Chapter 509

She shook her head, tears suddenly appeared in her eyes, she seemed particularly wronged, "You bullied me."

Dongfang Boyu's heart twitched when he saw her burst into tears.But... still didn't mean to back down, he just kissed her eyes, "No way, it's obviously you who bullied me."

As he said that, he hugged her and turned around, and the positions of the two were immediately reversed, with her on top and him on the bottom.

Of course, he was holding her, and there was no chance for her to escape. He looked at her seriously, "Look, is that so?"

Yun Yan didn't bother to struggle, but just pawed at his face, looked at him, and in the end he gave in slightly. She seemed to be active when she was pressed, but in fact, she started another round of sexual intercourse passively.

After a hearty workout, Yun Yan lay down on the bed with a load of exercise, covered with a quilt.He must be avenging her words.

Dongfang Boyu looked at her who turned her head sideways, "I'll take you to take a bath?"

Yun Yan shook her head, "Very tired." She was so tired that she didn't want to move anymore.

He chuckled, "I think I still have a lot of energy."

Yun Yan gave him a contemptuous look, then closed her eyes.Suddenly hearing the baby's cry, Yunyan bounced up, hurriedly put on her clothes and rushed out of the room.

Dongfang Boyu, who was still on the bed, looked at the ceiling speechlessly, and then walked out of the room in his pajamas.


The relationship has been eased, although Yunyan doesn't want to live in the same room with him, but as long as he is shameless enough to cling to him, he can also get physical rewards.

Just like this, Dongfang Boyu already felt pretty good, at least, he didn't have to be hungry anymore...

As long as it continues like this, there will definitely be a good ending between him and her.

However, this happy ending ended on the night when Yunyan was about to return to China.

It was still very quiet and very suitable for the night when the two of them warmed up and rolled the sheets. After cooperating with each other, Yunyan finally said softly, "These days, it was just an accident."

"..." Dongfang Boyu frowned, again?

Yun Yan raised her hand to touch his face, "Dongfang Boyu..."

"Then can you prolong the time of this accident?" Is it possible for a lifetime?He knew she wasn't talking angry or irresponsible.

She was confessing her thoughts very seriously.

so what?Is he still too happy?

Yun Yan kissed his lips, and slightly twitched the corners of his mouth, but said nothing.

She just got dressed quietly, with her back to him, "Can you zip up the zipper for me?"

Sure enough, she had changed, she was no longer that shy little girl, not that helpless woman who needed him.

Now she can be alone in the mall, can negotiate big orders by herself, she is a strong mother...

Dongfang Boyu felt that he was really pitiful, he obediently helped her zip up, and now he looked like an abandoned man, oh no, it wasn't like that, but he was himself.

"Will you continue blind dates when you go back?" Dongfang Boyu also got out of bed and put on his clothes calmly, and told her, "If you want to marry someone, that person can only be me." Unless she never married for the rest of her life.Then he will wait with her.

Wait until the day she is willing to truly forgive him and marry him.

(End of this chapter)

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