allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 508 What is it?

Chapter 508 What is it?

What is the reaction?

Want to say?Yun Yan looked into his eyes, and there was expectation in his eyes.But... what should she say?What should I say?

"Have you heard it all?" Afraid that what she would blurt out would be words that he could not accept, Dongfang Boyu interrupted her before she spoke a word, and did not give her a way out.

Yunyan was silent for a while, she heard it.She could hear clearly, but what did he want her to say?
Her silence made Dongfang Boyu's heart sank again.useless?Still useless?No matter what method he uses, is there no way for her to forgive him?
No matter one year, two years, or more time has passed, is this the only thing between him and her?

"Sorry. I shouldn't have forced you." He twitched the corner of his mouth, showing a wry smile, and raised his hand to touch her hair in distress, but he put it down helplessly in mid-air.

He felt that he was not even qualified to touch her hair.

Before she forgave him, she should hate all his touch, huh.

"Good night." He said softly, then turned around lonely.

"Wait a minute." Looking at his lonely back, Yunyan finally couldn't help calling him back.

The corner of Dongfang Boyu's mouth raised slightly, turned around, and returned to his lonely look, "Is there anything else?"

He looked into her eyes, the expression looked like that of an abandoned man begging a woman's forgiveness pitifully.

It seemed that as long as she said a nice word, he could suddenly shine and make him feel that the whole world was full of hope.

Yun Yan swallowed her saliva and whispered, "Good night."

He looked at her, and she lowered her head after saying good night, still seeming to be hesitating.

Dongfang Boyu is not an idiot, he felt that if he really went to have a good night at this time, it is estimated that this will be the case between him and her in this life.

So, he didn't really say goodnight, but walked back and looked at her, "Then... can I give you a goodnight kiss?"

What is greed?This is the greed of Hong Guoguo.

Yun Yan frowned slightly and stared at him, this man...

Dongfang Boyu felt that there was still a coquettish meaning in her stare, well, this is indeed too strong.Then... he comes to kiss?Anyway, this kind of thing is not once or twice for him.

Before Yunyan was ready, he walked up to her, looked at her affectionately and said, "I kiss you, is that okay?"

This is purely to show his gentleman's character, as for the fact that he really has to wait until she nods before he can kiss?is it possible?impossible! ! !
So before she turned around, he quickly answered, "I miss you."

Warm, tender touch.

The long-lost kiss and the long-lost breath overlap.

It was a kiss that was just a touch of water, but it burned the two of them into a prairie fire like a spark...

At first, Yunyan just stood there stiffly, letting him gently suck her lips, but later, she raised her hand and hugged him without knowing what happened.

 With just a slight gesture, Dongfang Boyu felt as if he had been beaten into chicken blood. He felt that he had an urge to cry, and the illusion that he was overwhelmed made him almost end the kiss.

Fortunately, fortunately, his concentration is still very wrong. 
Yun Yan only felt that he wanted to devour himself.

(End of this chapter)

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