allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 460 Hello, Goodbye

Chapter 460 Hello, Goodbye

 Dongfang Boyu took the brocade box and put it back in his pocket. He stood by the table and looked down at Yunyan.

When Yun Yan heard his voice, she was stunned for a moment, and then slowly raised her head to look at him. Unlike her complicated mood, her face was very calm.

Looking at him calmly.

Dongfang Boyu didn't expect to meet her when he turned back.

However, she was with Qin Bai!
They just looked at each other for a few seconds, and then he said, "Goodbye." Without further words, he turned and left, the tall figure disappeared before his eyes, and he left the restaurant...

Yun Yan drew back her gaze and looked at Qin Bai, wanting to laugh but wanting to cry.

Sometimes, she herself doesn't know how to face this lost relationship, should she be friends?can't do it.

So, it's better not to say goodbye.Even if we say goodbye, just say goodbye like now.

Don't get too involved, don't...

But why does my heart ache every time I see it?Why did she want to cry the moment she saw Dongfang Boyu?

She thought that several months had passed, and her heart had slowly calmed down, but there was no way to calm down at all.

The baby in her womb kicked her again, and she wondered if the baby also felt the presence of her father, so she was so excited.

She should be thankful that she didn't take off her coat, and she should also be thankful that she didn't gain weight, otherwise, Dongfang Boyu would definitely be able to spot her abnormality at a glance.

If he knew she was pregnant...

Doesn't everything she's doing now mean she's done it for nothing?


City I a year later

As soon as Yun Yan got off work, before she took off her shoes, she picked up her son who was just learning to walk, "Baby, Mommy is back, do you miss Mommy?"

The little baby looks very similar to Yun Yan, but his temper is like his father.

Other children usually don't walk until they are one year old, but her son can walk at nine months. This year, the family has gone well.

Yun Zongqiang's health has also improved a lot, and he probably has passed through great grief. Thinking of having a grandson who can be pampered, he refuses to stay in the nursing home anymore, and comes back with his wife to entertain his grandson.

Except for going to work, Yunyan doesn't go anywhere after get off work, unless it is necessary to socialize, otherwise she must go home to accompany her son.

According to the outside world, the child was carried by relatives in the countryside, and they did not know that the child was born abroad by Yunyan.

Yunyan is already very satisfied that life can be as it is now, the company Yunyu is indeed well managed, and has achieved the position of general manager, and now Yun's can be said to be the world of the two of them.

And it is a harmonious world. .

However, extremes must be reversed!

Yun Yan embraced her son and kissed her fiercely. Suddenly, she heard entertainment news coming from the TV in the living room. The popular entertainer and actress Cui Yuanhui had a serious car accident and was admitted to the hospital for emergency treatment.

Of course, her focus was not on Cui Yuanhui, but on the black car that flashed in front of the camera.

It stands to reason that a young woman who is also a celebrity will definitely not drive a black car, most of them like to drive a dazzling sports car.

But that black car...

 Yun Yan hugged her son, unconsciously exerting force on her hands. The car was obviously like Dongfang Boyu's car.

Were they together?Did Cui Yuanhui and Dongfang Boyu share the same car?She had a serious car accident, so what about Dongfang Boyu?

(End of this chapter)

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