allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 474 We Can Get Married Now

Chapter 474 We Can Get Married Now
 Yunyan sat there without moving, what does this mean?She looked at the police officer, "Aren't you taking him back to the police station?"

"Miss Yun, it's better not to bother the civil servants with the family affairs between husband and wife? Mr. Dongfang is so nice..."

"What a yarn." She muttered, but had to get out of the police car.

Seeing the person standing beside the black car and not getting into the car, she looked at him ironically, "You are really capable, Mr. Dongfang."

Dongfang Boyu nodded honestly, "You know, this is just a small matter."

She turned her head angrily, but there was no taxi passing by at this time. The one-year-old baby was not light at all, and her hands were sore from holding her.

Dongfang Boyu didn't urge her, but just stood aside, as if waiting for her to come up and take the car automatically.

The wind blows in the face, making people shiver with cold, even if Yunyan doesn't think about herself, she also thinks about her son. If the wind blows for a long time, the child will definitely catch a cold easily.

Finally, she looked at Dongfang Boyu in a compromised manner, "Come here and hug your son."

Dongfang Boyu didn't hesitate at all, he went forward and hugged his son, but the movements and postures looked like beginners, which made people irritated.He doesn't know anything, so why should he rob her of the child?

Yun Yan got into the car with a look of displeasure, and decided to make a long-term plan.

The corner of Dongfang Boyu's mouth raised slightly, and he carried his precious son and got into the car.

"Where?" he asked.

Yun Yan sneered, "Mr. Dongfang is so capable, isn't it up to you where to go?"

"Well, go to the hotel then?" he said.

Yun Yan said the location angrily, "Go home."

"Okay, go home." He was very easy to talk to.

The distance was not short, the car drove back, but the car was very quiet, looking at the chubby little face, Dongfang Boyu smiled again, "My son is so cute."

That is, don't look at who they look like.Yun Yan slandered from the bottom of her heart, but what she said was, "If you look like you, you must not be cute."

"Well, I think so too. If you look like me, it's not cute, but super handsome."

"..." It hasn't changed for so long, his shamelessness is still the same as before.Yun Yan rolled her eyes angrily, looking at the passing scenery outside the window, she had no desire to talk to him at all.

After only being silent for about ten minutes, he spoke first, "That day...I'm sorry."

"……"That day?The day he got into a car accident?The day she was driven away by him?

Yun Yan remained silent, not planning to talk to him.Dongfang Boyu explained automatically, "I was still investigating the details of the incident that day, I thought, if you involved me, it might be even more unsafe, so..."

"Now? Why don't you think so?" She suddenly turned her head to look at him, staring into his eyes, "Now you also make me unsafe."

"It's different. Now, you can't draw a clear line with me." Dongfang Boyu looked at her calmly, "We have a son."

"Ha, people who are married or divorced can still draw a clear relationship, let alone us..."

 "As long as you want, we can get married at any time." He interrupted her with a very sincere voice, "How about I ask someone to arrange the wedding now?"

"...I didn't mean that at all." She was just making a factual comparison. Who talked to him about marriage? "Besides, you don't want your celebrity fiancée anymore? Mr. Dongfang is really cruel."

(End of this chapter)

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