super star lord

Chapter 203 Wrath of the Devil's Prison

Chapter 203 Wrath of the Devil's Prison

As the three earth knights were seriously injured and fell into the sea, this shocking battle that took place in the light blue sea and was witnessed by no one was officially over.

Battle result.

Xianhe led the victory, and Purgatory led the defeat.

Such a result also indicates that the purgatory lord Amos's intention to capture Lin Xiao and directly obtain the blueprints of the Yuanmagnetic Divine Light Tower and the rune device has been shattered.

As for the next step, what choice will Amos make, whether to continue to send the Earth Knights, or to re-examine the strength of the Xianhe Territory, that is not what Lin Xiao needs to consider now.

No matter what, it's nothing more than soldiers coming to cover the water and soil.

Riding the ice crystal phoenix, he plunged directly into the sea, a pair of phoenix claws directly grabbed the three of them, and rushed to the sky, flying at full speed towards the Golden Island.

The sea calmed down again.

It's just that no one would have thought that a great war at the earth level had happened here.

Although the battle is over, the aftermath of the battle has just begun.

It is foreseeable that whether it is the Mizhou Alliance who knows the news, or the Purgatory Lord who sent the Earth Knight to never return, they will be shaken endlessly because of this battle.


In just a few hours, Golden Island was already in sight.

After reaching the sky above Xianhe City, Lin Xiao rode Anivia and swooped directly from the sky, heading straight for the Lord's Mansion. The speed was so fast that the others could barely see their shadows.

With the speed of the ice crystal phoenix, there is no need to worry about the risk of exposure.

Even a high-ranking knight could only perceive an ice-blue streamer shooting into the lord's mansion, and nothing else.

After falling into the lord's mansion, the steward Oden soon came up to meet him. Looking at the three people who were thrown to the ground by Anivia like mud, he hesitated and said, "Master, this is..."

Although the three of them were covered in blood and were in a terrible state of distress, the breath that flashed from time to time caused him, who was already an intermediate level, to be terrified.

Even though he is not strong as a steward, but after staying in the lord's mansion for a long time, his knowledge is not weak at all.

It is easy to judge that the three people on the ground are absolute masters.

Moreover, even the high-ranking knights in the territory never gave him such a depressing feeling.

Is it...

I couldn't believe it in my heart, but Lin Xiao confirmed his judgment with a relaxed expression: "The three of them are all Earth Knights from the Purgatory Territory. They have been seriously injured by me. You can just notify the dungeon to take them into custody."

After a pause, he explained: "Tell them, put these three people in a special cell."

After all, he is an earth knight, so he naturally needs special treatment.

As for the interrogation, it is left to professional people to do it.

I believe that the information obtained from the mouth of the earth knight will be more than that of Nelson.

After all, the ranks are there.

Every land knight is an existence at the pinnacle of strength, and if all the land knights in a main city-level territory add up, there will not be many.

Three people were captured this time.

Ernest was Earl, Eugene and Eric were Viscounts.

These are all extremely high titles, which shows that even in the main city of Purgatory, the status of these people is also very high.

There will naturally be more secrets that can be touched.

In this regard, Lin Xiao expressed his expectation.

After the dungeon staff took the three special prisoners down, the items left by them all belonged to Lin Xiao.

For example, at the beginning of the battle, he had some coveted knight guns.

One hold in hand.

Four meters in length, the thickness of a baby's arm, the black and red gun barrel and gun head, should be made of a variety of elemental metal alloys.However, in order to form this special color, some monster materials should be mixed in it.

The entire body of the gun is engraved with dense lines of runes.

Moreover, among these rune lines, several characters can be vaguely distinguished.

"The Wrath of Hell!"

"Yes, this name is very domineering, I like it very much." Lin Xiao rubbed the barrel of the gun with a satisfied look on his face.

I waved it casually a few times, feeling a little awkward, "It's too long... For ordinary use, Silver Frost is more suitable. As for the Wrath of the Prison, it is more suitable to use when riding an ice crystal phoenix."

one way or another.

This gun is still a powerful knight gun suitable for riding a mount to fight.

Just like its name, the wrath of the devil's prison, holding its master, is the anger that comes from the devil's prison, and no one can bear it.

In addition to knight spears, several earth knights also had some weapons, armor, potions, books and other items, which were collected by Auden and included in the treasury of the territory.

Lin Xiao just rummaged around, but basically didn't find what he needed.

As his status and strength increased, his vision became more and more critical.

Idle things can no longer interest him—even if they come from the land knights.

Speaking of the Knights of the Earth, through this battle, Lin Xiao was most impressed by his own lack of strength.

Even though he had only defeated three earth knights, he himself was still only at a high level.

"Speaking of which, my talent is not outstanding. Compared with Xue Li's talent, it can even be said to be very poor." Lin Xiao saw it very clearly for herself.

If he was really a genius, he wouldn't need to be blessed every time he was promoted in the territory to finally break through.

Moreover, this is because as a lord, the resources he enjoys on weekdays are the top level.

In addition, there is also the pure energy assistance of the crystal tablet.

All of this contributed to his rapid promotion.

But what if the territory promotion gets stuck?
For example, Xianhe collar is stuck at the city level and cannot be promoted to the main city level.

Then, can he rely on his own ability to break through the Earth Knight?
The answer is not easy to say.

It may take ten or 20 years, or it may not be broken through in a lifetime.

Therefore, even for the sake of strength improvement, Xianhe leader must be promoted to the main city level.

To be promoted to the main city level, you can't get around the big hurdle of Yuanli materials.

"In the entire star field world, the energy materials for promotion to the main city level have basically disappeared, and the information fed back by Cecil all confirms this..." Lin Xiao has a headache, "Maybe in those main cities In the hands, there will be some stocks, but trying to trade them from them is simply a dream!"

No one would be willing to have an extra person on the dining table who would share the cake with him.

Just like those indigenous city-level territories that have existed for many years, if they had a way, they would have completed their promotion long ago instead of being stuck at the city-level.

The existence of those native city-level territories all foreshadows the difficulty of being promoted to the main city level.

"Not to mention the long-term goal of the sky city, if you can't gather all the materials, you won't even be able to advance to the main city." Lin Xiao shook his head, his eyes full of expectation, "I just don't know where the peerless opportunity of that star field world will come from." Time to open..."

(End of this chapter)

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