super star lord

Chapter 206 Research Progress

Chapter 206 Research Progress
"Brother, you are here."

After standing behind the girl for a long time, after she finished an experiment, maybe she felt something abnormal behind her, and finally turned around and saw him.

"How is it? Is the recent research going well?" Lin Xiao was not surprised. It would be a little strange if the girl could see him as soon as he came in.

As soon as she asked about the experiment, the girl immediately turned into a chatterbox: "The seabed enchantment is really wonderful. When it is not revealed, it is just an invisible layer of space, but when we really use various methods , When I studied it from various angles, I realized that it seemed to contain a world, and it contained endless unknowns..."

"Really?" Lin Xiao was stunned, it was just an enchantment, so it's so exaggerated.

It seemed that Lin Xiao didn't take it seriously, and the girl patiently explained: "Brother, you don't think the appearance is very simple, but on this barrier, we have observed the existence of a large number of space runes through various means, and their functions are all kinds of strange. , including space isolation, space interlayer, space scaling, space passage, space movement, space teleportation... There are many, many types, and these are all named by ourselves, and there is almost no record in the inheritance."

Although Lin Xiao didn't understand it, just by hearing the name, she felt very tall.

"Can these space runes be learned, and can we use them in other places?" He is more concerned about this.

Is it possible to create an enchantment if you study it thoroughly, or even realize magical abilities such as space teleportation.

However, what the girl said next quickly poured cold water on him.

"These space runes are not obvious. At this stage, we have only tested the characteristics of those runes through some indirect experiments. It is impossible to really learn and use them in the short term." The girl shook her head and said.

However, Lin Xiao didn't think it was a pity. It would be really weird if space research was really that simple.

From the present point of view, the seabed enchantment project is definitely the largest project in Xianhe Territory.

It is also the most difficult research project.


Obviously, it's here to stay for a long, long time.

The girl was not discouraged because it was difficult to see the results in a short period of time. In fact, having the opportunity to study the enchantment was something that other rune masters could hardly imagine.

This is like scientists who want to study cutting-edge science. This enchantment is the cutting-edge science of rune masters.

"By the way, I heard that you have also formulated a new project, which is to study monsters. How is it? Is there any result?" Lin Xiao suddenly thought of what he had heard before, and couldn't help asking.

Mainly, he is also curious about creatures like Warcraft.

It looks like a ferocious beast, but it is not only more ferocious, but also more brutal. It is completely fearless when charging.

Such monsters are completely more terrifying than the beasts in the beast tide.

In addition, the power system of Warcraft is also different from that of fierce beasts, and it actually comes from the same source as demons.

"A ferocious beast that stole the demon's power?" This was Lin Xiao's judgment a long time ago.

Moreover, this idea was confirmed by the girl: "We are also very curious about the monsters that my brother brought back last time. After researching, we found that their body structure is very different from ordinary beasts. Under the erosion of demon power , whether it is physical fitness, strength, resilience and vitality, have greatly improved."

"But this kind of power does not belong to them. Even if they are forcibly integrated into this kind of power to improve their physical fitness, the side effects are also obvious."

"What side effect?" Lin Xiao asked.

"Their minds will become confused and their personalities will become more irritable."

"In other words, this is a means of pulling seedlings and encouraging growth?" Lin Xiao could only find this adjective to describe it.

At this time, the girl continued to introduce: "We use ordinary beasts to inject the power of demons. Although we can't turn them into monsters, during the injection process, some changes in their bodies are very similar to monsters."

"As for the inability to become a monster, we suspect that there may be some special means that we don't know about, or... a process."

"Process?" Lin Xiao chewed the word.

The girl nodded and confirmed: "Yes, it is the process. Warcraft is like a product produced by a series of processes in a workshop."

"Produce Warcraft?"

He has seen the strength of monsters before. They are stronger than fierce beasts, and they are more fearless than death.It can be said that with the same number and level of ferocious beasts and monsters fighting recklessly, the one who wins in the end will definitely not be the ferocious beasts.

If it is really possible to mass-produce Warcraft, then this method is undoubtedly extremely cost-effective.

Back then, if the Beast God Leader wasn't already strong and its defenses were perfect and sufficient, it would never have been able to easily block the impact of the demonic beast horde.

"However, even if there is such a method, if you want to mass-produce monsters, you need to capture a lot of raw materials--monsters, which is very troublesome." Lin Xiao thought, "In comparison, rune puppets are more reliable, not only Stronger, but also mass-producible."

Thinking of this, he said to the girl: "We don't have the power of demons. Warcraft is not suitable for us. We only need to know its basic information. What we really need are still rune puppets."

"Well, okay, brother." The girl naturally knew this.

After chatting with the girl for a while, he went on to inspect other experimental ships, visited the technical elites working here, and gained a wave of loyalty.

After all, the opportunity to get in close contact with the lord is not available all the time.

After patrolling the sea surface, there is also an enchantment under the sea surface.

After passing through the barrier, the place where the knight appeared was the land where the knight disappeared.

Here, Xianhe Territory has established a fortress-style city.

The number of ordinary citizens in the city may not be comparable to the number of knights.

In fact, if it weren't for the operation of a city that required a minimum of support personnel, ordinary citizens might not even have one—this situation is based on the special circumstances of the demon world.

Under the mighty power of the Devil City, even with the strength of the Xianhe Territory, it cannot open up unscrupulously.

In this fortress city, Lin Xiao received the person in charge here and listened to the report on exploration and development.

"Your Highness is honored, during this period of time, we have drawn a map of tens of thousands of square kilometers around, detected a large number of resource points, and captured more than a dozen demons at the same time..." The person in charge clearly reported the specific situation.

However, at the end of the report, he still euphemistically raised some difficulties: "This area is densely populated with ferocious beasts, and their levels are relatively high. Our exploration and development work is progressing slowly..."

"Don't worry, the territory will do its best to support you." Lin Xiao patted him on the shoulder, "This world is full of crises, but it is also extremely important. To work here, each of you needs enough courage, and you will be rewarded." corresponding returns."

"Your Highness is honored!" Everyone responded excitedly to Lin Xiao's promise.

Indeed, as Lin Xiao said, here we have to face possible threats all the time, and if we don't have enough courage, it is difficult to resist this huge pressure.

But this kind of work requires someone to stand up and do it.

Their efforts should be rewarded.

After all, Lin Xiao has never been stingy with his subjects.

(End of this chapter)

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