super star lord

Chapter 208 Disappearing out of thin air

Chapter 208 Disappearing out of thin air
It wasn't until this moment that the aftermath of that shocking battle began to spread slowly.

It is also now that everyone has discovered that in that corner of the light blue sea, there has unexpectedly risen a ferocious beast that no one can ignore, and has the qualifications to participate in the game.

For the seven main city-level territories, although the emergence of heresy has attracted their attention, they know that it is impossible to gather materials for promotion to the main city level in this era, but they actually don't pay much attention to it.

Most of the views are that no matter how hard the heretics are, they who cannot be promoted to the main city will not pose any threat to the main city-level territory that holds hundreds of land knights on average.

Even if some people are extremely talented and can break through the land level without relying on promotion to the main city, they are definitely very few. In front of a main city-level territory, it is not enough to look at.

On the contrary, you can also fatten them up and harvest a wave when resources are lacking.

Even though the Mizhou Alliance is connected with the Holy Faction, the status of the two is not absolutely equal.

Their calculations are good, and generally speaking, there is nothing wrong with them.

But things always happen unexpectedly.

All kinds of accidents are the root cause of the constant changes in this world.

The accident this time was that a Xianhe lord who could defeat the three earth knights appeared.

This kind of combat power is enough to make everyone fearful.

Moreover, he also has the title of Beamon Knight.

In the aftermath of this battle, I don't know how many forces adjusted their policies overnight and re-examined the Xianhe Territory.

Because of Lin Xiao's first battle, the star field world has completely stirred up the situation.

On Earth, however, there is also a real upheaval that is about to take place.


The failure of the Battle of Twilight Island in the light blue sea made many people feel deeply disgusted with most of the lords on the earth, that is, the so-called human elites.

Although, they don't know the real situation.

I don't know, even if all the human lords unite, they can't shake the foundation of the star field world.

Perhaps it's not that they don't know, but that they refuse to believe that they will stand on their own ground and believe that as long as mankind unites, they will have the opportunity to conquer the entire star field world and benefit all mankind.

During the Battle of Twilight Island, when the human lords were not united, and most of them were watching, most people would think that the part of the lords had become more and more selfish and not for ordinary people at all. consider.

In fact, ordinary people, who account for more than 99% of the human population, will never have the opportunity to practice extraordinary powers. They can only live a mediocre life on the earth without enjoying the benefits of the coming of the star field world.

Part of the reason is that only official lords can enter the star field world.

Another part of the reason is that the number of human beings is too large.

It is impossible to satisfy everyone's wishes.

In fact, among most national powers, only a very small number of people with outstanding talents can get the opportunity to practice—as a condition, they must generally serve that power for life.

I watched helplessly as a few people were able to practice spiritually, master powerful extraordinary powers, and command the wind and rain in society, attracting the attention of everyone wherever they went.

In addition to envy, there is also deep unwillingness.

Everyone would think, why not me?

Why don't I have the opportunity to practice?
If I can practice, I will definitely be more diligent and stronger than everyone else.

Everyone will feel that they are the protagonist.

And now, that opportunity seems to be on the horizon.


This is a super large and luxurious villa manor.

Fax walked out of the gate dejectedly, all his efforts had become a joke, and his chance of turning around by following a lord would be completely shattered.

"Why? I'm not reconciled!"

Before that, he had planned to propose to his girlfriend of seven years. She was so beautiful and fascinated him. He vowed to love her all the time and try his best to provide her with the best living conditions.

But in the end, what he didn't expect was that at the most critical moment, he was rejected.

This is unbelievable.

For his girlfriend who has been in love for seven years, he has done his best no matter what.

There's no reason to reject him.

But when a handsome young man walked out impatiently and hugged his girlfriend's waist, he came to his senses and began to question him angrily, and the answer he got was: "He can provide me with the conditions to practice, so... sorry. "

At that moment, Fax just felt that the whole world collapsed.

Although the Star Field World has been here for a few years, in fact the resulting social changes have little impact on the low-level civilians. After all, no matter how the society changes, they are always so ordinary.

But at that moment, he really felt the pain on his skin.

Because he was able to practice, his love left him far away.

From that moment on, he quit his job, cultivated crazily, and continued to participate in the selection of followers of various lords, trying his best to embark on the path of cultivation.

It is to prove that even if he does not rely on others, he can still obtain the opportunity to practice with his own efforts.

Although his aptitude is not bad.

But there is no doubt that in the selection again and again, he failed in the end.

Most of the lords have difficulty even maintaining their territories in the star field world. There are only a very small number of followers who can recruit followers on Earth, and these very few lords recruit fewer and fewer followers. The result of this is that countless Thousands of people, even hundreds of thousands of people, are vying for a spot.

Fax repeatedly lost the election, nothing more than normal.

The person living in this villa manor today is a powerful lord who is said to have selected thousands of people, and his conditions for recruiting followers are more stringent.

Here, too, there is no doubt that he failed.

Love is shattered, dreams are shattered.

Fax was desperate.

Why can those people become lords and practice?

Why them?

He has always felt that although he is not the most talented, he is definitely the hardest working.

Efforts are not rewarded.

"what should I do?"

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Who can tell me?"

Fax walked in a daze, passing through one block after another, and before he knew it, he had already come to a dark street.

Ahead, there seemed to be some colored lights.

Blurred and dreamy, as if spinning.

If it wasn't for the proximity and the darkness of the street, he might not even notice it when he passed by.

Maybe it's the light coming from somewhere, the thought flashed through Fax's sleepy mind, but why is that light so familiar...

But before he could think about anything further, his body disappeared when it touched the dreamy light!
Yes, it just disappeared, and there was no trace of him in the same place.

Only the dreamy light was left looming, spinning slowly, as if it was a terrifying beast that wanted to choose someone and devour it.

 Thanks Hao, 180******52 rewarded 100 book coins!

(End of this chapter)

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