allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 480 He Must Be Like This

Chapter 480 He Must Be Like This
 It happens to be City I, and it happens to be in China...

"I will send people." Dongfang Bolin responded immediately, "Tell Xuan Ge about this. If they successfully cross the waterway, Dongfang Minghao may take them to the Middle East."

Because it is chaotic enough, the more chaotic the place, the more suitable for those who do evil to live.

"En." Dongfang Boyu didn't have time to be hypocritical, and now, for him, the safety of Yunyan's mother and child was more important than anything else.

Even if they do everything in their power, they must find their mother and child, and ensure their safety.

He called home again. Although his identity is not allowed to be involved in gangsters, under the current situation, even if he is asked to buy a killer, he must do it! !

Hearing that there was an extra grandson and they were kidnapped, Dongfang Yun was stunned and then angry.

Currently, he is still the head of the family, and before passing on to the next head of the family, he has the right to veto any unqualified person from stirring up trouble in the family.

Far water can't save near fire. After Dongfang Boyu called his family, the first thing he thought of was Qin Bai.

"Go to Qin Bai." He only said these four words, and then looked at the window in silence.


In an unremarkable van, Yun Yan, who woke up from a coma, regained her composure, only to realize that she had been kidnapped again.

She probably encountered such a similar thing before. She didn't panic like before. She only thought about what happened when she saw her son sleeping soundly on the seat.

She remembers she was just taking the baby out for a stroll.She had already thought about sending her son to the United States temporarily, so she wanted to help the child buy some things, and she also saw the people sent by Dongfang Boyu following her, maybe because of this, she There was no vigilance at all.

When she left the department store, she was touched by someone inexplicably, and then she fell asleep.

When he woke up, he was already in the car.

"Boss, she's awake." A man with dyed blond hair said to the man sitting in front.

The man in the co-driver turned his head, his face was dark, he looked like a farmer, and looked at Yun Yan, "Miss Yun, cooperate, your son will be fine. If you don't cooperate..."

There was a fierce look in his eyes, "The higher-ups only demanded that they be alive, but they didn't say that they couldn't be mutilated."

Yun Yan turned pale with fright at his threatening words. She wanted to go to hug her son, but found that her hands were tied behind her back, "Who are you and what are you going to do? If it's money, I can give it to you."

"Hey, I know you have money, but that money is not enough." The man ignored her, "It's almost a port, let her be quiet."

Yun Yan felt that it was too late to perceive anything, and she fell into a coma again.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……

Dongfang Boyu went directly to Qin Bai's company, although he didn't want to have anything to do with this man, but under the current situation, other than Qin Bai, other people are useless at all.

He has a commanding father, which is still very useful.

Regardless of the secretary's obstruction, Dongfang Boyu broke into Qin Bai's office directly, and with a bang, Qin Bai, who was sitting on the office chair, raised his head and frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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