Hongmeng Heart Respect

Chapter 168 Godhead Trial

Chapter 168 Godhead Trial
Chen Xin also worked very hard, but she still couldn't bear the eyes of mortals, mortals are mortals, it is impossible to understand the truth, only by personal experience can one know what is good and what is bad, God's temptation is too great though The power of faith is also a great way, and at the same time it is extremely mysterious, but to Chen Xin, it is not a big deal. There are many things that confuse people's hearts, and Chen Xin herself hates this kind of demagogic power.It's fine if it's really sincere, I'm afraid that even I will fall into it unknowingly in the end, deeply unable to extricate myself.

If the power is too great, it will also be hated by heaven and earth. How can such a bewitching power be on the right track.

Mystery belongs to mystery, but it also cannot eliminate the power of bewitching, no matter how mysterious it is, to a certain extent it is an infringement on others, and it will benefit itself.This kind of power that hurts others and benefits oneself is not good. Once the protection is not effective, it will be backlashed by its own law power, and finally fall into an eternal sleep. This is a kind of reaction.

It is also very difficult to get rid of the negative influence of the power of faith. I have already been deeply involved in it, and I am firmly connected with the believers. If I want to completely get rid of the idiotic dreams at that time, the most I can do is to alleviate it. It is impossible to get rid of it completely. Unless you can get rid of the shackles of heaven, that is, the power of law between heaven and earth, everything will be in vain.

Stubbornness is useless at all. Why is the top power of the gods in this world up to now, or the power in the world just now? Is there no power in the younger generation? There is no way to develop enough top strength, even the controllers are relatively rare.

Many powerful people from the ancient times in the world of Rostami were almost wiped out, and then those masters of the sky created their own races, allowing them to dominate the world, and most of these masters were created by these races. Members, very few are members of the original world, it is too rare, and it cannot be compared to the existence of this point at all.

Compared with the prehistoric world, it is better. Although it has experienced a lot of wars and two catastrophes, the old ones are passing away, and the new ones are still being formed, and some of them are left behind by Chen Xin secretly, such as The existence of witches and witches.

In this way, in terms of overall strength, it seems that the prehistoric world is stronger. The reason why the prehistoric world was not an opponent just now is because he was just born, and his strength cannot be too strong, but now the prehistoric world has a slight upper hand. It can be seen how much the prehistoric world has changed, which is also inseparable from Chen Xin's long preaching.

Loose cultivators are also a kind of power. They belong to the scattered type, and it is relatively difficult to gather them together. There are many hidden powers in the dark. These are mainly because of the preaching, and finally formed such a scale that the prehistoric creatures There are more choices for cultivation. As a result, the group of monks will increase greatly, and many people with high aptitude will stand out.

In short, there are many benefits. Among these casual cultivators, the monks of the prehistoric human race are not included. The monks of the human race are divided into two types: independent cultivation and inheritance cultivation. It is also unknown how many of them are there, but these are protected by Chen Xin's power, even a saint has to think clearly.

In this way, if the overall power of the prehistoric world is carefully compared, it really has the upper hand, and the monks sent this time are only a part of it. It is said that the inheritance monks of the human race have never participated and have been protecting the safety of the human race. .

Even so, this power is very strong, at least you can fight against it, and even if you are a little bit lost, you can retreat completely. As for many things, they cannot be refined, making the overall strength not as good as that of the prehistoric world.

Look at those good things, they are either enshrined or used as ordinary things, and they don't know what they are used for.But once it was in the hands of monk Honghuang, it became a sharp weapon of magic weapon, firmly occupying the dominant position, so we can know a little bit from this.

Chen Xin looked at the godhead in her hand and thought a lot in her heart. Although the godhead is very charming, it cannot get rid of the power of faith after all. Looking at the lines of faith in it, you can know that it has not disappeared because of the fall of the sea god. If there are creatures willing to bear this karma, then Uncertainty will become a new generation of Seagod, and at the same time shoulder even greater responsibilities.

With a light swipe of the fingers, the Seagod Godhead made a crisp sound, and then started to rotate. Chen Xin threw it away, fell into the sea, and disappeared soundlessly before his eyes.And when the Seagod's Godhead left Chen Xin's shackles, the special power possessed by the Godhead immediately caused bursts of energy fluctuations, even the power of the laws of the main material plane was also affected and suppressed.

The godhead is not an ordinary thing. The power of law is hidden in it, and it has unpredictable power. Although the power of faith has many restrictions, it is undeniable that it is a mysterious power between heaven and earth, which is very unusual.

As soon as the Seagod's divinity entered the sea, all the sea people felt an inexplicable longing, as if there was something they must have, or a voice from the bottom of their hearts at this time.The temptation was too great. If the Sea Clan didn't believe in the Sea God, other races didn't believe in the Sea God so much, and the Sea God's personality wouldn't be specific to the Sea Clan.

Especially the mermaids, they have a trace of the Seagod's aura bestowed by the Seagod himself, and they can inherit the Seagod's Godhead. As long as they fuse with the Seagod's Godhead, they will be able to become gods when the time comes, and become a high-ranking Seagod.

Just when all the sea people were confused, a crystal clear and transparent crystal appeared in front of Jasmine and the others, and it was still spinning continuously, as if it was telling the magical effect of the godhead.The mysterious power emitted by the godhead also affects these sea people. They firmly believe in the sea god and are most qualified to inherit the sea god's godhead.

"You can get it if you want, that is the godhead of the sea god. As long as you fuse this godhead, you can become a god of a generation and become a god high above you. What a great feat. The power of gods is waiting for you. Don't hesitate. The godhead is right in front of you, your strength is right in front of you, go, go, that is the source of your strength."

The voice seemed ethereal, and it also possessed a certain amount of bewitching power. This was not what Chen Xin said, but it appeared under the influence of the unique thinking emanating from the godhead, and it was definitely a kind of power from their hearts.This is also a temptation of the power of faith to believers, let them know the existence of the power of faith, so that they can stand the power to have a chance, otherwise they will just miss it.

If they can't even resist the power of the godhead itself, how can they use the power of the godhead?

These Sea Clan believers who have survived in their hearts also have waves in their hearts. The infinitely magnified existence makes them constantly approach the godhead. It seems that they want to get more power at the same time, and this opportunity is only available to a living being. After getting it, the others can only stand aside, so their remaining wills become distorted, as if they are preparing to fight for the godhead.

The Little Mermaid Jasmine naturally also felt this power. It may be that she is still restrained by the power of law, and she can obviously resist these bewitching powers, making her clearly feel that her subjects have fallen into this trap again. , sooner or later will be destroyed by the godhead, and become the guardian of the godhead until the real successor arrives.

Jasmine gave a loud shout, and by virtue of her own power of law, awakened the will of these people, and at the same time let them all know that the godhead is not so easy to obtain, and if they cannot resist the will power of their own desires, their will will be destroyed sooner or later. .

Jasmine's voice woke up these people who still had residual willpower, and they were very depressed about what happened before. After all, the bewitching power of the power of the godhead was too powerful, and the appearance of the godhead was too strange, so Jasmine had to let it go. Be careful, otherwise the remaining people will also be violated, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Little Mermaid, don't worry, this godhead was taken by me, that is, your godhead after the fall of the sea god. I didn't expect it to be in the turbulence of time and space. As long as you absorb this godhead, little mermaid, you can become the god of the sea. Why don’t you give it a try, this is definitely the Godhead of the Sea God, there is no need for me to deceive you, think about it.”

When Jasmine the Little Mermaid heard this voice, the other Sea Clans heard it too. They didn't expect that it was sent by someone, and how powerful the person who can find the godhead would be, it was unimaginably powerful.

And when Jasmine was thinking about it, many Sea Clan begged Jasmine loudly to absorb the godhead and become a Sea God, so that the Sea Clan could survive better. Otherwise, without the protection of the Sea God, how would the Sea Clan survive? The plane's suppression of the gods is very strong, but the gods also come in various ways, and the Sea Clan is very helpless about this.

The power of the gods is unpredictable, and the Sea Clan also does not want such a thing to happen, so they actively want Jasmine to inherit the Seagod's godhead. They have been tested for the godhead before, and almost all of them failed. Only Jasmine has a chance, and only Only she can inherit, this is the hope of the entire Sea Clan, and all the Sea Clan are paying attention to Jasmine.

Jasmine understood the intentions of the Hai Clan very well, but she herself did not want to inherit the godhead, because she had thought that she still had something to do, which was very important.

(End of this chapter)

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