Chapter 477 World Destroyer Hydra Wake Up
In fact, according to the original plan of Lingweiyang and Xizhao, Xizhao would not reveal his identity so early, because although what Xizhao did would make people in the world of Huangquan suspicious, but without evidence, they can only be Suspicion, a lurking undercover is far more terrifying than a clear enemy.Moreover, the original plan was that Xizhao would suddenly turn against the water at the critical moment of the final decisive battle like He Tu, which would definitely have a considerable effect, and as long as there was a quarrel, it would not be impossible for Huang Quan and those allied forces to fight among themselves. possible.

However, when the Tianbei of the Mieshi Demon Kingdom blew itself up, the Mieshi Hydra at the center of the Sky Patrol Realm was affected and a part of the snake's body popped out of the ground to feel the scattered destructive force. At that time, Xi Zhao He felt the aura of the World-Destroying Hydra immediately, and informed Lingweiyang to change his plan, and Xizhao told Monkey King everything before leaving.As for why Xizhao told Monkey King everything, I am afraid that only Xizhao himself knows.

If Xizhao wants to awaken the huge sleeping super Hydra in the Sky Patrol Realm through the Mieshi Ling, it will not be easy, although the Mieshi Ling itself has the ability to summon the Hydra and take it for his own use However, this one in the sky surveying world is too big, so big that Xizhao is not sure that it can control it, but what Xizhao wants is not complete control, as long as it can guide it to kill the group of people in the underworld world. up.However, to awaken the World-Destroying Hydra, a very cumbersome ceremony must be carried out, and this is why Xi Zhao will prepare it in a place far away from the Wan Yao Palace.

However, Xizhao is a hundred secrets and one sparse after all. In order to save the time required for the summoning ceremony, he used the spiritual power of the huge fire element in Fenhuo No. [-]. Fire, in a sense, also represents destruction.Moreover, Xizhao also stimulated a trace of the original fire as a bait, which would make the Hydra wake up faster.But in doing so, he also exposed his position to the perception of Monkey King and Sha Wujing.Therefore, after they felt the existence of Burning Fire No. [-], they immediately flew to the place in that perception with all their strength.

In about half a quarter of an hour, Monkey King and Lao Sha had already seen the Burning Fire No. [-] floating in mid-air, burning with fiery flames.And directly below the Burning Fire No. [-], Xizhao was sitting cross-legged, and under him was a huge pattern with a diameter of more than ten meters. Various mysterious symbols in the pattern were intricate, and one glance would make people Feel dizzy.But at this moment Sun Wukong's Fire Eye of Heaven and Earth has already been opened, so he can see much more than Lao Sha.

In Sun Wukong's eyes, he saw streams of pure fire-attribute spiritual power pouring into Xizhao's body in the Boundary Monument of Burning Fire No. Among the huge complex patterns.That pattern will gather all the destructive power at one point and spread it deep underground.

Xizhao sensed Monkey King's arrival immediately.Opening his eyes, looking at Monkey King in front of him, Xi Zhao couldn't help showing a wry smile, and said in a slightly hoarse voice: "Wu Kong, it seems that we are destined to fight each other? To be honest, I really don't want to be your enemy!" Monkey King He didn't act immediately, but said with a sad expression: "The last time we parted, the brotherhood between you and me is over. A man was born in this world, so he has nothing to do. It is inevitable to fight with you."

"Monkey King, don't you want to know why I did this?" Xi Zhao stared at Monkey King and said loudly.Sun Wukong lowered his head, looked at his feet, and said: "I already know, I already know everything about you. After you left that day, I talked with Mo Wu Mo Itachi, and they told me everything, about Your ambition, your death!" Xi Zhao was a little dazed, but he quickly realized it, and in his eyes, there was a more crazy look.

"Since you already know, why do you still want to stop me and even be my enemy? Are you willing to let those people always be on top? Why do they do this? What right do they have to do this? This universe They were not created by them, and they are not the masters of this universe, so what right do they have to restrict us? To put it bluntly, they are just the watchdogs of the pioneers and Hades. If the master is not around, it is their turn to be arrogant Already!"

Sun Wukong did not refute what Xizhao said, but nodded and said: "I agree with what you said. I used to have exactly the same thoughts as you. At that time, I was arrogant and unruly. If the sky oppressed me, then I It breaks the sky, if the Buddha stops me, then I will destroy the Buddha. I firmly believe that I was born free, so I have been resisting since I was born. But in the end? What did I get in the end? I didn’t get anything, but instead Lost a lot. Xizhao, let me tell you, some rules can be broken, but there are still some rules, you can only obey."

Xizhao listened to Sun Wukong's words, but raised his head and laughed wildly: "Sun Wukong, Sun Wukong, do you remember your name? Have you forgotten who you are? What about your previous courage? What about your previous arrogance? Sun Wukong, now you are just a toothless tiger, no, it should be said that you are scared of being beaten, a dog!" As he said, the madness in Xizhao's eyes was filled with grief, why is he grieving?Is it Sun Wukong?Is it because of Monkey King's smoothed edges and corners?

Sun Wukong was not angry, he smiled and said: "Someone said this to me before, and I was very angry at that time, wishing to tear that person into pieces. But now I won't be angry, because what you said is very Yes, I don’t have that courage anymore, because I’m really afraid. I’m too afraid of losing, so I won’t break those rules anymore. As long as I keep myself safe, the people around me won’t die. So , Xizhao, your thoughts and your existence are too dangerous, if you continue to live, you will kill many, many people!"

When Sun Wukong said this, he lowered his head.Therefore, Xizhao couldn't see the expression on Sun Wukong's face at the moment, but Lao Sha, who was standing beside Sun Wukong, could see it clearly. He seemed to be crying when he saw his senior brother.Xizhao smiled, and there was bitterness, anger, sadness and persistence in that smile. "Sun Wukong, let me tell you, I am also afraid of losing, so I want to become the strongest, and I want to destroy those who can make me lose something. And, after I died, I suddenly wanted to understand a truth, if I have nothing, so I will have nothing to lose. However, I still want to kill those eight people, and then break through to a stronger realm."

"Xizhao, you are wrong. All your thoughts come from your selfishness and your desire for strength. I have heard enough of your words, so I will not talk nonsense with you anymore!" In a word, Sun Wukong yelled out.And he raised his head suddenly, and at the moment he raised his head, his expression and eyes were all firmer than ever before.And Lao Sha on the side didn't care about right and wrong at all, what he had to do was to listen to his elder brother, whoever his elder brother asked him to kill, he would kill whoever, even if it cost his own life.

"Sun Wukong, you are far behind Lingweiyang. Do you know why I joined forces with Lingweiyang? Because our ideas coincide with each other!" After finishing speaking, a smile finally appeared on the corner of Xizhao's mouth. "Sun Wukong, actually, I don't want to talk nonsense with you, because now I already know the difference between us. But why are you talking so much? Because I need to buy some time, now, the time is up!"

After finishing speaking, Xizhao slapped the ground with both hands suddenly, and the whole person jumped up, and flew back quickly at the same time.And Sun Wukong also immediately pulled Lao Sha back and pushed him away.Just when the three of them retreated a distance of more than a thousand meters, several huge gaps suddenly opened up on the place where Xi Zhao was sitting cross-legged, that is, the ground was covered with complex patterns.Immediately afterwards, the ground collapsed suddenly, and the collapse spread to the surroundings at a rapid speed.

Sun Wukong, Laosha and Xizhao retreated again, this time more than [-] meters away, and just after they stopped, a ferocious snake head suddenly came out of the big hole formed by the collapse, and soared upwards.

At the same time, an extremely terrifying and destructive aura radiated from the snake's head.

Xizhao finally awakened the Super Hydra, although there was only one of them.

(End of this chapter)

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