allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 443 Someone Wants To See You

Chapter 443 Someone Wants To See You

Qin Bai chuckled bitterly, "You know I don't want your thanks."

"But you always have to say thank you, otherwise I don't know what else I can give you in return." Yun Yan rubbed her belly with her hands, "I'm also happy for my little baby, who is so painful to have a godfather before he was born he."

Qin Bai was speechless, looking at her dumbfounded.In fact, he was nice to her only because of her, was he just a child? He really cared because he was her child.

Probably this is Aiwujiwu.

It's just that he still didn't say this in the end, the two chatted for a while, and Yun Yan left the western restaurant.

Qin Bai will help her in the next matter, and her uneasy heart is also a little bit at ease.

Because she came out during the lunch break, she still felt quite sleepy when she went back, but at this time, it was time to get off work and go to work.

Passing the secretary's room, she asked the secretary about her work schedule in the afternoon. She heard that a gentleman surnamed Pei had dated her for a long time, and she postponed her meeting with him last time.

The first Yun Yan thought of was Pei Zishuo, but then she thought it should be Pei Ziming, she nodded, "Then arrange a time for him tomorrow morning, and cancel all the unimportant things this afternoon."

After she finished speaking, she yawned, feeling sleepy.

This kind of pregnancy sleepiness is something she has nothing to fight against. For the sake of the child's health, she can't even drink coffee or tea to refresh herself.

Because pregnant women avoid these mouths, she can only drink milk, and then work sleepily while yawning.

In the end, she couldn't take it any longer, so she lay down on the table and squinted for a while, but she didn't expect that an hour would pass after that. If the secretary hadn't come in to wake her up, she would probably continue to sleep.

"Chairman, a lady named Guan Yan said she is your friend, and she will be arguing to see you." The secretary didn't want to make a fuss about such a trivial matter, but that Miss Guan Yan is really too troublesome. Yes, and she promised that she is Yunyan's friend.

Yun Yan just woke up, her head was still a little dizzy, when she heard the name Guan Yan, she was stunned for a while before realizing that it was Qin Bai's cousin, she nodded, "Let her come up."

Guan Yan was wearing a patterned tank top, paired with short jeans, and her hair was tied into a ponytail. She looked youthful.

There was still a big sunglasses on her face, she took off the sunglasses as soon as she entered the office, looked at Yun Yan and said with a smile, "Yun Yan, you didn't expect that I would come to you, did you?"

Yun Yan smiled naturally, "I really didn't expect that." She walked out from the desk, and then invited Guan Yan to sit on the sofa, "How do you know I'm here?"

Guan Yan made a cute expression, "My brother told me."

"Qin Bai?"

"Hmm. Your office is really impressive. I heard that you are the chairman?" Guan Yan's eyes were full of curiosity. She really didn't expect Yunyan to be the chairman at such a young age.

Yun Yan chuckled twice, "I'll ask the secretary to bring in what I want to drink."

"Is there any orange juice?" Guan Yan looked around the office, and finally fixed her gaze on Yun Yan.

Yun Yan smiled, walked back to the desk, dialed the inside line to ask the secretary to bring in orange juice, she really didn't expect Guan Yan to come to her, even though she and Guan Yan only met at the airport.

 But sometimes friendship is such a strange thing, some people can be friends for life after meeting once.

(End of this chapter)

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