allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 454 Earn 1 million in one year

Chapter 454 Earn [-] million a year
He likes the dress of a dignified lady, so she can't go in a sexy direction.

"Mr. Dongfang." Cui Yuanhui called out sweetly, but she still hadn't realized what the benefactor's intention was in getting her engaged.

"Sit down." Dongfang Boyu flicked the cigarette ash and said with care.

Cui Yuanhui leaned forward, then sat down opposite him, looked at him closely, and found out why he lost so much weight?
"Tianyu, hand her the contract." Dongfang Boyu took a puff of cigarette. He used to think that Cui Yuanhui was somewhat similar to Yun Yan, but now, it seemed nothing like it.

contract?What contract?Cui Yuanhui suppressed the doubts in her heart and accepted the contract from Tianyu.

Seeing the words of the transaction above, the corners of her mouth twitched, but she lowered her head so that her expression could not be seen.

The content of the contract was very simple. It was nothing more than engagement. She would be his fiancée for a period of time, but there was no fixed period for this period of time. The shortest period was one year, and the longest period was three or five years.

The reward for being a fiancée for one year is... [-] million.

She counted zero, and it was really a hundred million.She counted correctly.Then holding the contract, she didn't know how to react.

In the circle, the most beautiful person who was taken care of by the richest businessman was only 3000 million yuan a year, but Dongfang Boyu gave her [-] million yuan.

And she's still a fiancee.

That is to say, she can get not only money, but also fame.

"Mr. Dongfang...why is this?" Cui Yuanhui was really shocked, the fact that the pancakes were falling from the sky really surprised her, it felt like a dream.

I can't imagine that she used to worry about whether to eat instant noodles or porridge for dinner, but now she can earn [-] million a year.

And that's not even counting all the compensation she makes at work.

Rich woman... These two words seem to be the only label she can give herself.

Dongfang Boyu was not interested in answering her why, he just looked at her, "After signing, the money will be transferred to your card for 5000 million first, and you are not allowed to disclose anything to the media."

This is the meaning of the conclusion, he didn't come to her for consultation, because he knew she would not refuse.

In this world, except for that stupid woman Yunyan who would reject her, no woman who liked his money would reject her.And he is so handsome! ! ! ! !
"Yes." Cui Yuanhui couldn't believe it was true.

Dongfang Boyu has already stood up, "The engagement will be arranged, you can come to the United States the day before the engagement."

"Huh? Don't you need me to come here to try on the dress in advance?" Cui Yuanhui recovered.

Dongfang Boyu looked at her with a sneer, "This is just a fake engagement, Miss Cui."

Cui Yuanhui blushed a little at his blunt words, "I understand, Mr. Dongfang." But even if it was a fake engagement, the ceremony was real.In other words, except for her and him who knew it was fake, everyone thought it was real that they were together.

This breaking news alone is enough to make her the most shining actress in City A.

It wasn't until Dongfang Boyu left without nostalgia that Cui Yuanhui came back to her senses, and she didn't speculate about his private life.After being in the circle for too long, she has seen too clearly the relationship between men and women, the so-called love.

 Take out the contract and look at it, [-] million, [-] million a year, if it takes five years, it will be [-] million...

(End of this chapter)

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