allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 586 I Have No Malice This Time

Chapter 586 I Have No Malice This Time

"I have no malice this time." Yoshida Anna said in Chinese, and her attitude was sincere.

She stood there without stepping forward, "I want to cooperate with you."

"Cooperation?" Dongfang Bolin looked at her amusedly, and poured himself a glass of red wine, "Do you think it is possible for us to cooperate based on your two provocations?"

"If I could tell you about the remaining members of the Yamamoto group, even..." Anna Yoshida looked at him, "The secret door."

She said straight to the point, without beating around the bush, and her expression was extremely serious.

She had thought about it, if Maruyama Yota wanted to know that she already knew her own identity, he would definitely not let her go, the chances to kill her were endless.

She didn't know if Maruyama Yota really wanted to avenge the Yamamoto family, or if she had other plans, but she knew that from now on, she could no longer trust any words of Maruyama Yota.

And he has the protection of the secret door. If she wants to get rid of him, she can't find a second choice except the Feng organization, and Feng Shao, she has zero chance of approaching him, so she can only find Dongfang Bo. Lin.

She also knew that as a person who wanted to kill him twice, it was difficult for him to believe her, but no matter what, she had to find a way to make him believe her.

"Are you going to betray?" Dongfang Bolin just raised his eyebrows slightly, and said sarcastically, "Unfortunately, I don't have any intention of cooperating with people who like to betray. As for the old subordinates of the Yamamoto group, I will sooner or later can be found."

"Then what about the secret door." Yoshida Xingnai looked at him, "Your Dongfang family has been fighting with the secret door for so many years, and you haven't seen any benefits, have you?"

Dongfang Bolin pursed his lips, "You know quite a lot."

"I know the purpose of the secret door." Yoshida Anna looked at him, which she overheard from Maruyama Yota talking on the phone, but she didn't know much, but it was enough for her to negotiate now.

Dongfang Bolin looked at her deeply, but didn't speak.

Knowing the purpose of the secret door is indeed much better than blindly defending it now, but why should he trust this woman?

It's only been a week, how did she change her gender?Instead of killing him, you still want to cooperate?
Seeing the suspicion in his eyes, Anna Yoshida finally said slowly, "I just found out by accident that I... am not the eldest lady of the Yamamoto-gumi."

Maybe telling the truth in this way can convince him that what she said is true.

Sure enough, upon hearing this, not only Dongfang Bolin was taken aback for a moment, but even Tianlong, who had been preventing her from taking a step closer, couldn't hide his surprise.

Not the young lady of the Yamamoto group?
Anna Yoshida looked at him and said seriously, "I am a Chinese." She hoped that for the sake of being Chinese, the following conversation would be more harmonious.


Dongfang Bolin put down his wine glass and clapped his hands, "It's a very good excuse and reason, but... are you the eldest lady of the Yamamoto group, what does it have to do with me?"

If she wanted to kill him, of course he would pay her back.

He stood up from the sofa and walked in front of her. Tianlong stepped back a little, and grabbed her chin with his hand not gentle at all. He looked at her face coldly, "You want to kill me, don't you?" ?"

"It's not like that." Yoshida Xingnai explained, "I didn't know the truth before, I..." She wanted to explain, but Dongfang Bolin didn't have any interest in hearing it, so he threw her to Tianlong, "Take her away."

(End of this chapter)

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