allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 444 Just a good friend

Chapter 444 Just a good friend

And some people don't close their eyes, and when they meet several times, they stay at the point of smiling and nodding at most.

She didn't meet Guan Yan very often, but the two of them stayed together for a long time on the plane back from the UK last time, and at that time, she probably was really in a mess, looking very miserable, Guan Yan also said a lot words of comfort to her.

In the end, she told some jokes to ease her mood. She felt that Guan Yan was a very good girl.

"Well, I'm actually here to find you." Guan Yan sat down, looked at Yun Yan with a serious face, "Does my brother like you?"

"..." Yun Yan was drinking the milk in the cup, when she heard Guan Yan's sudden words, she choked so much that she almost spit out the milk in her mouth.

She looked at Guan Yan and blinked, "What?"

"Really?" Guan Yan also blinked her eyes like her, "If it is, then it is not."

"..." Cousin, that is the child born to Qin Bai's mother's brothers and sisters, um, is Guan Yan asking this question on behalf of Qin Bai's mother?
Before Yun Yan could think about it, Guan Yan had already said, "I'll tell you the truth, my aunt is so anxious about my cousin's lifelong event that her hair turns gray."

It really is so...

Yun Yan laughed dryly twice, then sat upright, and said seriously, "Qin Bai and I are... very good friends."

"Really?" Guan Yan showed an expression of obvious disbelief. Seeing Yun Yan nodding heavily, she also sighed, "It seems that my brother has a crush on you? Has he ever confessed his love to you?"

Yun Yan looked at her speechlessly, "Guan Yan..." Why is this girl's eyes so sharp? The only time she met Qin Bai was at the airport, okay?
"That's right. Last time you cried so sadly on the plane, you must have lost your love. Doesn't my brother have a chance?" She suddenly said shocking words, and Yun Yan felt that she couldn't keep up with her footsteps.

"I'm serious, you are a good match with my brother, and your family background is similar, and my brother likes you so much, you will not be wronged if you marry him. Most importantly, my aunt is a very gentle and typical Woman, if you marry into his family, there will be absolutely no problems with the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law." Guan Yan said it like a matchmaker.

Yun Yan couldn't get in a word, so she could only look at Guan Yan with a smile, listen to the girl finish speaking, and then think about how to answer.

Guan Yan praised Qin Bai for a long time, and then looked at Yun Yan and said, "What, think about it? Otherwise, my brother is so pitiful, he will start to be arranged for blind dates."

"Blind date?" Yun Yan was really taken aback by this, and then laughed out loud, "But Qin Bai is so good, there must be many women who have taken a fancy to him."

"I didn't see anyone, but I just saw a photo, and there are already many people queuing up." Guan Yan said exaggeratedly, and she was a little annoyed when she heard Yun Yan say this so heartlessly, "Are you really hopeless?"

Yun Yan smiled and shook her head, "We are just good friends."


american oriental home

European-style long tables, the whole family sat together for dinner.

Dongfang Boyu didn't eat rice tonight, he just ate a steak, but he only ate half of this steak and couldn't eat it anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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