Chapter 144
It has been four days since the third generation made a sudden visit. Except for going out that morning and disappearing for half a day, Xianyue has been with Iruka for the past four days. During the day, she always uses various means to forcefully drag Iruka to go shopping commercial street.

If it was Quanmei Iruka, he would be able to guard against it a little bit, but in the face of Xianyue, who was several times more scheming than Quanmei, Iruka had no way to fight back, and in the end Iruka even I don't even have the strength to think about the meaningless question of whether Quan Yue is an enhanced version of Quan Mei, or whether Quan Mei is a weakened version of Quan Mei.

At the same time, it also made Iruka clearly understand the character of Xuanyue's extreme obsession with fashion trends. Compared with her madness of stuffing everything in the shopping bag as long as it is marked with the "Fashion Cutting Edge" logo, Quanmei's kind As long as it is something you like, the shopping rule of buying everything, whether it is useful or not, is simply weak.

Of course, compared with these two shopaholics, Iris, who only buys what she needs, is definitely a thrifty girl from a good family.

All kinds of unnutritive thoughts appeared in his mind. Iruka, who had been devastated for four days and lost several pounds, appeared at the door of the central tower in the deep forest of death with a haggard face, and stood beside him She is wearing a pink top with bare shoulders on the upper body, and a tight black T-shirt inside, which makes the already plump breasts very imposing; underneath are beige cropped pants and a pair of small floral shoes, which set off the She is dressed with slender legs, long black hair hanging straight down to her waist, bangs parted in front of her forehead, and light makeup that looks intellectual, giving her a full-bodied elegant ladylike crescent moon.

The two of them stood together like this, not like companions of equal status at all, but like nobles and servants, and if anyone was more like a ninja, it would naturally be Yi, who was wearing black clothes and black trousers, and a ninja vest on the outside. Luka, who doesn't even wear a forehead protector, doesn't look like a ninja at all.

"Yo~ I thought you weren't planning to come, Iruka-sensei."

The two of them had just walked in when Iruka's familiar voice suddenly sounded beside them. When they turned their heads to look over, they saw the black clothes and black trousers that were obviously the same as the earthworms, but they were just extra handsome with a one-piece mask. The white hedgehog head is beckoning to them.

"I wouldn't want to come if I could..."

Iruka raised the eyes of the dead fish, and replied feebly, he was telling the truth, to Naruto the nine of them. . .Oh, no, with the strength of the eight of them, unless you meet a strong man who pretends to be a ninja like Orochimaru taking the exam with a certain purpose, it is impossible for the general ninja to be their opponent. The dishes were so boring. As for the competition between the eight of them, he was a little bit interested, but only a little bit. This interest was not enough to make him come here specially.

And the reason why he appeared here was only because——

"Huh? Iruka-sensei, so you don't want to come either? Then let's go on the same route as yesterday..."

The originally bored Xuanyue immediately became interested when he heard Iruka's words, and proposed with great enthusiasm, but these words made Iluka's face stiff, and after reacting, he hurriedly interrupted Xuanyue's speech:

"No, no, I was just joking just now. You don't know. I know Kakashi too well. I can't help but make a few jokes when we meet. Don't be serious. If you are serious, you will lose."

As he said that, Iruka activated his ability suddenly, and appeared next to Kakashi almost in an instant, holding Kakashi's shoulders, as if he had been good friends with Kakashi for a lifetime, and at the same time gave Kakashi Cassie gave a look of "Hurry up and cooperate with me".

"Huh? Ah... Oh, that's right, that's right, Mr. Iruka is right."

It's hard for Kakashi's majestic elite jounin to be threatened by a titular chunin, so he had to stand up and display his terrible acting skills.

Xianyue's eyes narrowed, but she didn't dwell on this topic, but looked at Iruka meaningfully, chuckled lightly, and said rather jokingly:
"Izumi told me, Mr. Iruka, you are the kind of person who can fall asleep within five seconds even watching a hot-blooded movie. Aren't those ninja duels more boring than movies? Why do you think Iruka-sensei Interested in a boring preparatory exam?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Iruka let go of Kakashi's neck, and continued righteously:
"Naruto Sasuke and the others are the students I have worked hard to cultivate. Their strength represents my teaching level to a certain extent. Don't look at me like this. After all, I am also a glorious ninja teacher. How could I treat myself like this? Are you not interested in the strength of the students you teach? How can those hypnotic screens compare with my lovely students!"

Kakashi on the side twitched his eyes when he heard this, recalling that in the past few days, in order to repay the favor of the land of waves, he had to help Iruka go to school as a substitute whenever he had free time, facing those naive little farts In the case of a child, he just wanted to punch Iruka's prim nonsense in the face.

Fortunately, this kind of torture is only a few times. Usually, Ebisu, who doesn't know what benefits he has gained, is helping Iruka. Time, otherwise he really can't bear it.

"Hey..." Xianyue smiled slightly, and then seemed to believe what Iruka said, and said with some helplessness: "If this is the case, there is no other way."

Hearing this, Iruka's face relaxed, and at this moment, Xuanyue suddenly looked at Kakashi with great interest:
"Sharingan Kakashi? Hello, I'm teacher Iruka's friend, Uchiha Sakizuki."

Hearing Xianyue calling him, Kakashi knew that this was a normal social etiquette, even if a friend of a friend is not necessarily a friend, but since they met, it is still necessary to introduce them.

However, when he heard Xianyue's name, he was suddenly taken aback.

The costumes of the Uchiha clan are very recognizable. Except for the conspicuous clan emblem, they usually wear dark black collar tops outside, but Xuanyue is wearing a fashionable dress at this time, which is far from Uchiha's style. If it wasn't for her self-introduction, Kakashi really wouldn't be able to see that she is a member of the Uchiha clan that is almost known for being rigorous and powerful.


Kakashi responded politely, and he was not surprised that Xingyue knew his name. After all, as one of Konoha Akira's supreme combat power, he has already become famous, not only Konoha, but the entire ninja world does not know His people are few and far between.

But the name Uchiha Haruki. . .

"Kakashi, has the qualifier that hasn't been held in five years started yet?" Iruka asked lazily.

"Not yet, I'm preparing to assemble, and I'm waiting for the chief examiner of the second exam, Mitarai Red Bean..."

"Wait, what are you talking about? That woman is still showing up? Isn't the second exam over?"

Seeing Iruka's eager look, Kakashi looked at him with some doubts, but explained:
"According to the regulations, she will announce something about the results of the second exam. Not only her, but all the examiners will be there." Kakashi hesitated, and finally asked: "What's wrong? Iruka Teacher, is there anything about Hongdou that you care about?"

"No, nothing."

Iruka shook his head, and was about to say something, but the next moment, Hokage's summoning order came suddenly. Seeing this, he frowned.

"Kakashi, you go in first, I have something to do."

Kakashi nodded, without asking why, he turned into a puff of smoke and left without asking why. He didn't care about Iruka's private affairs at all, otherwise he wouldn't have seen a strange beauty beside Iruka without even asking up.

After Kakashi's figure completely disappeared, Iruka suddenly turned around and looked at Xuanyue seriously:

"Xianyue, you are the only one I can rely on."

The words that seemed to be an affectionate confession made Xuanyue roll her eyes involuntarily. Given her poor understanding of Iruka, he would never be able to say such high-level words with that kind of meaning.

"The illusion of the Uchiha clan is not used to do such trivial things, forget it...for the sake of your hard work these few days, I will help you once."

Hearing this, Iruka breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you so much, Xianyue, you are such a good person."

However, at this moment, Xianyue suddenly looked directly into Iruka's gaze, with an extremely serious expression on his face:
"Compared to such trivial matters, Mr. Iruka, shouldn't we talk about serious matters? For example, what Hokage-sama told you four days ago, about what happened before I left Konoha, and the extermination of the Uchiha clan The truth of..."

(End of this chapter)

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