allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 459 I Changed My Mind

Chapter 459 I Changed My Mind
Britain is close to France, so he came to France by the way, and for some reason, he came up with the idea of ​​coming to the restaurant.

The restaurant is still the same, but unfortunately... things are different.

The air pressure inside the car is very low, lower than the air outside.

Dongfang Boyu said suddenly, "Go back. I forgot something."

When Tianyu heard what he said, he immediately asked the driver to turn around and go back.

Yun Yan walked up the stairs slowly, there were many customers in the restaurant, but fortunately, a seat by the window was still vacant, she and Qin Bai walked towards the seat in front of the window.

"Do you want to take off your coat?" Qin Bai took off his coat and asked Yun Yandao. The heating in the restaurant was still turned up very high, so it would be a little hot wearing a coat.

But Yun Yan shook her head, "No need, just sit for a while."

She was nearly nine months pregnant, and she looked like she was about to give birth, but her face didn't get fat at all, and because she was wearing a coat, if you didn't pay attention, you wouldn't be able to tell that she was about to give birth.

With her current appearance, if she concealed it, others would think that she was five months pregnant at most. Before that, she herself was also very worried, why she didn't gain much weight and her belly didn't show much when she was pregnant.

Later, I went to see a doctor. The doctor said that the fetus was normal. After checking relevant information, I knew that everyone's pregnancy situation is different.

It is no problem for some people to weigh forty or fifty catties when they are pregnant, but she only weighed about twenty catties.In other words, she only increased the weight of the fetus and amniotic fluid.In traditional parlance, this kind of person is called hiding.

The waiter didn't notice Yunyan's pregnancy, but hesitantly looked at the man beside her, and then said in English, "Are you Miss Yunyan?"

A few months ago, a romantic scene of an oriental couple proposing here, she was also one of the waiters who were watching.

However, she is not sure if the one in front of her is the one that day, did she break up?The gentleman left something just now. . .

Yun Yan was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "I am."

"Miss Yun, wait a moment." The waiter left, and then came back after a while, "The gentleman left it for you. He said that if you come here for dinner, you can give it to me." you."

Yun Yan looked at Qin Bai, then at the waiter, "Which sir?"

"The gentleman who proposed to you that day, he also came to the restaurant just now, but he just left." The waiter explained, it seems that they have broken up.

Yun Yan was suddenly speechless, she just looked at the brocade box, then took it, but didn't open it, and forced out an unnatural smile, "Thank you."

Qin Bai ordered two drinks, then looked at Yunyan, the gentleman who proposed... Dongfang Boyu?

Yun Yan didn't avoid his questioning eyes, she smiled faintly, "He proposed to me here before. I... promised him."

Qin Bai suddenly lost the desire to speak, so she agreed to him.Does that mean that she has decided to be with him?

"Don't you want to see what it is?" Qin Bai looked at the brocade box on the table.

Yun Yan raised her hand, and was about to take the brocade box and open it to have a look, when suddenly she picked it up with one hand before her, and familiar words rang in her ears, "Sorry, I changed my mind."

(End of this chapter)

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