super star lord

Chapter 221 Picking Peaches

Chapter 221 Picking Peaches

"Quick, quick, dig up the soil, we need to determine the size of the Yuanjing mine immediately!" Faruien said excitedly.

Before he finished speaking, the others couldn't wait any longer, and turned the soil hard.

Although they are not as powerful as pangolins, as practitioners, they have mastered extraordinary power, and mining is just a piece of cake for them.

As the soil continued to be turned over, as expected, more and more spars with rich vitality continued to appear, which dazzled everyone's eyes.

"It's really a Yuanjing mine!"

"Too much!"

"Sent it! We sent it!"

"Thank God!"

"Dig! Dig them all!"

"This is a treasure!"

The process of mining Yuanjing is similar to picking up money.

That kind of feeling can bring people enough satisfaction.

Except for the knight who had a thigh injury and was taking drugs to heal his injuries, the entire knight team, including Farien, was digging hard.

As the mining continued, the soil continued to be turned over, and the scope of the found crystal mines became larger and larger, and the scope of the turned soil became larger and deeper.

During this process, more and more primordial crystals were turned out, and the ground was full of crystal clear crystals of primordial power. Just standing here, everyone could feel the constant restlessness in their bodies.

If you don't suppress it a little, it seems that you will break through in the next moment.

Although it is an illusion, the concentration of Yuanli here is actually dozens of times higher than other places.

Such an environment is like the legendary paradise.

Even in the star field world, it is completely unimaginable.

The concentration of Yuanli in the main city-level territory is also far behind.

When the entire range of the Yuanjing Mine was excavated, what appeared in front of everyone was a densely packed Yuanjing.

Just a rough count, there are tens of thousands.

You know, in the star field world, even a city-level territory usually has hundreds of Yuanjing reserves.

There are more main city-level territories, but they will never exceed the number of Yuanjing mines.

In other words, this team of knights dug up the Yuanjing mine, which is comparable to the wealth of Yuanjing at the level of a main city.

Moreover, there must be a lot of Yuanjing underground that have not been dug out, and the number of Yuanjing in the entire Yuanjing Mine will definitely exceed this number.

Faruien is just a small team leader. When the wealth exceeds a certain amount, he can no longer imagine, and he has no idea in his heart, what the crystal mine in front of him means.

But what he knew was that the harvest this time... was really too big, big enough to make people crazy.

Looking around, everyone was basically intoxicated by the beauty of Yuan Jing, unable to extricate themselves.

Just as he coughed twice, and was about to call everyone to pack up the dug out crystals and transport some of them back first, he suddenly heard a rumbling sound in his ears.

"No, it's a beast!"


"Ready to fight!"

Not only him, but other people's first reaction when they noticed the sound was the attack of the beast.

But when they clenched their weapons and got ready to face the battle, when the source of the voice appeared in front of them over the hill, Faruien and the others changed their expressions drastically.


"It's a knight of the Europa League!"

"How did they just show up?"

That's right.

Appearing in front of everyone now is a squad of knights wearing golden helmets and holding golden spears.

Due to frequent dealings, Faruen and the others could tell their origins at a glance.

If it is in normal times, everyone does not violate the river water, even if they encounter it during the exploration process, there will be no conflicts.

After all, the two sides are not in a state of war.

But now it's different.

I just dug out a Yuanjing mine here, and the Yuanjing was placed on the ground like this, shining brightly and exuding strong Yuanli. Even people who don't know the goods will know that it is an extremely precious treasure after seeing it.

Besides, the Cavaliers team of the Europa League definitely knows it.

With the urine nature of the Europa League, there is absolutely no reason to let it go.


"So many crystals!"



The reaction of the entire Europa team was almost the same as the initial reaction of the Farian team.When his eyes saw the densely packed Yuanjing behind the crowd, his eyeballs almost fell out.

Indeed, no one can remain completely calm in front of a crystal mine.

After seeing the other party's reaction, Farien and the others became more and more serious. They knew that this time, there was absolutely no way to be kind.


After a long time, when the Europa team struggled to look away from the Yuanjing, they put their eyes on Faruien and others again.

A knight headed by the other party stood up directly, looked at Faruien and the others with contempt, and announced proudly: "I am the great captain of the Europa League knight Opheus, this is the jurisdiction of the Europa League, we are responsible for this All treasures in this area have ownership, all illegal intruders should leave immediately, otherwise, we will resort to force!"

In one sentence, the word "Yuan Jing" was not even mentioned, but it was no different from the behavior of robbers.

The meaning is very simple.

This is our territory, everyone else must go.

Tolerable or unbearable.


"Too deceiving!"


The knights of Faruien's team cursed one after another.

Opheus' words simply ignored them at all, as if they were taken for granted.

Farien's face was gloomy, wishing he could tear Opheus' mouth to pieces immediately.

But when he thought that one of his own people was killed, one was injured, and the remaining people had consumed their fighting spirit because of besieging the pangolin, as the captain of the entire knight team, he had to forcefully suppress the anger in his heart, "Mr. The world is a new world, not anyone's territory, and there has never been a similar agreement between the Black Continental League and the Europa League, so I don't agree with what you said, and we won't leave either."

In the case of anger in the heart, the words spoken are calm.

There was no other way, Faruen could only bear it, and couldn't give the other party any excuses.

But he didn't expect that Opheus seemed to be completely unreasonable, and his face sank directly, "I'm not discussing with you, but an order!"

"I, order you!" Opheus pointed to himself, then to Farian, "Get out of here immediately!"

"Your Excellency Orpheus—"

Faruen was about to say something, but the other party didn't give him a chance at all, and interrupted him directly: "Leave immediately, this is the last warning!"

Seeing the crystals all over the floor, Opheus couldn't bear it anymore.

Faruien's eyes were red. They discovered the Yuanjing mine after one death and one injury, and worked hard to dig it out. The other party wanted to pick peaches as soon as they came, and there was no room for bargaining.

If you flinch again, you can only leave with your tail between your legs.

However, this is absolutely impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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