super star lord

Chapter 214 Combat

Chapter 214 Combat
As for why the new world can enter and leave freely, but the star field world has many restrictions, Lin Xiao has no answer.

All human lords don't know the answer.

"Perhaps, only by advancing to the legendary Sky City can we unlock the ultimate secret." Lin Xiao thought of this for granted.

Because, in the legend, the castle in the sky can transcend the world.

They are all beyond the world, so naturally they should be able to unlock the secrets of the world.

Of course, thinking about this kind of problem is too illusory for the leader of Xianhe, who is not the main city.What kind of existence the Star Field World is, and what are its special features, are beyond his reach now.

Now, finding out the secrets of the new world is the most important thing right now.

Going down this road will naturally not be peaceful.

Basically, from time to time, a blind beast would rush up and regard him as its prey.

Of course, their results all became the corpse of a ferocious beast.

Some meat is delicious, and it has also become a barbecue ingredient.

Originally, the entrance Lin Xiao chose was one of the least dangerous entrances, and the beasts in this area were also of a relatively low level.

Most of them are middle and low-level beasts, and there are very few high-level beasts.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the density of ferocious beasts at this entrance is not high, basically no terrifying beast tide will form.

According to the information he knew, on the other side of some really dangerous entrance passages, not only the level of fierce beasts was extremely high, but the density of fierce beasts was extremely high, and a wave of beasts would also form to attack humans.

At that kind of entrance, no matter how powerful the forces are, no matter how many knights they send in, it will be in vain.

Perhaps, even if the knights of the earth went in, they would all end up being beaten to exhaustion and dying.

As long as you are still a human being, your physical strength will always be exhausted, and your fighting spirit will eventually bottom out. Facing the almost endless beasts, a single individual is basically unable to resist.

But now Lin Xiao encountered a group of ferocious beasts with very bad luck.

"Wolf Pack!"

Yes, now he is surrounded by wolves.

It is larger than ordinary wolves on earth, with blue hair and sharper teeth.

Looking at the number, there are almost tens of thousands of wolves. Even if the wolves are mainly middle and low level, and the high level is only a few wolves, but there are too many wolves, and it will never be easy to deal with.

After thinking about it for a while, he roughly knew the ins and outs.

Among the ferocious beasts killed in the past few days, there were a few green wolves. He thought they were just ordinary ferocious beasts alone, but he didn't pay attention to them.After all, there were so many beasts killed, it was impossible to remember every one of them.

But wolves are ferocious beasts that live in packs. As long as one of the wolves is killed, the whole pack will fight the murderer forever.

From the looks of it now, he had obviously become the thorn in the side of the wolves, the one who wanted to kill them quickly.

Lin Xiao was speechless for a while.

"It's really bad luck to be surrounded by wolves without finding the secret of the new world."

The wolves are not vegetarians, each one is brave enough to die, no matter how powerful he is, under the constant beating, if he doesn't play up his energy, he might be injured.

Even if you can escape smoothly, if the consumption is too high, it will have an impact on the subsequent exploration.

Now this situation revealed the importance of Anivia.

If the ice crystal phoenix was there, there would be no point in fighting the wolves, just ride her and disappear without a trace.

Even flying beasts are impossible to catch up to, let alone these blue wolves that can only run on land.

For the first time he felt constrained.

However, no matter what you think in your heart, you must first solve the troubles in front of you.

Pulling out Yinshuang, feeling the cold touch of the hilt in his hand, before the pack of wolves took the initiative to attack, Lin Xiao directly pulled out and rushed towards the nearest green wolf.

Sword light flashed.

Directly divided into two halves.

This sword seemed to stab a hornet's nest.

All blue wolves are angry.

The prey, surrounded by groups, killed a companion in front of the entire wolf pack before they could move.

This is a huge provocation.




One after another, the howling of wolves resounded intensively.

There was anger in the voice.

They wanted to tear Lin Xiao into pieces!

"Haha, come on!"

After seeing the blood, Lin Xiao calmed down a lot.

Being surrounded by wolves is a good opportunity.

In the absence of a mount, fighting alone, you can only rely on yourself, which has an excellent effect on improving your own strength and exercising your own combat effectiveness.

Moreover, although the pack of wolves was huge, none of them was higher than him, so it was neither too dangerous nor too easy.

This level of pressure is just right.

After beheading the first blue wolf, the opponent didn't give him another chance like this. Dozens of blue wolves rushed up at once, covering him in almost every direction and every angle, and completely submerged him with their sharp claws.

As soon as he came up, there was no room for him to dodge at all.

However, Lin Xiao didn't need to dodge either.

The sword light was shining, and the afterimage of the sword body could not be seen at all. Ordinary people could only see a flash of sword light, and the blue wolf that rushed forward was cut into countless corpses, and blood splashed.

The first wave of impact failed.

At the same time, a strong bloody smell permeated the air.

Stimulated by the smell of blood, all the blue wolves were furious, fighting even more fearlessly.

After the first wave of attacks, there was no time to breathe, and a steady stream of blue wolves rushed up, trying to bite Lin Xiao.


The sword light waved, airtight, Lin Xiao wrapped in the sword light was like a hedgehog.

All the blue wolves that charged up, as long as they came into contact with the sword light, were directly divided into two halves.

a hundred heads.

Five hundred heads.

A thousand heads.

Two thousand heads.

Three thousand heads.


This is a never-ending battle.

Under Lin Xiao's feet, there were layers of blue wolf corpses, layer after layer, almost piled up into a hill.

The strong smell of blood, even Lin Xiao felt extremely pungent.

But even after being killed up to now, the remaining green wolves are still fearless of death, rushing up continuously.As if not tearing him apart, even if the entire wolf pack died, they would never stop.

With a swing of the sword, more than a dozen green wolves were split in half. Lin Xiao took advantage of the maneuver and moved his arms, feeling extremely sore.

Even though the grudge in his body could still be sustained, his muscles were sore from countless swings of the Silver Frost Sword.

This has nothing to do with cultivation, but that the physical body can't bear it.

Up to now, even if the idea of ​​practicing hands still exists in my heart, it has dissipated without a trace.

What he thinks now is to kill all these beasts as soon as possible.

"It's not too far from the vortex channel. If we don't get rid of this group of blue wolves, it will be a huge threat to the Knights." Thinking in his heart, the speed of swinging the sword in his hand was not slow at all.

At the same time, one after another medicine appeared and was swallowed by him.

Among them, there are some to replenish fighting spirit, and some to replenish physical strength.

Fighting up to now, both physical strength and fighting spirit have bottomed out, if they don't replenish, there will be a crisis of exhaustion.

In this completely strange world, he must ensure that he is in a good state at all times, otherwise, if there is an unknown danger, such as an epic beast jumping out suddenly, and he happens to be exhausted due to fighting the wolves, That's a little dangerous.

Because of encountering wolves, Lin Xiao fought with all his strength for the first time in the new world.

On the other side of the other few passages, several human lords who entered the new world also killed all the way.

Under such circumstances, the exploration of the new world by the major forces is advancing at an extremely fast speed, and a large amount of information is collected, integrated, and then presented to the high-level hands of the major forces.

(End of this chapter)

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