super star lord

Chapter 205 Ashe's Touch

Chapter 205 Ashe's Touch

Beamon Island.

After several months of development, the original camp on the island has been built into a town.

In addition, at the other two large resource points, two towns were also established.

There are also many small resource points, just like the Golden Island, all of which have established villages.

The development of the entire island is progressing rapidly, and these results are enough to show how wise it was to appoint Ashe as the captain of the Beamon development team.

After seeing the girl, Lin Xiao could sense that her body was full of battle energy and her breath was steady. It was obvious that she had been promoted to a higher level for a while, and he was not surprised by the girl's talent.

Moreover, as she grew older, Ashe became taller and taller, with a heroic appearance, and her face looked delicate but somewhat exotic.

"Your Highness!" Ashe bowed and saluted.

"how are things?"

"The development of Beamon Island went very smoothly. After His Highness subdued the Beamon Beast, the beasts on the island were basically easily subdued by us, and they became our help for the development. The knights of the Crystal Knights have all received suitable training. The Gale Horse mount..." The girl seemed to have not seen Lin Xiao for a long time, and she had a lot to say.

Before that, due to her faith and admiration, Her Highness the lord defeated and subdued the mighty Behemoth Behemoth. She was only an intermediate knight, and the gap between the two was getting farther and farther. Not that confident.

Now that she has been promoted to a higher level, the development of Meng Island has been smoother, and the Crystal Knights have grown steadily, she feels that she can stand in front of His Highness with more confidence and look at him with more admiration.

Lin Xiao didn't know what the girl was thinking. After listening to the situation of Beamon Island, he specially instructed: "The pioneering operation of Beamon Island is on the right track, and the Crystal Knights are getting stronger and stronger. Let go of things that can be let go as much as possible. Focus more on your own cultivation, your talent is very powerful, and your future is limitless."

"Well, thank you Your Highness for teaching, Ashe knows!"

Lin Xiao attaches great importance to this talented bow and arrow knight. If Shirley is the first to be promoted to the earth level without relying on the light of blessing, then Ashe is the second, followed by talent.

Moreover, he has seen the girl's efforts.

After handing over Beamon Island to her, not only the development work was handled in an orderly manner, but the training of the Crystal Knights also continued as usual. Under such circumstances, she has not delayed her practice.

For such a high-quality follower, Lin Xiao is not stingy with rewards. He pointed to Zhui Yu, who has become majestic because of his promotion to a higher level: "This is my early mount of a red feather eagle, because the training conditions are very good. Now it is a high-level grade, and it also has three talents: Blessing of Fire, Armor of Fire, and Meteor Fire Rain, and its combat ability is extraordinary. I will give it to you now, and I hope you treat it well."

That's right, besides inspecting Beamon Island, he also came to give away the mount.

Zhuiyu is very strong, and his real combat strength is stronger than that of Zhanlan Haidongqing. The role of handing it over to the bow and arrow knight Ashe is undoubtedly much better than following him and being completely useless.

He looked at Zhui Yu, who was standing proudly next to him, with a strong aura, surrounded by red illusory flames, and a huge figure.

Even Ashe, who has gradually matured as the captain of the Beamon Pioneering Team and the head of the Crystal Knights, was still trembling with excitement: "Your Highness, Ashe, Ashe..." Suddenly, I felt tears welling up, choking speechless.

Not only because of a rare high-level flying mount, but also because it is His Highness's mount.

Even the knight's partner is willing to give him a mount, which shows how much His Highness values ​​him.

Lin Xiao said calmly: "My first mount is Flaming Dragon Horse Chasing Wind, and Chasing Yu is my second mount. Although it is close to its limit to be promoted to a higher level, if one day the territory can be promoted to the main city, maybe It can also have another chance to break through the shackles, before its strength can keep up with you, treat it well, make good use of it, and let it complete the most glorious mission as a mount - charging on the battlefield."

After a long time, Ashe finally calmed down and said solemnly as if taking an oath: "As you wish, Your Highness!"

"Very good, then from now on, Zhui Yu will be your mount and your partner. I hope you can ride and practice with it often, and master the fighting skills of a flying knight as soon as possible." Maybe it's because you are used to touching Shirley's hair. , he also stroked Ashe's smooth golden hair, "Of course, you are a knight of bow and arrow, melee is only for assistance, and the main thing is to practice shooting in the air... You should know that the essentials of archery are different in the air and on the ground of."

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Lin Xiao nodded, and next, he and Ai Xi carried out the handover of mounts.

Although Zhuiyu was very reluctant, but after Lin Xiao promised to visit it often, and explained through the way of knight and mount communication that it would be difficult to use even if he followed him, and he could only charge on the battlefield with Ashe, he was reluctant to let go walked towards Ashe.

The intelligence of a high-level ferocious beast is not low, not to mention following Lin Xiao for so many years, although he basically didn't fight together, Lin Xiao often practiced riding with it, and a close relationship and a good relationship have been established between one person and one eagle. communicate.

Patting Zhui Yu's feathers, Lin Xiao looked at the girl: "Ride on, go fly!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Seeing the girl turning over and Zhui Yu flying into the sky with her wings, Lin Xiao heaved a sigh of relief.

Chasing Yu to follow him is a complete waste, leaving it to Ashe to ride may be the best choice.


After visiting Beamon Island, he did not forget the seabed enchantment.

When I came here, not only did the number of ships moored on the sea not decrease, but there were more.

Lin Xiao knew that in addition to the experimental ships of the technical committee, there were also a large number of territorial cabinets sent over to support the development of the demon world.

These sea-going ships have dedicated storage, transportation, and living logistics personnel, as well as communication ships that communicate with the demon world in real time. The role is to provide logistical support for the development of the demon world from all aspects.

His first stop was naturally his own ship.

The ship at this time has almost been transformed into the most luxurious sea laboratory, providing services exclusively for Shirley's research.

All kinds of experimental equipment and busy experimenters, although they don't wear white coats and their research directions are completely different, but in Lin Xiao's eyes, they are no different from science and technology laboratories on earth.

Because he couldn't understand it.

Of course, it's not all self-deprecating.

There is also a large part of it because of pride.

This shows that his training for so many years has been very effective, and the elites of the technical committees in front of him are the best proof.

(End of this chapter)

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