allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 486 Using His Son as a Threat

Chapter 486 Using His Son as a Threat
Where are you now?
Until now, she didn't know where she was, nor who tied her up.

The door of the room was pushed open suddenly, and a man dressed in black walked in, still looking gentle and refined, Yun Yan did not expect that it was really him.

"Dongfang that you?!!!" Yun Yan's face turned cold, and she suddenly felt quite ironic. Her first impression of him was quite good.

But I didn't think that people can't judge by appearance,

Dongfang Minghao looked at her with a smile, "It's me. Long time no see Yunyan."

It's been a long time since she broke up with Dongfang Boyu for so long, and it has been even longer since she met him. The last time I saw him was when he was worshiping the ancestors in the ancient tomb.

That time Dongfang Boyu was in danger, but Dongfang Minghao was ruled out, heh.Looking at it today, it must be him that time, right?It's just that I don't know why Dongfang Boyu didn't pursue it later. . .

"What did you tie me up for? Threatening Dongfang Boyu? Oh, I have nothing to do with him long ago." Yun Yan looked into his eyes coldly, "Don't be naive."

Dongfang Minghao smiled slightly, not annoyed by her attitude at all, he just stepped forward and stretched out his hand suddenly...

Before Yun Yan could react, his hand had already brushed her cheek lightly, "If..." He paused for a while, it sounded very harmless, "You have nothing to do with him, then be my woman."

Hearing this, Yun Yan slapped his hand off her face vigorously, the disgusting feeling made it hard for her to accept, "Dongfang Minghao..." To be his woman?He is dreaming.

"It doesn't matter, then this child..." He pointed to the son she was holding, "Isn't it Dongfang Boyu's?"

"..." Yun Yan was silent for a while, "Of course not."

"Since it's not... then just throw it into the water and drown." As he said that, he was about to ask Yao to come in to clean up the baby. Yun Yan looked at his smiling face, but knew that he was not joking at all. . .

He took a step back with the baby in his arms, "Don't mess around."

"Are you messing around? Then tell me, does this child belong to Dongfang Boyu?" He looked at her, as if as long as she said nothing, the baby would never live for another second.

Yun Yan nodded fiercely, "Yes, he is Dongfang Boyu's son."

"You're so good. Yun Yan, although I seem to have a good temper, I'm actually very bad-tempered." He said softly, "So, don't annoy me, you know? It's not a rule for me not to hit a child. No."

Yun Yan was really frightened.This person is simply a crazy person, and there is also a little bit of psychological abnormality.

No, not a little, but a lot, he must be the kind of person who is mentally unsound.

Yun Yan was suddenly frightened, she didn't know what crazy thing Dongfang Minghao would do in the next second, it seemed that he was fearless and not relentless at all.

But she knew that for the sake of her son, she had to pretend to be calm and deal with him friendly. . .

So, hearing his words, she just took a deep breath and said softly, "I'll be good."

Will hold her son here and wait obediently for Dongfang Boyu to rescue her.She tried her best not to annoy the abnormal person in front of her.

Dongfang Minghao was very satisfied with her cooperation. He suddenly stretched out his hands and looked at her, "Come, give me a hug for the baby."

(End of this chapter)

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