjie's back pressed by the super powerhouses of various forces, Ming Wanjie laughed wildly, and at the same time he slapped his right hand in the air, and the Hades, which had already appeared halfway, suddenly moved forward Chong, and then the space crack disappeared, and Hades sat in the center of the people of Wan Yao Kingdom and Ming Wanjie.

"All ghosts walk, all living beings are exhausted, once the underworld comes out, all living beings will be afraid." A sentence that seemed to be a mantra was uttered in Ming Wanjie's mouth, and then three rays of light suddenly lit up in the three-story palace of the underworld, The first layer is blue light, the second layer is black light, and the third layer is white light.Among the three kinds of light, the blue light on the first floor suddenly starts to shine, and at the same time, the gate of your palace on the first floor suddenly opens by itself, and then you see ghost soldiers and generals in bright armor rushing through the gate. out.

Seeing this scene, Ling Wei of Wan Yao Kingdom looked up a little ugly, and then shouted: "Everyone, attack that palace with all your strength, we can't let those ghost army and ghost generals continue to come out!" Those ghosts who came out of the palace on the first floor Army ghost generals, all of them only have the cultivation level of the eight-patterned supreme. It stands to reason that all the people in Wanyao Kingdom are the strongmen of the nine-patterned supreme level, and there are even two strongmen of the world master level. They want to destroy these eight-patterned ghosts The army is easy, but Ling Weiyang knows that the ghost army gushing out of the underworld is endless and cannot be killed at all, so the only way to stop the ghost army is to destroy the underworld.

Of course, it may be more straightforward to kill Ming Wanjie, but the many superpowers behind him will not let him succeed easily.Moreover, Ling Weiyang's task is not to kill the enemy in front of him, his only purpose is to delay.Another quarter of an hour, as long as you persist for another quarter of an hour, Xizhao's side can be settled, and it will be time to sit back and enjoy the victory.

At this time, the three-headed chimpanzees who were lurking around the Wan Yao Palace had already gathered an army of [-] beasts. They also encountered their own enemies, the Underworld Army.

Moreover, the Underworld Army is not simply a few thousand people, but a full 4 people.The leaders were Qian Yuye and Ming Lie Kuang.So far, Lingweiyang's methods have been fully revealed.

First, he ordered people to use the information provided by Xizhao to sneak attack the Pantheon in advance and take the opportunity to seriously injure Hetu, and take him away if possible.But at that time, Huang Quan and Fang Cun's reinforcements were too fast. They only severely damaged the Pantheon and failed to take Hetu away.Later, when the coalition forces gathered and attacked Mieshigong, they sent a team of super strong men to kill everyone in Pantheon and took Hetu away.Then, the original plan of Lingwei Yang was to let Bai Yi or Li use the reverse method to occupy Hetu's body, but Bai Zhaoju was injured by Monkey King, and his promoted head was brought back by Lingwei Yang, so Lingwei Yang let Bai He also invaded the soul of Bai Zhaoju into Hetu's body, and Hetu's soul became the nourishment of Bai Zhaoju.

Of course, Bai also couldn't do it, so he used the Burning Fire No. [-] in Xizhao's hand to directly destroy Hetu's soul.It can be said that the current Hetu is actually a refusal in vain, and he also successfully used the identity of Hetu to lure Huangquan Fangcunye to attack the fake Wanyao Palace, and at the same time let Lingwei Yang lead people to ambush the Canglan Water Realm and the Great Desolation Ancient Realm .

It's just that Ling Weiyang didn't expect that the unicorn Zijinhuo he left behind in the fake Wanyao Palace not only did not cause casualties to the people in Huangquan, but instead made a wedding dress for Yanshen.Moreover, there are people in the ancient world who can use the heaven-defying ability of the great resurrection technique, so when the seven or 80 people from the ancient world, the Canglan water world and the pantheon appeared, Ling Weiyang was really taken aback.Then, as a last resort, a backup plan was activated.

Yu Xizhao used the World Destroyer Order to awaken the Super World Destroyer Hydra underground in the Sky Patrol World.

(End of this chapter)

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