Chapter 458
 "The scenery here is also good." The most important thing is that not far away is the place where Dongfang Boyu proposed to her...

She didn't know whether she could let it go or not. When she wanted to come to France to give birth, she told Qin Bai that she wanted to come to this place to give birth. During the seven months in France, she almost every one or two days. Will come here for a walk.

It seems that the night when he proposed to her was still yesterday, but the reality is that he is already with his fiancée.

She looked at the photos published in the magazine that day.

He is very handsome, with an arrogant face, and Cui Yuanhui next to him is also very beautiful, just like a man and woman.A match made in heaven.

Really too right.

Just as she was talking, Yun Yan looked at the familiar building ahead, and when she saw the car at the door, she stopped suddenly.

Because there is still some distance, and she is on the shore, and there are trees around her to block her view. If the people on the opposite side want to see her, unless it is intentional, it will be difficult to find her if it is unintentional.

The black car... and the car behind it are bodyguard cars.She suddenly stared at the front in a daze.

Seeing her suddenly stop, Qin Bai looked at her puzzled, "What's wrong?"

Yun Yan shook her head, just looking forward, "Let's... let's go back, the ground is indeed a little slippery." She smiled unnaturally, "Wait for two days when the weather is better before going out for a walk."

Now that we have broken up, why bother to see you again.Goodbye is nothing but reluctance.

And a man is always more chic than a woman, he can turn around and get engaged to another woman, but she doesn't know how long it will take to let go of this relationship.

"Yunyan." Qin Bai suddenly stopped her and looked across.

It was just that the door of the restaurant was opened, and a man in a dark coat came out, followed by his bodyguards.

Of course, Qin Bai recognized Dongfang Boyu at a glance, but he didn't know if Yunyan had seen it, so she called him.

Yunyan followed his gaze and saw Dongfang Boyu from a distance, but he didn't notice her, Tianyu opened the car door for him, and she saw him get into the car.Then the black sedan chair swaggered away.

Yunyan let out a heck, but her hand involuntarily touched her belly that was about to give birth.

The child kicked her, she couldn't help laughing, took Qin Bai's hand and put it on her abdomen, "The baby kicked me."

Qin Bai also found it very miraculous, looked at her with a smile, and said to her stomach slightly, "Baby, godfather is accompanying Mommy~~~"

Yun Yan looked at Qin Bai, "Let's go sit there."

Qin Bai took a deep look at her without refusing, "Yes." Is there anything special about her and Dongfang Boyu?

Inside the black car, Dongfang Boyu looked at the scenery outside the window in silence. It snowed yesterday, and now the whole city is covered in silver. It has been more than seven months, and he has not contacted her again.

He also went back to City I once or twice during the period, but he never met her. Now Yunyu is in charge of the Yun family, and she said that Yunyan went abroad to raise her heart.

When she said this, Yunyu had an obvious sarcasm on her face, she didn't know whether it was towards him or their feelings.

He also said that Mr. Dongfang is engaged, so it's better not to make Yunyan feel sad, she is already fragile enough.

This time, he came to England on business.

(End of this chapter)

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