super star lord

Chapter 204 Backhand 1 potion

Chapter 204

There is a reason why Lin Xiao has no confidence in advancing to the earth level without relying on external assistance.

Professional practice.

From low-level, middle-level to high-level, it is basically just an upgrade of strength, and does not involve other more complicated factors.

Because these three levels can actually be regarded as the ordinary knight stage, there is no real bottleneck.

Even if the talent is not good, as long as the resources are sufficient, it can be grinded to a high level by simply relying on drugs.

But Earth Knight is different.

To be promoted, one must not only cultivate to a high-level peak, but also comprehend some natural mysteries, which is especially demanding for talents.

It is precisely because of this that even in the main city-level territory, there are so few earth knights.

You must know that the citizens of the main city-level territory will have a little permanent improvement in aptitude and blood, and their talents will be stronger.It is so difficult for them to advance to the earth level, let alone the citizens of territories below the earth level.

In the territory below the main city level, there are basically very few existences that can break through the land level.

For example, Oston and Douglas, both of them are old city-level lords, but they are still stuck at the top of the high-level.

Lin Xiao would not be so arrogant that she would think that her talent would be better than the two of them.

Therefore, he basically has no hope of being promoted to the earth level alone.

"Although I can't do it, Shirley's talent is outstanding, earth level, and she will never stop her." Lin Xiao thought of that girl for a moment. It can be said that until now, he has never seen anyone with a talent comparable to Shirley's. .

If you want to find a cultivator who can advance to the earth level without relying on the blessing of the crystal tablet in the entire Xianhe collar, it must be Shirley.

Of course, Anivia was an exception.

She is a legendary ferocious beast, and her prime state may be stronger than that of the earth level. As long as she keeps recovering, the earth level is not even a bottleneck.

can be easily crossed.

"If the Xianhe leader has been unable to be promoted, and one day, Shirley is already an earth mage, and Anivia is also restored to the earth level, then, as an elder brother and a lord knight, how should I face the girl and the mount I have cultivated? ?” Every time Lin Xiao thought of this, she felt a burst of pressure.

"No matter what, even if it is to protect the image of my brother and the dignity of the knight, I can't hold back in front of them." Lin Xiao secretly made up her mind, "Therefore, this glorious territory must be promoted to the main city level!"

"Also, time must be fast!"


Just defeated a few earth knights, if the publicity is enough to set off a stormy sea, at such a moment, even if you are a little proud, there is no problem.

But as long as he thinks about the future, this thought is completely diluted.

Although there is pressure in my heart, there is no rush.

Before the Lord of Purgatory learns that the earth knights he sent are missing, and thus infers the result of the defeat of the battle, he can still have a period of calm.

As for the demon world, in a short period of time, it will still focus on small-scale exploration and development.

on the second day.

After breakfast, Lin Xiao started the basic work that he hadn't done for a long time as a lord - patrolling the territory.

The first thing I went to was the Animal Taming Garden, to visit Alista, the behemoth living here.

Now Alista's identity is the guardian of Xianhe City.

Unless necessary, Lin Xiao will not take it out to fight. Besides, he often goes out, and the territory also needs a heavyweight combat force that can be used to ensure the safety of the core city.

At least, as a deterrent on the surface.

Seeing Lin Xiao appearing, Alista was very excited.


It is asking why, as its knight, it will never see it.

In this regard, Lin Xiao backhanded with a handful of high-grade potions, which almost filled Alista's bloody mouth to the brim.

"Aww... roar!"

Alistar roared indistinctly, although the meaning was not very clear, but it could be seen that under the offensive of the medicine, it fell quickly.

Although the supply of medicines is abundant on weekdays, the types basically rarely change. After a long time, even the most delicious medicines are a bit tired of eating.

Now he suddenly ate a brand new, high-grade potion, and he felt the extremely comfortable feeling again, and it spread all over his body.

A pair of giant eyes lit up.

Next, after the emotional connection was in place, Lin Xiao and it started riding practice.

The process went smoothly and the practice results met expectations.

After the end, by the way, tell the taming garden to take care of Alista, and then start to the next location.

along the way.

He inspected the three major colleges that had expanded again and again, especially Xianhe Combat College and Xianhe Technical College.

After years of training, these academies have been continuously delivering talents to the territory.

Not only in Xianhe City, but also in other towns and cities, branch schools have been established, basically covering the entire territory, to ensure that no talented teenagers and girls are missed.

The Golden Island is huge, and this round of inspection work is destined not to end in a short time.

Every time he went to a city, he had to have an in-depth understanding of all aspects of people's livelihood development.

Among them, some new cities under construction are the focus of the inspection.

Golden Island has undergone continuous development, and now the population distribution and city construction have become more and more perfect. Basically, every large resource point has a town, a small resource point has a village, and a small resource point has a camp.

During the tour, he will also practice riding with his other mounts to avoid unfamiliar relationships.

In addition to Anivia and Alistar, he has three mounts.

They are the saber-toothed tiger Ren, the one-horned dragon-scaled horse Zhuifeng who has already been promoted to high-level, and the high-level red-feathered eagle Zhuiyu.

Among the three mounts, Ren's bloodline is stronger, and he was originally a high-level peak. After several years of training, his transformation and promotion are only a step away. If the territory is promoted, it is very hopeful that it will be promoted directly to the epic beast.

As for the other two, they have been promoted through a large number of bloodline fruits, and have basically tapped out their full potential. It is extremely difficult to promote.

At this time, he was riding Zhui Yu, wearing a fire armor and blessed by fire, looking extremely cool.

"Zui Yu, meteor fire rain!"

Following his order, Zhui Yu quickly flapped his wings, and a large number of fireballs began to condense in the sky in an instant, and immediately fell down with a whizzing swish.

Immediately, the flat ground below seemed to be bombarded by hundreds of rune cannons, with flames splashing and smoke flying everywhere.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, the ground was already densely packed with pits.

"Zhui Yu's three talents are very powerful. If he cooperates with a high-level knight, the combat power he can display on the battlefield will definitely surpass the high-level level... Unfortunately, it follows me, but it is completely useless "Looking at Zhui Yu's powerful blow, Lin Xiao sighed slightly.

Thinking of this, he suddenly had an idea.

 Thank you Yin Yan for the 2000 book coins!Thank you for being young and frivolous "Yi Chasing Dreams" for the 200 book coins rewarded! Thank you Blade? for the 100 book coins rewarded!

(End of this chapter)

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