allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 475 I Didn't Mean That At All

Chapter 475 I Didn't Mean That At All

 "...I didn't mean that at all." She was just making a factual comparison. Who talked to him about marriage? "Besides, you don't want your celebrity fiancée anymore? Mr. Dongfang is really cruel."

"... Cui Yuanhui and I are just in a business relationship," he said.

"Oh, it seems that Mr. Dongfang still likes to do business with others." She and him also had a business relationship in the first place.

Her words made Dongfang Boyu unable to answer at all, so he looked at his son silently, only staring at the chubby face, he was in a good mood.

Yun Yan, who had been choking him so happily, was upset when he saw that he didn't answer, "Did I step on Mr. Dongfang's tail?"

Dongfang Boyu just glanced at her indifferently, "Do you know why something happened to Cui Yuanhui that day, but I was fine?"

Yun Yan looked at him, "Why?"

"Because the woman sitting next to me, besides my family, you are the first." Just as he was speaking, the son in his arms woke up, opened his eyes and saw that it was not Yunyan, and cried again.

He shoved him into Yunyan's hands in disgust, "Why do you love to cry so much?"

Yun Yan hugged her son easily, and the words he said just now were still echoing in her mind.Besides his parents, is she the first?

"You can hate me, but don't question how much I care about you." He said lightly, then leaned back on the car seat quite tiredly, and closed his eyes, "I've been thinking about it until I finish what I'm doing." , I will look for you after the matter of the Patriarch is settled."

She held her son in silence.

"However, the existence of my son disrupted my plan." He opened his eyes and looked at her with incomparable seriousness, "I can't let you get involved in danger because of me."

She remained silent.

The car finally arrived at Yun's house, and Yun Yan got out of the car with her son in her arms. Regarding what he said in the car just now, she chose to remain silent.

It's just that when he put the luggage in front of her, she whispered, "I'll think about it."

Dongfang Boyu looked at her, "Huh?"

"Consider whether you want to take your son home." Then, she held her son in one hand and pulled the suitcase into the house with the other.

Dongfang Boyu stood on the spot, twitching the corners of his mouth, Tianyu came out with a serious expression, "Master, Miss Cui has woken up."

Dongfang Boyu hummed, then took out his mobile phone and sent Yun Yan a message, "I have something to go to City A." Without waiting for a reply, he got into his car and left Yun's house.

It took Yun Yan almost half an hour before she realized that he had sent her a message. Seeing what was displayed on it, he had to go back to City A urgently, and her brows furrowed involuntarily.

I was still watching, and suddenly another message came in, which was also from him. The above message read: Cui Yuanhui and I are only in a transactional relationship.

It was a superfluous explanation, but this time Yunyan listened slightly.

In fact, when he got engaged so hastily back then, she also thought that something must have happened to him and he must get engaged.

She manages a Yun family, even though she is so tired and has so many things to do, those high-level officials refuse to accept her one by one.What's more, he is the head of the family, just thinking about it, she has no way to imagine what he has encountered.

It's just... so what?

Could it be that because of the birth of his son, they got back together again?
(End of this chapter)

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