allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 455 How to Fall in Love

Chapter 455 How to Fall in Love
 Five hundred million, with this money, she can be an investor herself, and let others see her face instead of her seeing other people's faces.

After walking out of the suite, Dongfang Boyu didn't go down, instead let the elevator go up.

In summer, the wind in the middle of the night is cool and pleasant.

Standing on the edge of the roof, he looked down at the scenery of New York, and in the distance was Wall Street, with his Oriental family building.

It seems that he and her have really become farther and farther apart.further and further.

"Tianyu. Bring back all the people who are arranged around her." He was afraid that once he heard about her, he would miss her even more.

That cruel bad woman, the bad woman who hated him.He held his whole heart in front of her, but she was unmoved. It was really cruel, so cruel.However, his heart is full of her.

What is love?He was obviously only interested in her body at the beginning, but he didn't know when or when he would start to fall in love with her.

Then I got stuck in it unswervingly, and when I found it, I couldn't get away from it, and I just let myself get deeper and deeper.

Now he was alone in the mud and couldn't get up, but that woman went ashore and ran away! !
Tianyu replied yes, then stood aside and said nothing more.

At this time, what Dongfang Boyu needed was silence, but as a bodyguard, he didn't know whether the young master's decision was right or wrong.

Love is not the only thing, life is indeed always to be lived, and the responsibility should be shouldered.

"Send some people beside Cui Yuanhui. Don't let her find out." Dongfang Boyu said.

Tianyu replied yes again.


There was news from Qin Bai that everything was ready, and the rest would depend on her own schedule.General Yun Yan has already dealt with the matter at hand.

Including the share that was sold to Pei Ziming.

What she got was cash, and after making up part of the company's money, she handed everything over to Yunyu, and then... She pulled the trolley suitcase and prepared to leave City I.

Today is her last day in the company, and then she announced that she is going to study abroad for a year, and the company is temporarily acting as her substitute.

 The office door was suddenly pushed open, Yun Yan was packing up her things, seeing Yun Yu barging in, she twitched the corners of her mouth speechlessly.

Can't you use other methods besides using it like this?
Yunyu closed the door and stared at her, "Yunyan, do you have something to hide from me? You don't want me to jump into a trap, do you?"

A black line emerged from Yunyan's forehead, and she looked at her puzzled, "Why do you say that?"

"Then you..." Yunyu couldn't figure out the reason why she left the company so suddenly, but Yunyan didn't say anything, she couldn't guess that she was pregnant, and she didn't show her pregnancy. Who knows if you are pregnant.

"I just feel powerless. I went abroad to re-study business to recharge my batteries. That's all." She looked at Yun Yu seriously, "Or do you mean that you are not sure about managing the company well?"

"Hey, how is that possible. I'm studying economics and management. Are you leaving tomorrow?"



 "Europe." She didn't say which country it was.

 "What's the matter of falling out of love..." Yunyu still thinks that Yunyan is like this because of her lovelorn, and then her lovelorn was so big that she left the company behind.

(End of this chapter)

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