The strongest teacher of Naruto

Chapter 143 Mysterious Shoulder Soreness

Chapter 143 Mysterious Shoulder Soreness
"I can't imagine that there would be people who are afraid of an existence like you. If I remember correctly, the examiner was the last woman whose body was seen by you besides Izumi and me five years ago... for this reason So when you see her now, it's like a mouse seeing a cat?"

After handing over Sakura to the hospital, Xuanyue and Iruka returned to the apartment, looking at the back of Iruka who was opening the door in front of him, Xuanyue suddenly raised the corner of her mouth and asked in a teasing tone.

With a click, Iruka opened the door, and took off his shoes at the entrance without looking back:

"Anyway, you're a normal woman, right? Don't you feel ashamed to bring up the matter of being naked by a man? And I'm not afraid of her, I just don't want to cause trouble."

When hearing the term "normal woman" in Iruka's words, a self-deprecating look suddenly flashed across the black gem-like eyes of Xuanyue, and then she shook her head, throwing away the thoughts that shouldn't be in her mind.

"I care a little bit, but being seen is being seen, there is nothing to escape, and there will be no loss of meat,"

After taking off the ninja shoes, Xianyue followed Iluka into the living room, and Iruka, who was about to make tea to enjoy the friendship of the landlord, couldn't help being stunned when he heard this, and then left Xianyue, a very attractive man With a glance at the part of the gaze, he said with disdain:
"Tch, come on, if you were so free and easy at that time, why did Mao still arrest me to the police department? Thanks to this, I was inexplicably involved in an incident that was destined to be recorded in history, and later it was because of you The irresponsible relationship made me have to take care of a big trouble, even if I was wrong in the bathhouse, the price I paid for it was too high, right? No matter how I think about it, I have suffered a big loss."

Xuanyue walked to the side of the sofa, stretched out her hands, and at the same time tilted her upper body, letting her whole body lean on the cushion of the sofa, her huge breasts were suddenly deformed under the pressure, and she stepped on the sofa with her legs while making a seductive sound , making the whole person seem to be hanging on the top of the cushion, and then lazily said:

"But no matter what I think, you made a lot of money~ That's Izumi, a beautiful girl who was secretly in love with many Uchiha boys before, even now she is the most popular female ninja among young ninjas, plus Uchiha The blood of the genius of the Bo family, she has both beauty and strength, no matter who can marry her, she will instantly become a winner in life. Said, I really don’t know how much mud is filled in your head, getting along with such an outstanding beautiful girl day and night, You still read those filthy books and periodicals all day long, your way of doing things is really incomprehensible."

"Didn't I say that?" Iruka made tea, and at the same time took out some snacks from the refrigerator and put them on the tray. Holding the tray, he walked over under the eyes of Crescent Moon tilting his head, and put the tea and snacks on the tray. After sitting on the coffee table, Iruka sat on the sofa on the other side and continued the topic just now:
"Age, age, I'm four years behind Quanmei, how could I have that kind of thought about her? And you said Quanmei likes me, that's purely your personal subjective judgment, I still have self-knowledge, I'm not the type that little girls like, and Sakura and Ino often call me Ghost Animal Teacher behind their backs, so, how could Izumi fall in love with someone with my personality?"


Xianyue sighed as if she had given up on something, and then cast a disgusted look at Iruka: "I can see that, as long as it is something you believe in, no matter what others say, you can't change your mind. guy."

"It's called keeping yourself. The kind of guy who is changed by a few words is just a fool without character."

"The person who emphasizes character all day long has the least character."

"Whatever you say."

Iruka shrugged, took a bite of the dessert on the plate, and then seemed to realize something suddenly, pointing to the little feet of the moon on the sofa and said: "Say you pay attention to yourself as a guest? Behavior? At least I have managed to treat guests as a host, can't you be a little more self-conscious? And what the hell is your posture? Where did you come from?"

Hearing this, Xianyue curled her lips, she didn't intend to move at all, she was still lazily hanging on the cushion.

"Nah, isn't it just a broken sofa? If you step on it, I'll pay you for a new one. I've been tortured by my shoulder pain all day today. My whole shoulder is so sore that I can't even lean on a chair I feel uncomfortable, and if I don't take this posture to relieve it, I feel like my shoulders are going to be abolished."

Hearing this, the corner of Iruka's mouth twitched immediately, and the half-eaten snack in his hand fell to the ground with a "snap".

"What a fool! The reason for your sore shoulders is caused by that overgrown part of your body, even if you think about it with the hair on your legs?! Don't tell me you don't even know about this kind of thing."

"The overgrown part? What do you mean? Are my arms too long?"

In a place that Iluka couldn't see, the corners of Xianyue's mouth curled slightly, showing a touching smile, but the words she said were completely inconsistent with her expression, and the ignorant tone seemed to show that she was an ignorant person. The girls in the world are ordinary.

"You take it easy, I'm going to take a shower."

Iruka was too lazy to chat with Xuanyue here, so she stood up, yawned and walked towards the bathroom. Seeing this, Xianyue chuckled undisguisedly, obviously she still has a certain problem with herself. Consciously, he was just teasing Iruka.

Just when Iruka was about to walk into the bathroom, Xianyue suddenly said softly: "Mr. Iruka, do you need me to rub your back for you?"

Hearing the words filled with countless pink auras, Iruka responded calmly without any fluctuations on his face:
"Come on, I still want to live a few more years, but I can't get a layer of skin rubbed off for no reason."

It's not that he has a problem with his orientation, but because he knows that the woman named Uchiha Xianyue has never been a gentle person.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

There was nothing to say all night, and Xianyue didn't have Quanmei's obsessive sleepwalking problem. Early the next morning, Xianyue didn't know what to do, so she consciously made breakfast and left the house. When Iruka came When the living room faced the dark lump of unknown mushy substance in the basin placed flat on the dining table, Crescent Moon had long since disappeared.

"I'm sure, that guy, Xianyue... doesn't have any cooking skills..."

Shaking his head, Iruka didn't hesitate to throw the fruit of Crescent Moon's sincere labor into the trash basket, then took out the bread from the refrigerator, warmed it casually, spread butter on it, and gnawed it.

Compared with Quanmei's seemingly simple but incomparably delicious breakfast at home, this kind of thing to deal with the stomach is not so good. Fortunately, Iruka doesn't pay much attention to food, otherwise he will really be caught. Izumi captive creatures too.

I just swallowed the last bite of bread, and I was thinking about where to hang out today. . . . . .

Bang! ! !
Suddenly there was a light sound in the living room, accompanied by a puff of white smoke, and an old man with a stooped figure in a red and white robe appeared in front of Iruka out of thin air.

"Three generations of adults, come here early in the morning, what can I do for you?"

Regarding the sudden appearance of the third generation, Iruka sighed suddenly for some reason. As the saying goes, no matter what happens, the third generation is a very polite person (although Iruka has already seen through his true colors as a stuffy old man ), usually if there is something to look for, usually Shiranui Xuanjian will notify him to go there, even if it is necessary to go out in person, it is not necessary to use the instant body technique to come in without even knocking on the door, and now if you do this, then It proves that what the third generation asked him to say this time is definitely not trivial!
To be honest, Iruka is not afraid of heaven and earth, the only thing he is afraid of is trouble, and the third generation is obviously one of the people who can bring him the most trouble.

Sure enough, the third generation took down the pipe from his mouth, his face suddenly became serious, and he didn't even say hello to the scene, and said directly:

"I came to you this time to talk to you about Uchiha Xianyue... No, it should be said that the Uchiha clan was exterminated. There are some things that I have to explain clearly to you who are Konoha's last barrier."

(End of this chapter)

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