allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 452 Want to Raise Children Alone

Chapter 452 Want to Raise Children Alone

Hearing this, Yun Yan looked at Yun Zongqiang in surprise, "Dad..." What does this mean?Is there any evidence?

In fact, she had thought this way too, but after getting along for so long, she didn't seem to see that Yun Yu had such intentions.

Yun Zongqiang knew his daughter very well. At this time, if she chose to hand over power, something must have happened.

Since she came back from England more than a month ago, she has become very depressed.

He didn't tell the truth about what happened with Dongfang Boyu, but he didn't mention anything about him anymore.

"Xiao Yan, did something happen to you?" He asked softly, "If so, don't hide it from Mom and Dad, we will only have you as a child."

She is now the only hope of the two elders, and also the pillar of their hearts.

Yun Yan hesitated for a while, then nodded under the gaze of the two, "Dad, Mom, I... am pregnant."

Undoubtedly, her news was like a bomb, and Yun Zongqiang and his wife forgot to react. Mrs. Yun was the first to react, and then immediately said, "When are you looking forward to the wedding?"

"..." Yun Yan suddenly didn't dare to meet her mother's happy eyes.

About Yun Qi's death, about the disaster brought by Dongfang's family, she dared not tell her family a word.But she felt that her father should have guessed something.

Just like at the beginning, her father has always disagreed with her involvement with Dongfang Boyu.

"Mom, I'm sorry." Yun Yan lowered her eyes, not daring to look directly at her parents, and whispered, "I want to raise this child alone.

Mrs. Yun was really furious when she heard this, "What are you talking about? Not getting married?"

"Xiaoyan." Yun Zongqiang stretched out his hand to comfort his wife, signaling her not to get too excited.

However, how could Mrs. Yun not be excited?Her daughter is pregnant, but she told her that she has no plan to get married and plans to raise the child alone.What exactly is going on?

The engagement was canceled because of the death of the son, but now the daughter is pregnant, so what if you don't get married?
"Mom and Dad, Dongfang Boyu and I have already broken up. He and I... are not suitable. In fact, I didn't plan to have a child, but the doctor said that I am not fit for abortion because of my poor health. If I do, I will have a child in the future." The chances are very low. So..." She lowered her head when she said these words. . .

Like a child who has done something wrong, waiting for an adult's criticism.

Yun Zongqiang found an excuse to dismiss Mrs. Yun, and then said to Yun Yan, "Yun Yan, do you have something to hide from Dad?"

Yun Yan raised her head, and she saw the dismissed mother staring back at her with a look of anger at her failure.

She is very guilty. With the current state of the family, she doesn't want her parents to worry, but it still worries her now.

"Dad..." Yun Yan forced a smile, "No."

"Then what's going on between you and Dongfang Boyu?" Yun Zongqiang frowned at her, "Your mother isn't here, so you can talk about it."

"Dad, it's really fine. I just think that Dongfang Boyu and I are not suitable to be together." Even if Yun Yan was killed, she would not tell them that Dongfang Boyu was the indirect cause of Yunqi's death.

Without waiting for Yun Zongqiang to say anything, she continued, "Didn't you always disagree with the two of us being together? And... Yun Qi is gone, and I don't want to marry far away. And he must live in the United States .”

(End of this chapter)

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