super star lord

Chapter 215 Crazy

Chapter 215 Crazy
before the emergence of the new world.

As the only extraordinary world, the star field world has the characteristics that only the members of the lord can enter and exit, which deeply affects all aspects of the earth.

Being able to freely enter and leave the star field world means an extraordinary social status and an elite status.

It means being sought after by countless people.

It is even regarded as the hope of mankind.

Because each lord not only possesses extraordinary power, but more importantly, can bring others the opportunity to practice.

But there are so many human beings on the whole earth.

It is foreseeable that no matter how many territories and resources the major forces conquer in the star field world, they will never share it with everyone.

For ordinary people like Fax, it is almost impossible to get a chance to practice.

If you want to change your destiny, you can only rely on yourself.

It can only be said that it is too naive to place hope on those big forces.

There are not so many philanthropists in this world.

But now it's different.

The emergence of the new world has brought real opportunities to all those who want to embark on the road of cultivation, turn over and change their destiny.

Opportunities that can be seized on their own initiative.

It's not like the Star Field World, even if you have some ideas that you want to fight, but you can't get in, it's just empty talk.

The new world fully meets everyone's hopes.

When the officials of various countries are in full swing and carrying out intensive research and exploration, more ordinary people have already started to take action.

For some people, it is because they are unhappy in life.

Some people are fed up with life at the bottom.

There are some people who want to change their destiny.

These people are more or less unsatisfactory in one way or another.

But they all have one thing in common, that is, they hope to fight for their future by breaking into the new world.

Even if you lose your life.

of course.

There are also some people who are purely chasing power.

Chasing superpowers.

I want to gain great strength or prolong my lifespan through practice.

Therefore, when the basic information of the new century came out, the entire Internet exploded.

Last time, when the Mizhou Alliance attacked Twilight Island live, there were overwhelming discussions on the Internet, but some people could see the facts clearly, knowing that even if the Mizhou Alliance conquered the entire star field world, it had nothing to do with them, and they did not follow suit.

But this time, the entire online world was completely filled with discussions from the new world.

Almost everyone is talking.

They are all searching, understanding, and finding out everything about the new world.

When a colorful vortex appears, or someone who disappears somewhere comes back to be exposed, it will always attract everyone's attention firmly.

Moreover, some of them not only collected information, but also began to put it into action.

They began to prepare wild survival equipment, some with connections, and even purchased weapons and ammunition.

A posture ready for a big fight.

Just the news that the concentration of Yuanli in the new world is comparable to that of the star field world is enough to drive everyone crazy.Not to mention, more and more news are confirming that although Yuanli medicinal materials are not everywhere in the new world, they are not uncommon.

So, the whole world went crazy.

"Gather your teammates and explore the new world together!"

"The door to the new world has been opened, and only the fearless can take advantage of the situation to rise!"

"The opportunity to seize fate is at hand!"

"Haha, everyone who is not afraid of death, come!"

"Has your girlfriend been robbed? Have you been divorced? Are you useless? Are you worthless and looked down upon by everyone? If you want to slap your face and go back, come together! Let's change our destiny together!"

"Heroes from all walks of life are sincerely invited to renovate the world!"


The major forces have star field worlds, and they can remain calm enough to implement the established plans step by step in the face of the sudden appearance of the new world.

But for more than 99% of ordinary people, the new world is their only chance to become strong.

Human beings are numerous, and so are the Dauntless.

In the face of strength, status, and longevity, few people can maintain reason.

However, there are still some people who continue to pour cold water on it.

"Go, go, all go to die!"

"It's ridiculous! The government has a large number of combat professionals, and they are cautious and cautious. You ordinary people, dare to go in? Are you really not afraid of death or life?"

"I really think I am the protagonist, I'm afraid I don't have the life of the protagonist!"

"Didn't you see that there are thousands of people going in in Times Square, but only one or two hundred people coming out? And almost all of them are injured!"

"Madness leads to death!"

"Tsk tsk, there are so many desperate people!"

There are those who are crazy for power, and naturally there are also those who are unmoved.

They don't understand those people's crazy actions at all.

I think there is no difference between going in and dying.

In fact, what they said was not wrong.

In the new world, the concentration of Yuanli is high, and there are many medicinal materials for Yuanli, but there are also many fierce beasts, and opportunities and crises are equally important.

However, if everyone maintained absolute rationality and avoided danger whenever there was danger, then this world would not be so colorful and full of miracles.

It is those who are desperate and fearless that make this unchanging world full of variables.

The heat of discussion on the Internet has already broken through the sky, and all kinds of news are flying all over the sky.

In midsummer.

In Mizhou.

in Europa.

In Black Continent.

in South Asia.

In most parts of the earth, groups of fearless people either form a team, or travel alone, or are equipped with simple equipment, or are fully armed, or even carry thermal weapons, and enter the new world through the colorful vortex passages that people have come out of. .

In order to change fate.

Although many of them will never return, it is more likely that one or more of them will become a world-renowned powerhouse in the future.

Pay and return are generally not proportional.

But sometimes, it will be directly proportional.

People who enter the new world do not directly fight to the death in the new world.

When in danger, it will also flee back to the earth.

Moreover, each person carries limited items, and needs to return to the earth frequently for supplies.

Therefore, although there are people going in continuously, there are also people coming out continuously.

Under such circumstances, it is natural that various news will continue to spread.

"I heard that someone found a rare medicinal herb of Yuanli, and after swallowing it, he was directly promoted to a knight!"

"I've also heard that someone found a gem of Yuanli, took it out and sold it for hundreds of millions of dollars, and directly became a young model in the villa near the sea club!"

"What is this? A friend of mine also discovered a small orichanite mine and sold it to the authorities, in exchange for endless potions!"


All kinds of exciting news firmly attracted everyone's attention.

Moreover, many news are not groundless, and have even been confirmed.

Such news also made more people who were still hesitating make up their minds to enter the new world.

However, when everyone pays attention to those lucky ones who get adventures, more people never come out, but no one will pay attention.

(End of this chapter)

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