Hongmeng Heart Respect

Chapter 167 Seagod Godhead

Chapter 167 Seagod Godhead
Above the sea and at the bottom of the deep sea, two completely different existences also have different scenes.

The roaring sound suddenly came out from the bottom of the deep sea, and a huge force was vented wantonly. Countless creatures were destined to die, and at the same time, some creatures were crying inexplicably. They felt the calling of their hearts.

Endless joy is constantly pouring out, and at the same time looking at those destroyed creatures, there is deep hatred in the eyes.These traitors who betrayed the belief of the Sea God should never have come to this world. They have already paid the price for this, and paid a deep price for what they did. These creatures can get everything like this, and now the retribution is coming.

"Master Seagod, your people have called you deeply, and feel your gift, thank you, Lord Seagod, for your help."

There was a sound of heartfelt joy, not only the mermaid race firmly believed in the Sea God, but also other races, such as the Turtle Race, Sea Crab Race and other races all adhered to the belief in the Sea God.Their hearts told them that everything had returned, and that the sea god came to their place again to save his people.

After the little mermaid heard this voice, she didn't know what to think in her heart. It was joy, distress, and excitement. In short, she really didn't know how to describe her current mood, only because she had a faint breath of the sea god on her body, which made everyone feel happy. Knowing how this came about, and knowing that this is the coming of the Sea God, this is enough.

The figure of the Sea God has been firmly imprinted in the souls of those races who believe in the Sea God. The aura is absolutely unmistakable. The only thing that can attract such deep soul power is the belief in the Sea God. This is what firmly believes in the truth of all this.

The little mermaid didn't say much, she wanted to buy time, after all, it was only an hour, I don't know if that person is still there, why can he give her so much power, is it really a free gift?
A series of questions appeared one after another, and finally imprinted in her mind unknowingly, making it always difficult for her to distinguish which one was true and which one was false, it was really hard to imagine.The little mermaid doesn't know, she is just an adult, and many things are not very clear, but the heroic plot is still valid, and she looks red when she thinks about it.

It is still in a giant state, it is hard to see, while eliminating those traitors, thinking wildly, and finally being pulled back to reality by his own people, if he can ask for his help, then everything is worth it, even if It is worth paying for yourself. It is hard to imagine how powerful the pressure of a race is, and she is just a young girl who has just grown up.

However, she understands that her identity is different. She is the princess of the entire mermaid clan, that is, the future patriarch, and she needs to bear all these by herself, so that the clan can better maintain its survival.It is conceivable that once this time is missed, the fact of the Sea God's fall will be made public, so wouldn't one's own race be divided up and become a meal on the plate.

In wild thinking, the Little Mermaid finally wiped out the last wave of traitors and rescued the race that believed in the Sea God. Looking at the people in front of her, her heart felt even heavier.How long ago, she was still a happy child, but because of the accidental fall of the Sea God, her race became delicious, and everyone wanted to have a bite, but she didn't want her race to be like this.

In the eyes of those races, the huge body stopped, because the time had not yet come, so naturally it would not disperse, and looked down from high.

"My people, I am not the sea god, I am Jasmine from the mermaid clan, yes I am Jasmine from the mermaid clan, not the sea god, and the power I gained this time is not from the sea god, it is true that the sea god has already fallen, my heart I was very terrified, until not long ago I met a god who I thought was stronger than the Sea God, and he gave me strength, allowing me to temporarily gain the power of the Sea God."

"People, don't panic, I understand your heart, I hope you will be calm, don't panic too much, this will only aggravate your own troubles, I hope you calm down, people, give the last gift to Sea God .”

Jasmine used the power of the Sea God to try to calm down these people, so that they could know that the future still had to be lived, it was just a question of how to live, and they couldn't lose confidence because of this, otherwise their hearts would completely collapse.

Although Jasmine's words hurt these races very much, there was nothing they could do. They couldn't disbelieve Jasmine's words because of this, or they would only push themselves into an endless abyss.Besides, the belief from the Sea God collapsed. It's not that they don't know about it, it's just that it's hard to imagine the result, the fact is so cruel.

For a while, the unbearable Sea Clan began to cry, but their beliefs were collapsing. All of this came from the power of the Sea God. Now that the power of the Sea God disappeared, their spiritual pillar also collapsed. Everything is fate dictates.

Just when Jasmine didn't know what to do, the two girls in the carriage on the sea could also feel the pain of the collapse of their beliefs. Although they didn't believe in gods very much, they couldn't deny the reality of all this, and now their beliefs have become For Chen Xin, the man who took away their body and mind, only he can become their faith's sustenance.

Chen Xin didn't seem to be very surprised by this. Once a living being's spiritual sustenance disappears, the whole spirit will collapse, and everything about the living being will be severely hit, and even die. The deeper the belief, the more blown it will be. Only those Creatures with shallow beliefs will not have any accidents, only they will be able to switch to another god with peace of mind.

At some point, when Chen Xin felt the eyes of the second daughter, she sighed helplessly in her heart. Could it be that women just can't see these sad things? Isn't it incredible.

"You don't need to look at me like this. Your husband doesn't want such a burden. Although belief is wonderful, it is also connected with many causes and effects. It is not something that can be used with peace of mind. It needs to be paid back. All power needs to be paid. You have to keep this in mind in the future, and I hope you don’t forget that any benefit needs to consider the consequences.”

What Chen Xin said was very earnest, in order to prevent them from randomly answering other people's requests, and to think carefully.

In fact, what Chen Xin said was in vain. Talking about cause and effect with them was like playing the piano to a cow. How could they know such a truth.Looking at her son and daughter's still eyes, Chen Xin understood these things as soon as she patted her forehead. It was obvious that she had overestimated her imagination too much. Hey, he is really innocent.

Destiny is like this. Creatures in each world are indeed different. It is hard to imagine that this is true.

"Okay, okay, stop looking at me, forget it, I'm afraid of you, of course, you don't need these beliefs, help if you can, don't expect too much, any creature is You need to work hard on your own to grow, once you are isolated too much, it will only regress your own strength, well, you just wait now."

After Chen Xin finished speaking, she paid no attention to the eyes of the two girls. Her mind instantly escaped all constraints of space and time, and searched among the mighty countless planes. Fortunately, she had the aura of a mermaid. found it.

When this thing was isolated by the turbulent flow of endless space before, no wonder no one knows where it is, it seems to be caused by a big war.Such a special existence is the godhead, which is one of the ways to become a god. If it is the result of training through the power of faith, it will definitely appear in the form of godhead, the ultimate unique composition of the power of faith.

Chen Xin's mind wrapped around this godhead, and instantly crossed countless spaces and time, and came to the main material plane, and the appearance of this godhead, if not for the isolation of Chen Xinnian, would definitely cause a dispute .

Chen Xin also didn't expect that this godhead would have the strength equivalent to that of Da Luo Jinxian. Although he was a junior, he was still a great master, and he fell helplessly in the end. It's really a pity. It seems that Sea God doesn't have the qualifications to enjoy the results , Everything in the future is cut off from him, and I can only sigh secretly that fate is playing tricks.

God is not omnipotent, there will be a day of fall, there will be a day of death, Sea God is one of them.

Like a hole, the space split open in front of Chen Xin, and then that three-dimensional magical crystal appeared in front of them.When the two girls saw it, they were all surprised. What is it? Why does it give them an inexplicable feeling of depression just by appearing in front of them? What is it? It's simply too abnormal.

At this time, Chen Xin opened her eyes and looked at the thing in front of her. With a slight movement of her fingers, she flew towards Chen Xin's hand and landed in Chen Xin's hand. She was suspended in mid-air and displayed in front of the eyes of the two girls to her heart's content.

"Aren't you surprised? I feel inexplicably depressed. Don't be surprised. This is the godhead you call, that is, the godhead of the sea god. As long as you fully integrate it, you can become a new generation of sea god, but you can keep it. It's hard to say the rank of a Seagod's godhead, even if you get the godhead, it's not so easy to integrate, if you don't match, you will explode and die."

"Do you want to try it, but forget it. This godhead is formed by the belief of the Sea Clan. You haven't figured out what the power of faith is. It's useless to get it. You still need to waste a lot of time to study it. Even if the gains outweigh the losses, you should cultivate your own strength with peace of mind, and then you will also not belong to the same existence as the Seagod Godhead."

The eyes of the second daughter were very envious, but they heard Chen Xin's words sincerely, and they understood that this was an explanation for them. Don't keep thinking about external things, the most important thing is your own efforts.

(End of this chapter)

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