super star lord

Chapter 216 Test

Chapter 216 Test
The emergence of the new world made the whole world seem to be in a state of madness.

Even if many people pour cold water on it, it can't stop people's enthusiasm.

After all, the places they chose to enter were all successfully exited. The group of people who entered accidentally at first suffered heavy casualties because they were unprepared.Now, they have made sufficient preparations, and some even carry thermal weapons, their survivability is completely different.

Even if there is danger, no one will think that he is the unlucky one.

No matter which country, there are a large number of people rushing in.

For such a situation, the official is naturally unwilling to see it.

Although some strong people may be born from them, the elimination ratio is too high.More people will only be meaningless sacrifices, and there will be no waves.

Therefore, when the exploration of the new world was hot, the official poured a basin of cold water at the right time.

in a week.

On the Internet, Zhongxia officials released a statistical result.

Very short answer.

Only one sentence.

"As of today, the proportion of the Zhongxia region entering the New World and returning to Earth is close to 50%."

Official power statistics, the data are more authoritative and close to the real situation.

The new world is wild and full of fierce beasts.

Except for the truly strong, it is basically impossible for ordinary people to stay for a week without returning to Earth once.

Therefore, the general situation is that nearly half of the people who entered the new world died there.

In other words, for every two people, one did not come back.

Such a survival ratio directly poured a basin of icy cold water on the fiery new world exploration action.

Some people who were attracted by all kinds of adventures and news, who were preparing supplies and wanted to enter the new world, were directly frightened.

This is not a gift from God, it is hell.

Facts have proved that the new world is not a world full of adventures, waiting for people to pick it up. Entering it is really risking your life.

Not just Midsummer.

Officials from other countries on Earth have also released similar information.

After all, no one wants to see their citizens make unnecessary sacrifices one by one.

For the exploration of the new world, return to rationality.

Only those who are sure of themselves, or who have some foundation, or who are really forced by life to the point of desperation, will fight with their lives.

After all, most of the deeds of those adventures are true.

Entering the new world, there is a chance to turn around and change your destiny.

But if you don't go in, you'll never have a chance.


as time flows.

The situation of many passages has gradually been figured out, and some passages with a lower degree of danger have become more and more lively.

Even spontaneously formed a small town.

There are lone travelers, various exploration teams, official professionals, and even the army.

That's right, the army.

Up to now, the less dangerous the passage, the more people flock to it.

Officials are no exception.

Although there are many combat professionals trained by big countries, they are also used in many occasions, so the number of professionals who can be drawn out to explore the new world is actually not many.

Therefore, the army held in hand has become one of the available forces.

Human beings' hot weapons have certain lethality against ferocious beasts.

Generally speaking.

Ordinary firearms pose a certain threat to low-level beasts. If they focus on some weakly defended vital positions, they can even kill them directly.

But for mid-level ferocious beasts, guns are no longer a threat.

At this time, the attack of heavy weapons will have a certain effect.

As for the more powerful high-level beasts, tanks and armored vehicles are needed to deal with them.

Therefore, military power can occupy a comparatively advantageous position in passages that are not highly dangerous.

After all, the army is large in number.

For example, Midsummer.

Just on the other side of dozens of passages assessed as low-level threats, a large number of troops have been deployed, and even a lot of infrastructure equipment has been transported to prepare for the construction of the city, as if planning to develop for a long time.

Establishing a city in the new world as an outpost and logistics base for exploring the new world is an inevitable result of the development of things.

The official action also brings great convenience to those who explore the new world.


On the other hand, Lin Xiao continued to explore the new world after dealing with the wolves with difficulty.

However, although it is important to find the secrets of the new world, the Xianhe collar of the star field world is the capital for one's life.

Therefore, in addition to exploring the new world, returning to the star field world regularly to handle territorial affairs is one of his main tasks.

In the territory, the development of the demon world is progressing smoothly.

Due to the existence of passing gems, the citizens who enter basically don't have to worry about safety, and the development efficiency is extremely high.

Moreover, as the output of communication gems increases, more and more knights can be sent in.Sending more knights in means expanding the scope of development, opening up more territories, and finding more resources.

In addition to paying attention to territorial affairs, the situation in the entire star field world is also one of Lin Xiao's main concerns.

After capturing the three Earth Knights of the Purgatory Territory, he told Gadlin that he must intensify his penetration into the Purgatory Territory and always pay attention to the movements of the Purgatory Territory.

As one of the seven main cities of the star field world, it is impossible for the leader of Purgatory to suffer a dumb loss, and he will never lose three core combat forces and remain indifferent.Regarding the possible reaction of the purgatory leader, the Xianhe leader must be more vigilant.

this day.

After dealing with the affairs of the territory, when he was about to go to explore the new world, the Technical Committee, which had never had any sense of presence, reported good news to him.

Rune Alchemy Workshop, Proving Ground.

This is a special test site, and all equipment developed by the technical committee is tested here.

For example, the last standard rune weapon was tested here.

Here, the technical committee specially built test walls of various grades.

The wall materials are all Yuanli metal, but the strength of the wall varies according to the combination of the depicting runes.

According to the level, it is divided into low-level test wall, medium test wall, high-level test wall, and the earth-level test wall that is being planned.

Each level corresponds to the corresponding level of a combat professional.

For example, the low-level test wall is enough to withstand the highest attack power of low-level professionals.

Now, in front of an advanced test wall.

A tall humanoid metal puppet was standing.

It is also the subject of this test.

That's right, the good news from the technical committee is that the rune puppet project, which has been established for several years, has finally seen the light of day.

The first sample has been produced, and what is being prepared now is the preliminary test of the high-level rune puppets.

"Your Highness, we are ready and ready to start at any time." After the technician in charge of the puppet development made preparations for the test and signaled to him, Gerry reported to Lin Xiaohui.

Lin Xiao nodded and said expectantly, "Let's get started."

(End of this chapter)

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