super star lord

Chapter 209

Chapter 209
In the middle of the night, a young man who had just finished working overtime and was walking in the dark streets of the city, disappeared immediately after touching a group of vaguely dreamy lights. Only a mobile phone with a broken screen lay quietly on the ground.

In the dilapidated factory building, a patrolling security guard disappeared, leaving only a flashlight with a dim light that seemed to be about to run out of batteries.

In the countryside, a farmer who had just returned home from work suddenly disappeared, and only a hoe proved that he had been here.

In the dark park, the young men and women who were talking about love disappeared directly, only a gust of wind blew in place, and no one knew that they had been here.


After Fax disappeared, as if some mechanism had been triggered, such dreamy vortexes of light appeared one after another in many places on the entire earth, and anyone who touched them would disappear immediately.

At first, this happened unwitnessed, with no one paying attention except close contacts of the vanished person.

But when the first case of disappearing without witnesses appeared, this strange phenomenon finally attracted the attention of the authorities.

However, the human beings on earth who have experienced the coming of the star field world are obviously much stronger for such strange things.Moreover, there were not many witnesses, it did not spread, and it did not cause a large-scale shock.

After the official noticed it, they just blocked the disappearance location and conducted an investigation while trying not to arouse public opinion.

What really pushed this weird incident to a climax and caused a global shock came from the news that could not be more normal than usual.


Times Square, a bustling neighborhood in Manhattan, is known as 'the crossroads of the world'.

Surrounded by colorful neon lights and street performers, news, song MVs, and large screens of TV programs are broadcast at any time, enough to shock everyone's eyes.

This is the only area in New York that requires owners to hang eye-catching publicity boards in the planning laws. Many news media in the world, including American Broadcasting Corporation, have set up studios and news centers in Times Square. Studio background.

During the prime time at night, it is the working time of each studio.

Various news media are broadcasting news about all over the world, delivering timely news information to everyone as much as possible.

But they didn't expect that one day, they would also be part of the news.

on this night.

In the background of their news, a huge colorful vortex slowly appeared in Times Square, which was originally full of feasting and bustling scenes.

At first, neither the studio staff nor the news audience paid special attention, thinking that it was the lighting effect of Times Square-under normal circumstances, this would not be a problem.

Even if some people feel familiar, the thought is only fleeting.

But this time, the situation... seems to be somewhat beyond everyone's expectations.

Because after the fantasy vortex appeared, the people who were walking on Times Square disappeared one by one after touching the colored light.

When the first person disappeared, only a few people around noticed, some couldn't believe it, but it didn't cause a large-scale sensation.

But as more and more people disappeared, the entire Times Square was alarmed.

And in a short period of time, the entire Times Square began to become extremely chaotic.

The more chaotic it is, the more people who don't know the situation will run away and disappear when they touch the light.

Like a chain reaction.

Times Square, which was originally bustling with crowds of people, suddenly seemed to become a terrifying beast, constantly devouring the human beings it accidentally touched.



"Why did people disappear!"

"What the hell happened!"

Such a scene is somewhat similar to the scene in the movie "Resident Evil".

The difference is that the danger in Resident Evil, the zombies, is visible.

But what happened here is completely unknown.

The unknown is the most terrifying.

The change in Times Square was broadcast in real time by many news studios as a background board, allowing all news viewers to see the shocking scene unprecedentedly.

In fact, not only the pedestrians in Times Square, but also the various studios were in chaos when they noticed this situation. Some people even ran away because of fear.

However, some people immediately realized that this was a big news, so they simply pointed the camera directly at Times Square, and began to broadcast the news about the changes in Times Square.

"To all the viewers watching the live broadcast, as you can see, an unknown change took place in Times Square. A large number of pedestrians disappeared after touching the colored light. We can clearly see that the situation below is extremely chaotic. We don’t have any reasonable explanation at the moment, and our station will continue to report on the details of this matter!” A reporter with blonde beauty suppressed the tension in her heart and said to the camera.

"Oh God, my God! It's true, you read it right, the bustling Times Square has become a beast that can't be avoided, everyone is fleeing, it's too chaotic now, we have no way of knowing all this Why did it happen, where did the disappearing people go..."

As more and more news media began to broadcast the news in real time, the news reached more and more people, and it also began to spread on the Internet.

All the news viewers were shocked, and they couldn't help opening their eyes wide, watching the news pictures captured by the high-definition cameras without blinking.

Some sharp-eyed people can even see the scene where pedestrians disappear directly.

The whole earth is completely boiling!
The change in Times Square has finally caused a complete sensation all over the world.

"My God!"

"What's the situation? Just disappear?"

"Could it be that another star field world has come?"

"Anyone stand up and explain?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

They actually saw such a shocking scene from the news that they hardly pay attention to at ordinary times and usually serve as the background sound and picture.

Due to the dissemination characteristics of the news, and it still appeared in the live broadcast, the news spread all over the world immediately.Even those who are busy with work and sleep are notified by relatives and friends.

By the time the officials of various countries realize the seriousness of this matter, it will be too late even if they want to cover it up.

And, it's not over yet.

No one would have thought that the incident in Times Square was just an introduction. As this incident happened, more and more similar situations were continuously revealed.

As if in an instant, in every corner of the world, human beings disappeared for no reason.

Everyone couldn't help asking, what happened to this world?
(End of this chapter)

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