allow you to be presumptuous

194 Chapter 2 There is a tacit understanding [-]

194 Chapter 2 There is a tacit understanding [-]
This dirty water is really...disgusting.

In order to prevent her from getting engaged to Dongfang Boyu, didn't she even pretend to be cute?Yunyan looked at her slightly ironically.

Yunyu used to pretend to be in front of Yun Zongqiang, but now she is eager to destroy it, so she doesn't even pretend?
"I don't mind." While everyone was thinking about how to restore Yunyan's reputation, Dongfang Boyu happily swallowed her spare ribs and looked at her affectionately, " How about Xiaoyan, I like it."

 Yun Yan had to say that she was covered in goosebumps from what he said.

It's really disgusting...

The point is, how could he speak so naturally?
But what she had to do was look moved, and look back at her affectionately.

At this time, silence is better than sound, Dongfang Boyu smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and touched her hand, "Xiaoyan is very good. It is normal for many people to like it."

"..." Why did he say that?
"But they are not as good as me, so Xiaoyan will choose me in the end, isn't it?" He looked at the crowd with a smile, Yun Zongqiang chuckled, and Mrs. Yun also smirked.

Only Yun Yu's face was expressionless.Why did things develop in a direction that was not what she imagined?

Shouldn't Dongfang Boyu be furious and leave the table?

How come it looks like this affectionate picture now?
Does he not mind Yunyan's 'private life' at all?
She was about to say something, but Dongfang Boyu had already looked at her with warning eyes, "Miss Yunyu, please don't say that about my Xiaoyan in the future, or... I will be angry."

Very domineering, isn't it?Very deterrent, isn't it?
My Xiaoyan... This intimate tone, if the person involved Yunyan knew that she and him hadn't really developed any earth-shattering, ghost-moving relationship, it would really be misleading as if she had been in love with him for a long time.

Yunyu looked at Dongfang Boyu with a stiff expression.

The corner of his mouth was slightly raised, but his eyes flashed a sharp look at her.

To prove that he was not joking, nor was it a passing interest.

Yun Yu smiled cleverly, "What did Mr. Dongfang say? Yun Yan and I are sisters, so I will definitely not say these things to the outside world..."

"Not even internally." Dongfang Boyu interrupted her, "From now on, you are not allowed to say a word. Her ex-fiancé, her elite boyfriend..." Dongfang Boyu looked at Yun Yan, "I am very jealous. The big one."

Hell, he was really good at acting, Yun Yan was so stunned from beginning to end that he could only smile.

After dinner, except for the little episode of Yunyu, the meal was pretty good.

After the meal, Dongfang Boyu and Yun Zongqiang went into the study room to have a secret chat again. Regarding the hasty matter of engagement, as a father, Yun Zongqiang would of course have to carefully ask about it.

After dinner, Yunyan walked to the small garden with a cup of honey tea and sat down.

She was not afraid that Dongfang Boyu would not be able to 'convince' her father to agree, but she was just guessing what kind of excuse he would use to convince her father.

 After all, she had sworn before that she had no interest in Dongfang Boyu and would not mess with Dongfang's family, but now she suddenly said that she wanted to get engaged, which is more shocking than wanting to date Dongfang Boyu, isn't it?

There was a dim light in the small garden, and Yun Yan was sitting in the rocking chair, shaking her body.

(End of this chapter)

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