Chapter 451
"Dad." Yun Yan hesitated for a long time, but she mustered up her courage to say, "What do you think of Yun Yu?"

She knew that her father had always favored Yun Yu because of guilt, because his life was bought by Yun Yu's father's death.

Yun Zongqiang was very aware of the discrepancy between his daughter and Yun Yu. Hearing her sudden question, he looked at her worriedly, "Is Yun Yu embarrassing you again in the company?"

To be honest, his daughter's work ability is indeed not as good as Yunyu's, but he has seen Yunyan's hard work.

Before Yunyan could speak, Mrs. Yun spoke first from the side, "Is it because your father is not in charge of the company, and she is uniting with those shareholders to run against you? Yunyan, don't be afraid, you are the chairman now, you can find an excuse to kill her Once it’s fried, it’s over.”

Look, even her mother doesn't want to play nice anymore.

The son is gone, and the only baby girl left is still being bullied?What is this?
Yun Yan hurriedly interjected, "Mom, that's not the case."

"After Dad's accident, I became the chairman of the board. Those elders refused to accept me because of my age and seniority. On the contrary, Yun Yu stood on the same side as me." Yun Yan was speaking from the facts. She looked at Yun Zongqiang, "Dad , maybe you are right, the blood of the Yun family is flowing, we are relatives after all, cousins ​​of the same grandfather."

Personal discord should be put aside before business affairs.

Yun Zongqiang was very satisfied with his daughter's change, so he nodded, "Yun Yu is very capable at work." This is also his sincere evaluation.

"Then how about handing over the company to her?" Yun Yan stared into his eyes and said seriously in a slow tone.

There was only the sound of the wind blowing beside her, and Mrs. Yun even thought she had heard it wrong.

She looked at Yunyan, "Xiaoyan, what are you talking about?" Let Yunyu manage the company?How could this be? ! !

Yun Zongqiang was slightly surprised and didn't express his opinion afterward. He just looked at Yunyan and questioned, "Let Yunyu manage it? Xiaoyan, don't you want to manage it?"

Yunyan twitched the corners of her mouth, "Dad, actually, I have thought about finding a professional management team to manage the company. I feel that I can't do what I want by myself."

This is not her excuse, but she knows how capable she is, and she is indeed very careless in managing the entire company.Especially now that she's pregnant.

Fearing that the parents would misunderstand, Yunyan hurriedly said, "It's just giving Yunyu half of the rights, not transferring the shares to her."

In other words, it meant asking Yunyu to work part-time in a disguised form, but neither she nor Yunyu thought it meant hiring part-time jobs.

Yunyu wanted the right to speak, and she needed time to conceive, so the half a year could just fill it up.

"But don't you hate her very much?" Mrs. Yun said bluntly, even if Yun Zongqiang gave her unexpected looks, she said bluntly, "You two have always been at odds with each other. .” Even in private, it was the kind of discord.

Yun Yan hummed, "Actually, Yun Yu and I don't have any deep hatred, it's just that we usually dislike each other and quarrel a lot. We are still sisters from beginning to end."

Mrs. Yun thought of what Yun Zongqiang said before, and she couldn't help expressing the worries in her heart, "But, didn't your father say that Yun Yu may not want the company, but wants to destroy the Yun family?"

(End of this chapter)

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