allow you to be presumptuous

Chapter 620 Thank you

Chapter 620 Thank you
Does this mean... to choose the next generation of successors?

The ladies and even the ladies who had some disdain for Cheng Yinuo just now have changed their views on Cheng Yinuo in an instant, and even the male guests present have embraced Cheng Yinuo by [-]% just after returning to Cheng's house. His granddaughter looked at him differently.

This is by no means a simple welcome banquet, perhaps, from the perspective of the wise old Cheng, this is even a love affair with a blind date.Of course, all this is only invisible on the surface.

Therefore, when Mr. Cheng sold out [-]% of the shares, and when he heard that Cheng Yinuo's dance partner had not yet been determined, all the young male guests present felt eager to try.

Ten percent, [-] percent of the shares of the Cheng family. If anyone marries her, they can basically walk away in Y City, and it will be even more powerful for the family business. Some people even in YY, maybe in the future It can also annex the Cheng family's business. Anyway, a woman's dowry will eventually go to her husband's family, right?

Cheng Yinuo didn't know that these people had already thought about YY for such a long time, she just looked at Mr. Cheng in disbelief, "Grandpa."

Why, publicly announced like this?
Old Cheng's eyes were kind, as if he couldn't keep a straight face in front of this lost granddaughter, "Yinuo, who will you dance with in your first dance?"

He believed that with [-]% of her shares, even if she invited any man present, no one would refuse.

Yes, in fact, he didn't choose to make it public before, but when Cheng Yinuo's partner was not settled, he felt more distressed about this granddaughter.

She was originally the daughter of the Cheng family, but because... she will come back, her blood is right, but she has never dealt with the circle of celebrities, how could those snobby ladies be friends with the newly returned her?

And when he thought of such an important banquet, if he didn't even have a dance partner, what kind of joke would it be? He felt sorry for such a granddaughter, and he didn't want such a joke to happen to her.

So, he decided to make it public.

It's just that the inheritance of public shares is not all a good thing, but let's talk about it tonight after everything has passed.

He had to give a dazzling welcome banquet to his granddaughter.

No one can let the Cheng family's face, let alone his granddaughter's face.

Outside the hall, Mr. Cheng saw Dongfang Bolin at a glance, but he was accompanied by a female companion.

It seems that tonight's male dance partner, he is impossible.

Looking at Cheng Yinuo, Cheng Lao said in her ear, "You just came back, and you are not familiar with anyone. You can openly ask for today's dance partner. Grandpa believes that no one will refuse you."

Cheng Yinuo is not an idiot, she immediately understood Cheng Lao's good intentions, "Grandpa, thank you." Thank you for being so thoughtful for her.

Dongfang Shihua held Dongfang Bolin's hand, and it arrived when Mr. Cheng said he would give Cheng Yinuo [-]% of the shares. "Mr. Cheng is very generous as a [-]% shareholder."

It is impossible for any family to give so many shares to the granddaughter.

Even if she is favored by the Dongfang family, she doesn't have so many shares. Of course, even one percent of the Dongfang family's wealth is astonishing.

Dongfang Bolin pursed his lips and gave her a blank look.

(End of this chapter)

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