allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 587 Check My Background

Chapter 587 Check My Background

 "The purpose of the secret door is not you." Yoshida Anna hastily shouted out.

Dongfang Bolin looked at her, "Continue."

"If there is no possibility for us to cooperate, I won't say another word." Of course, she also had to imagine for herself.

"Cooperation... Then I'll listen first, Miss Yoshida Anna, what do you want to cooperate with Ben Shao?"

He sat back on the sofa and looked at her, "You have 1 minute to convince me."

"I'll help you be the pawn of Maruyama Yota and the secret door, and you... protect my safety and help me find out my background."

Seeing him frowning, Yoshida Anna thought he was troublesome, so she hurriedly said, "My life experience is not difficult to find out. I have seen the revelation of missing persons. It must be easy to find out according to the above tips, but this matter cannot be found. To be public, even if you know, don’t tell the other party.”

"..." Silence was the only atmosphere in the box, Yoshida Xingnai was waiting for his answer, and Dongfang Bolin was also considering the authenticity of her words, to confirm if she was playing some tricks.

"I don't want to kill people." When he didn't give an answer for a long time, Yoshida Anna said slowly, "I don't want to get blood on my hands, but since I was young, Maruyama Yota told me that I am the big brother of the Yamamoto group." Miss, I want revenge. Lin Shao, I am not the eldest lady of the Yamamoto group, and the Yamamoto group has nothing to do with me, so I don't need to kill you, do I?"

Dongfang Bolin lit a cigar, "Maybe you have a deep affection for the Yamamoto-gumi?"

"Would you have deep affection for someone who only regards you as a killer and a pawn?" Anna Yoshida smiled sarcastically, "Especially, maybe you were kidnapped."

"Who is the target of the secret door?" Looking into her black eyes, Dongfang Bolin finally spoke.

Hearing this, Anna Yoshida breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that he believed it.

"Your sister."

"Xinxin?" Dongfang Bolin frowned, Dongfang Xinxin was well protected, why was she the target of the secret door?

"It's not your own sister." Anna Yoshida continued, "Give me a day, and I'll give you a definite answer."

He didn't have many younger sisters. If it wasn't Xinxin, could it be the little uncle's daughter?Impossible, the little uncle rarely gets involved in these things.

That's my uncle's daughter...

Could it be Shihua?
Dongfang Bolin was guessing in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, he just looked at her, as if he still had doubts.

Yoshida Anna knows that to gain his trust, she needs to prove it, but she still has her own conditions, "I think the ability of the wind organization, the answer I want, should be able to give me the answer tomorrow, right?"

Dongfang Bolin picked his eyes and didn't say anything. If there is a clue to investigate a person, of course it doesn't take much time, but...

"Ms. Lin, why are you hesitating? My news is definitely worthy of such cooperation." Yoshida Anna said lightly, but no one knew that she was actually very nervous and panicked. If he didn't agree, how would she regress? .

"Why did you choose me?" She wanted to kill him a few days ago, even if she had no reason to kill him now, but suddenly talking about cooperation... Isn't she afraid that he won't even have a chance to speak to her?
Hearing his question, Anna Yoshida breathed a sigh of relief, looked him in the eyes, and said slowly, "Because, in all of Tokyo, the only one whose organization boss is Chinese is your family."

(End of this chapter)

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