Chapter 446

After saying that, he shrugged his shoulders pretending to be relaxed, "I probably won't get married. It's just an engagement, and there's no need to be so high-profile. Just hold an engagement ceremony, and the people who should participate will be fine. As for the media... ...well, I'll leave that to someone else."

Listen, it's as if he's talking about something that's not about himself, let alone something as big as a lifetime event.

Dongfang Yun grabbed his wife's shoulders and said, "He knows what he's doing."

But Xu Qingyou shook off his hand and stared at him angrily, "Do you also support his impulsive approach? Mingming and Yunyan... even if they broke up, can they just find a girl to get engaged to? ?” This is a kind of harm to everyone, isn’t it?
"Mom, Yunyan is not my first girlfriend. Of course, it is not impossible to break up." Dongfang Boyu put on a relaxed smile, "Although I like her quite a lot, I don't have to have her. Anyway I can't live without her."

"That sounds nice, but what's the matter with you not knowing the taste of your food?" It was Dongfang Shihua who said this, and she really couldn't stand Dongfang Boyu's pretending to be okay.

Dongfang Boyu raised his eyebrows, "There needs to be a transition period, didn't you say that the best way to forget your ex is to find a new love?!" He laughed indifferently, and then didn't want to say anything more, just told the butler to arrange the wedding thing.

Of course, it's not the same way as last time. It can be said that the new engagement ceremony can't be simpler.


Cui Yuanhui, who was in city A, couldn't recover when she received the shocking news.

Even when she was filming commercials, she was NGed several times, because the expression on her face and words were far from what the director asked for.

Cui Yuanhui apologized to the director, and then the director called for a 10-minute break, she went directly to the rest chair and sat down, took out her mobile phone and looked at it again and again.

The message is still there, the same message.

However, the number on the message is not stored, it is completely digital.

However, it was shown that it was from the United States, combined with the above information, she didn't know if it was a prank or it was real.

He said: We will get engaged in ten days - Dongfang Boyu.

She patted her face, knowing if she was dreaming, but she really didn't know what it meant.

After hesitating for a long time, she decided to call back the number. When the voice that she could never forget came to her ear, she could preliminarily confirm that it was indeed his own mobile phone.

"Mr. Dongfang?" Cui Yuanhui's voice was very soft.

Dongfang Boyu on the other end of the phone just hummed, and didn't intend to talk nonsense.

"Did you send the wrong message?" She reminded him tactfully, "I just received a message about, uh... our engagement."

"There is no mistake in sending it." Dongfang Boyu said with prudence, that is to say, he sent it to her, and it was sent by himself.

Cui Yuanhui was stunned, "But why?"

Why suddenly get engaged to her?Last time, she heard that he was going to be engaged to Yun's daughter, and they were well matched.

(End of this chapter)

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