allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 481 Will Make You Die Ugly

Chapter 481 Will Make You Die Ugly

Regardless of the secretary's obstruction, Dongfang Boyu broke into Qin Bai's office directly, and with a bang, Qin Bai, who was sitting on the office chair, raised his head and frowned.

He and Dongfang Boyu have actually met once or twice in the past two years because of their family relationship, but the two of them were just discussing business affairs, never mentioning the word Yunyan.

When Dongfang Boyu thought of this, he felt like vomiting blood. He knew that Yunyan was pregnant and had a baby, but he didn't say a word.This kind of person is really 'insidious'.

"Mr. Qin..." The secretary followed in uneasily, looked at Qin Bai and admitted his mistake, "This gentleman said that he..."

"Go out and close the door by the way." Qin Bai said lightly, although he was annoyed by Dongfang Boyu's aggressive attitude, but he still knew the right person, how could his secretary stop this man.

With his hands crossed, Qin Bai pretended to be listening attentively, "Mr. Dongfang took the liberty to come here, what's the matter?" If not, sorry, he has other things to do.

Dongfang Boyu looked at him, "Qin Bai."

Qin Bai raised his eyebrows, "Huh? I'm here." It's strange to call his name suddenly and seriously, okay?Besides, there seems to be no relationship between him and him, right?

"You know that Yunyan is pregnant and has a baby, why didn't you tell me?" Dongfang Boyu glared at him.

"Why did you say that?" Qin Bai was not at all surprised that Dongfang Boyu would know the existence of the baby. It is really unrealistic for such a big person to let people not know.

Dongfang Boyu took a deep breath, and didn't continue to ask this question, but said seriously, "She and the child disappeared."

Qin Bai chuckled, "That's right, you are so scary, how can they not hide from you." Qin Bai was still sarcastic, but Dongfang Boyu said seriously, "I was kidnapped."

Qin Bai's expression changed, he stood up, and looked at him, "What kidnapping? Could it be a comedy written and directed by Dongfang Boyu?"

"Do you think I'm so bored?" Dongfang Boyu suppressed the unhappiness in his heart, "Qin Bai, I need your help."

"Of course your young master would be so boring." Qin Bai still didn't believe what he said, he and Yun Yan met the baby yesterday, thinking that such a cute baby would be taken back to the United States, he is a godfather I am very reluctant.What's more, it's Yunyan's mother.

  However, as soon as Dongfang Boyu appeared, he just robbed the child. Originally, he didn't have a good impression of Dongfang Boyu, and now it's even more so.

Hearing Qin Bai's tone, Dongfang Boyu took a deep look at him, "Forget it, if you want to speak, I might as well just tell your dad."

It's just that he can't speak up, so he still calls back to the United States and asks his father to tell others.

Anyway, the result was the same, Dongfang Boyu didn't want to stay any longer, and turned around to leave.

"Are you serious?" Seeing him like this, Qin Bai didn't believe it at first, but he believed it [-]% to [-]%.

Dongfang Boyu looked at him angrily, "Is this young master so bored and came to your office on purpose?"

Qin Bai squinted slightly, and when Dongfang Boyu was unprepared, he punched Dongfang Boyu in the stomach, "If Yunyan and the baby have any accidents, Dongfang Boyu, I will make you die ugly .”

(End of this chapter)

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