allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 473 You Are Really Capable

Chapter 473 You Are Really Capable
Looking at Dongfang Boyu.Seeing Dongfang Boyu feeling depressed for a while, his son didn't recognize him.His son didn't even recognize him...

This made him more certain that he would take him home and cultivate a relationship with his son.

Seeing his ugly face, Yun Yan didn't have any extra thoughts to comfort his wounded heart, she just said to the point, "My plane is about to board."

"Tch." He sneered, "You can go as you please, my son will stay."

He said this as if he wanted a son instead of a wife, a very scumbag behavior.Yun Yan gasped, "If you do this again, I will call the police."

"Okay... Whatever you want." He smiled slightly, she wanted to leave, it was impossible.

Did she think she would be safe when she went abroad?Oh, to put it bluntly, so far, no place is safer than China.

In her unprotected situation, her going abroad will only make it easier for people to attack.

Seeing his casual appearance, Yunyan hugged her son tightly again, and was about to leave after passing him, but Tianyu stood there and blocked her forcibly.

"The young master said, the young master can't leave." Tianyu said very rigidly.

Yun Yan smiled back, turned around and looked at Dongfang Boyu, "You really want to treat me like this? Dongfang Boyu, you said you loved me before, is this the expression of your love?"

"...No, it's just an expression of my love for my son." He said honestly, "You didn't listen to a word I said, did you?"

He told her that it was dangerous, that things were complicated for him now, that...

"Why should I trust you?" Yun Yan chuckled, "You will take my son away as soon as you show up, why should I trust you? Dongfang Boyu, let's get together and break up, can't we?"

"Huh? Have we broken up?" He rubbed his temples with his hands, and he felt that he was going to be pissed off by her.But in order not to scare his son to death, he still had to endure it.

"Hey, let's go back and talk about it? There are too many people here." There are many people, and the more public the place, the more unknown dangers there are. .

Yun Yan didn't buy his order, and took a step back, "I don't."

"Yunyan, don't force me." Dongfang Boyu's voice sank, "Stop making trouble, you have to choose a place if you want to."

"Who made trouble?" Is she making trouble?She is asking for her custody rights back, is she making trouble?He was the one who made the trouble, he appeared suddenly, and suddenly said that he wanted to take her son away.

The unreasonable person is obviously him, okay?

"Tianyu, take the young master away." Dongfang Boyu didn't bother to say any more, and asked Tianyu to do it.

Yun Yan screamed, "Someone is robbing a child, help, help..."

Black lines emerged from Dongfang Boyu's forehead, this woman, she really dared to shout. .

Sure enough, a lot of passengers surrounded him all of a sudden, and the police also appeared.The final result, of course, was that everyone was taken away to the airport.

Dongfang Boyu looked at Yunyan in the car, hugged his sleeping son, and twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly, "Are you satisfied with this result?"

"Dongfang Boyu, if you come with me..." Before anything else could be said, the police car stopped, and the police officer sitting in front said politely to Dongfang Boyu, "Sorry, Mr. Dongfang, just now we just It's business, I'm really sorry."

Dongfang Boyu nodded graciously, "It's okay, can I get out of the car now?"

"Okay," said the officer.

(End of this chapter)

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