allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 487 The Taste of Being Threatened

Chapter 487 The Taste of Being Threatened
 hug?Give him a hug?Yun Yan couldn't hide the look of fear in her eyes. She looked at Dongfang Minghao. He didn't look abnormal at all, but the dialogue he said did seem abnormal.

"The baby is asleep..." Yun Yan whispered.

"I said that I don't like disobedient people." He frowned slightly, "Yunyan."

Yun Yan looked at his hand that was still in mid-air, "The baby is a bit heavy." While she said, she could only compromise and hand the baby to his hand for him to hold.

His posture in holding the child is very strange, as if he is holding something casually.

Yun Yan watched, terrified that he would let go suddenly, or have a sudden attack and throw the baby on the ground.

So, she put up all her energy and stared at him. If there was anything strange about him, she would definitely grab her son immediately.


He just hugged the baby, and then lifted it, "It's really heavy, how many catties?"

"Twenty catties." She said, not daring to blink. Is it her son who wants to cut?Not an item.This pervert, why is she carrying her son like something.

Dongfang Minghao was in no hurry to return the child to her, "Is this considered fat?" He asked again.

Yun Yan was anxious for something, but she could only deal with him and said, "The ratio of height and weight are very suitable, and the baby is taller than ordinary children."

"Really?" He glanced at the baby again, Yun Yan was really afraid that the baby would wake up suddenly, and then a cry would annoy the pervert.

"Well, is it heavy? The baby is sleeping, can you put him to sleep in the bed?" She softened her voice, not afraid of scaring him or waking her son.

Only now did Dongfang Minghao return the baby to her, and when he saw that she had put the baby to sleep on the bed, he asked again, "Did the childbirth be normal?"

"...Hmm." What's none of his business, the child's father never asked about these things, so it's none of his business? ! !

Yun Yan covered the baby with the quilt, then turned around, but was suddenly pulled into her arms by Dongfang Minghao.

Dongfang Minghao hugged her tightly, and said softly, "Are you sure you want to resist?"

His eyes stopped on the sleeping baby, "It's not a good picture for a child to see."

"What exactly do you want?" Yun Yan wanted to push him away, but she couldn't make him move. What did he want to do?
Dongfang Minghao pulled her out of the room and into another room.

There is a computer in the room, which seems to be their office.

He held her with one hand while dialing Dongfang Boyu's phone.

At this time, Dongfang Boyu is in Japan, and they are already preparing to fly to Cambodia in a while.But he didn't expect to receive a call from Dongfang Minghao at this time.

"Brother Bolin, wait a minute, he's calling."

Dongfang Bolin signaled him to answer the phone, Dongfang Boyu pressed the button, and Dongfang Minghao's chuckle came from the phone, "Dongfang Boyu, the deadline I gave you is up, where are my goods?"

"The money has already been transferred." Dongfang Boyu kept his voice normal, "The goods will have to wait until tomorrow."

"This kind of ability to handle affairs is really disappointing. I said that it only takes three days. Do you think I'm joking? Oh, I almost forgot. Let you listen to your woman's voice. "

Yun Yan stared at Dongfang Minghao, how could there be such a perverted person in this world, the most terrifying thing is that this person's IQ is not bad, and his money is not weak.

(End of this chapter)

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