allow you to be presumptuous

193 Chapter 1 There is a tacit understanding [-]

193 Chapter 1 There is a tacit understanding [-]
At this time, Dongfang Boyu answered the words very naturally, "I will treat Xiaoyan well." Dongfang Boyu said with a slight smile, looking at Yun Zongqiang, "I will not let her be wronged."

Mrs. Yun opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but couldn't utter a single word.

Things were going so retrograde that she couldn't keep up with the pace, what was going on?

However, when she looked at Yunyan, Yunyan only put on a shy expression, and was still muttering something to herself, she was really sorry for making everyone so surprised.

Yun Zongqiang finally said, "Eat first, we will talk about this later."

Obviously, no matter how calm he was, he couldn't suddenly talk about his daughter's engagement to Dongfang Boyu. "

He was one of the 1 people who disagreed with Yunyan's relationship with the Dongfang family.

And Yunyan also promised him that he would not have anything to do with the Dongfang family.

Is it because of... being investigated?
He also knew that the situation was serious, but if it was because of this reason, he really couldn't agree.

Is marriage a child's play?She has been hurt once and is engaged again, so how can she be so casual.

Everyone ate their meals obediently. The servant had already cleaned up the bowls and rice grains that fell on the ground just now, and replaced her with a new bowl.

However, she couldn't even eat a single grain of rice, she just grabbed the chopsticks, and when she was almost finished eating, she finally said, "Then what about Qin Bai?"

"..." The atmosphere at the dining table suddenly became a little weird.

Yun Yan frowned, why did she mention Qin Bai for no reason?
Dongfang Boyu, on the other hand, looked at Yunyu slightly, but saw Yunyu looking at him calmly, "Mr. Dongfang is a third party intervening between Xiaoyan and Qin Bai? Of course, Qin Bai is compared with your wealth." , a fool will choose you."

After Yunyu finished speaking, she looked at Yunyan again, "What do you think, Xiaoyan?"

Yun Yan roughly understood her purpose, is this called splashing dirty water?

And she also acted so innocent, it sounded like she was a high climber who dumped Qin Bai.

Yunyan picked up a vegetable and chewed it in her mouth. She was not in a hurry to answer Yunyu's ridiculous question.

Swallowing the vegetables in her mouth, she thoughtfully put a piece of ribs in Dongfang Boyu's bowl, then put down the chopsticks with a smile, and looked innocently at Yunyu, "Sister Yunyu, what are you talking about?"

Yunyu looked at her seriously, "You are with Qin Bai, aren't you? Although you have not disclosed your relationship with Qin Bai, you were still with Qin Bai a second ago, but now you are saying that you want to get engaged to Dongfang first, Xiao Yan, are you playing house?"

"Who said I was with Qin Bai?" It was so funny, she didn't know it herself, but Yun Yu insisted that she was with Qin Bai.

"If we weren't together, why did he walk out of your hotel room that day? You..." She paused and kept her mouth shut, but such a concealed look made people even more curious.

Yun Zongqiang's face darkened slightly, "Yunyu, what are you talking about?"

"Uncle, I just saw it by accident that day. I knew I shouldn't say this, but..." She looked at Dongfang Boyu, "Mr. Dongfang also has the right to know. It's better to discuss things in a meeting. After all, everyone They are all adults, and although they had some private lives before, it’s nothing to talk about.”

Is she implying that Yunyan's private life is indiscreet?

(End of this chapter)

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