Chapter 479

It would be better if she was just playing peek-a-boo with her son capriciously, if it was...

Before the car arrived at the department store, Dongfang Boyu's cell phone rang. Looking at the phone number on it, a series of unfamiliar numbers, he suddenly had a bad guess.

But without hesitation, he picked it up.

There was a chuckle on the other end of the phone, familiar and insolent.

"Dongfang Minghao?" Dongfang Boyu remained calm, he bet that Dongfang Minghao shouldn't know about this...

However, he was still wrong. Not only did Dongfang Minghao know that Yunyan had given birth to him a son, but he also knew about it earlier than Dongfang Boyu, and even made complete preparations for kidnapping earlier.

The car, the plane, the route, everything is ready.

Moreover, the road is guaranteed to be very smooth, and even the prosecutors cannot detect it.

"Hey, so my voice is so recognizable?" Dongfang Minghao said with a smile, "Do you like the gift I gave you?" He clicked his tongue twice, "My fiancée had a car accident, my ex-girlfriend... oh, no, I should say Your son is now in my hands again."

"Dongfang Minghao, try to move one of their fingers." Dongfang Boyu said coldly, "You know, if you are retaliated, there will be no place for you to hide in this world."
"Hey, don't make it seem like you are omnipotent, okay? Dongfang Boyu. You just had a better life, and you fell directly into the belly of the first wife. If you change your identity, you don't care. No, you are not qualified to talk to me."

Dongfang Boyu held the phone tightly and forced himself to calm down, "What do you want?"

"How?" Dongfang Minghao sneered, "First of all, return my batch of goods to me, and, for my loss, return [-] million US dollars to me."

"That batch of goods is already in the hands of the customs, and I can't get it back." Dongfang Boyu frowned, "I can give you [-] million U.S. dollars."

"Ha, I want the goods and money, Dongfang Boyu, you can get the customs to detain my goods, of course you have to be able to let the customs release my goods~~~"

"I want to talk to Yunyan." Dongfang Boyu sneered, "How do I know you're not lying to me?"

"Oh, I'm really sorry, I can't agree to this request, but you can choose not to believe it, I'll give you three days, if the money and goods haven't come back in three days, I'll give you your son's right finger, huh? If the body is disabled, your son will not be able to learn how to shoot in the future."

Before Dongfang Boyu could say anything, the phone had already been hung up.

Sitting in the car, he regretted going to City A very much.

"Master..." Tianyu had already guessed the process, but City I has never been in the scope of their activities, and it is indeed difficult for something to happen here...

Dongfang Boyu didn't say anything, just called Dongfang Bolin in Japan, with a heavy voice, "Brother, Yunyan and the baby were tied up by Dongfang Minghao's men."

"What baby?" Dongfang Bolin, who was in Japan, was talking about business with someone, and immediately stood up and walked into the lounge, "Your son?"

Dongfang Bolin was really shocked when he heard Dongfang Boyu mention his son, but before he could digest the news, Dongfang Minghao had tied them up.

"Well, they should travel more by water. I don't have any manpower here in City I..." Dongfang Boyu said very worriedly. If they were in Europe, America, or Japan, they would not be so passive.

(End of this chapter)

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