allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 447 How dare you offend him

Chapter 447 How dare you offend him

And he hasn't looked for her for a long time, and even when she called, it was his bodyguard who told her tactfully that she could just be herself in the future.

She thought that the relationship between her and him was a thing of the past, and she also thanked this proud man from the bottom of her heart for the resources that made her a first-line red star.

But, just so suddenly, suddenly sent a message to her saying, engagement...

She really couldn't react.The number of times she has met him can be counted on the fingers, and she doesn't even know what he likes or engaged?how can that be possible?
"You come to America tomorrow." Dongfang Boyu didn't care if she was surprised or not, he just informed her instead of asking for her opinion.

Whether she will or not is not important to him at all, because the result is the same.

Cui Yuanhui was left speechless by his young master's temper, and finally had to say, "I have a commercial to shoot tomorrow..."

"Miss Cui, have you forgotten our initial verbal agreement?" Dongfang Boyu's cold voice sounded, with obvious impatience in his tone, "If Miss Cui feels that being a first-tier actress is more uncomfortable than being a third-tier actress, you can Return to the third line at any time."

"..." This is Hong Guoguo's threat.

Cui Yuanhui immediately laughed and said, "Mr. Dongfang is joking, I will fly to the United States tomorrow, and the first flight will fly there."

"Crack." Dongfang Boyu had already hung up the phone.

Cui Yuanhui stared at the phone and rolled her eyes speechlessly, not knowing what Dongfang Boyu was planning.

It's just that he wants her to go to the United States, and she really has to go.He can easily lift her up, and of course he can easily step on her.

In other words, she has been popular for so long, and she has never seen him taking advantage of her. Sometimes she wonders if he fell in love with her, and then love is hard to say?

But after thinking about it, I think this kind of plot will only appear in idol dramas, in reality...

It is common for rich businessmen to play with actresses and adopt actresses.Or a young actress who fell in love with a rich man, a rich old man.

The financial backer behind her is Dongfang Boyu, and it sounds like others are much better than others.

However, she never thought that he would suddenly want to be engaged to her.Of course, she wouldn't be so naive as to think that he wanted her to be engaged to get married.

The only possibility is that she is probably going to be used by him for something.

No matter how much she thought about it, she couldn't think of Dongfang Boyu's ultimate goal. Cui Yuanhui suddenly remembered that she had seen a gossip magazine saying that she was going to be engaged to Dongfang Boyu, and she also said that she was true love.

This news can't be written by him on purpose, right?

Otherwise, why even the gossip magazines knew that he and her were getting engaged, but she herself only found out now?


Yun Yan gave only 15 minutes to meet Pei Ziming, and she wasn't very interested in knowing about Pei Zishuo's younger brother, but she wanted to know if the price he was going to offer was really what he said that day.

Because of her, she really needs that sum of money now.

Pei Ziming was still as sincere as that day.Sincerity is also full.

Then, the content of the conversation that would have taken 15 minutes, with his sincerity, reached an agreement in less than 10 minutes.

Although Yun Yan had already made a decision in her heart, she still procrastinated and looked at Pei Ziming, "Are you planning to take over the Pei family's company?"

(End of this chapter)

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