allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 619 The Billionaire

Chapter 619 The Billionaire
"Pretty, isn't it? On such an occasion." Cheng Hong glanced at Cheng Yinuo, she hadn't said much, she must be thinking about the principle that the more mistakes she says, the less mistakes she doesn't say, right?

Therefore, she still preconceived that Cheng Yinuo was an inexplicable woman who couldn't get on the stage, but wanted to share her grandfather's family with her.

"It's okay." In front of more celebrities, she dared to assassinate Dongfang Bolin. On such an occasion, it's somewhat...unlikely to be cautious.

"Hehe, you didn't live in the big family since you were young, so you don't know the rules of the big family, but it doesn't matter, everyone will definitely not care about it." Cheng Hong squinted at her, "I'll go greet the guests."

Seeing her affectionately calling this Aunt X and that Uncle Y, Cheng Yinuo just took a sip of the red wine calmly.

The charm of the protagonist is not to greet the guests.But this sister is really 'enthusiastic'.

"You are so beautiful today." Cheng Zi came over, with one hand in his trouser pocket, dressed in a gentleman's attire, making him look even more handsome.

However, after so many days of searching for information, Cheng Yinuo knew that he was better at picking up girls.

"Thank you." She smiled generously at this cousin's compliment.

"You are much more approachable when you smile, and you will smile more in the future." Cheng Zi looked down at her, "If only you weren't my sister."

"..." In this way, no one will compete with you for family property, right?Cheng Yinuo looked at him innocently, "Oh? Why?"

"The first time I saw you, at the airport, do you remember?" Cheng Zi unconsciously used his girl-picking skills, "It's amazing."

So, if she's not his sister, does he mean he's going to fuck her?
"Really? I heard that my brother likes all kinds of girls." Cheng Yinuo interrupted him, "As for whether I am your sister or not, I think the testimonial has already explained everything."

Yes, the testimonial has been issued. She, Cheng Yinuo, is indeed the eldest son of the Cheng family and the granddaughter of Mr. Cheng.

There is no longer any doubt.

That's why there were so many celebrities attending tonight, because it was Cheng Lao himself who initiated the invitation to the banquet.

This also shows once again that this girl who has passed the paternity test is someone that Mr. Cheng values ​​very much, even more than his two grandsons.

Cheng Zi was still smiling charmingly, but when she heard her words, her smile froze slightly, "Yes."

"Sorry, it's time for me to find grandpa." Counting the time, it was time for her to play the leading role.

The honorific speech and the first dance at the banquet had to be performed by herself, but it was only the first dance, but she hadn't chosen which one to dance with.

Cheng Lao meant to choose between Cheng Zi and Cheng Lan, but Cheng Yinuo was not that interested, and she even thought that she could have a solo dance.

She was standing on the stairs, accompanied by Mr. Cheng, who introduced her identity seriously and formally.At the same time, he also made another decision, that is, he chose to make a positive disclosure about transferring the shares to her.

This is the most amazing news tonight.

She is only under 20 years old, and she can get so many shares?
 In an instant, Cheng Yinuo transformed from a wealthy family into a billionaire.A celebrity returning to a famous family has little to do with others, but changing to a major shareholder is hard to ignore.

(End of this chapter)

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