super star lord

Chapter 222 Refueling Tactics

Chapter 222 Refueling Tactics
In front of Yuanjing Mine.

Negotiations between the Black Continental League Cavaliers and the Europa League Cavaliers have broken down.

In other words, there was no negotiation between the two parties at all. From the beginning to the end, the Europa Alliance strongly declared the ownership of the Yuanjing Mine after seeing the Yuanjing Mine, and drove away the discoverer of the Yuanjing Mine—the French of the Black Continent Alliance. Ryan Knight Squad.

Of course, in view of the value of the Yuanjing Mine, the Knights of the Black Continent Alliance would never give it up.

Seeing that the battle was about to break out, Faruen was still making the final struggle: "Your Excellency Opheus, we discovered the Yuanjing Mine, and it belongs to the Black Continent Alliance. It is not me who should leave here, but you!"

Opheus' face suddenly darkened: "Are you going to disobey the order of the Europa League?"

At the same time, the entire knight squad began to slowly raise their weapons, as if they were about to strike.

Farien suddenly felt bad.

This time is really not a good time to fight, but it is impossible for Yuanjing Mine to give up.

Gritting his teeth, he suddenly took out a flare gun, pointed it at the sky, and pulled the trigger.


A bright red flare rushed directly into the sky, conveying the information to people in the distance that something abnormal happened here.

The meaning is very simple, call for support.


"you dare!"

"Kill them!"

Originally, he felt that he had won the other party, and Opheus, who had a winning ticket in his hands, suddenly changed his face.

They are just a squad of knights with a limited number of people. If reinforcements from the other side arrive, the situation on both sides will immediately be reversed.

That also means that the Yuanjing Mine, which is about to be obtained, will fly away.

This is completely unacceptable to him.


Following Opheus' order, the battle between the two sides broke out instantly.



In the situation of vying for such a huge wealth as the Yuanjing Mine, both sides are trying their best to make a move.

Every move is completely deadly.

As soon as the battle broke out, it entered a white-hot state.

ding ding dong.

The sound of weapons clashing and screams can be heard endlessly.

There were many wounds on the knights of both sides, and blood flowed continuously.

In particular, the Black Continent Alliance team gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Among them, Faruen undertook most of the pressure, and he directly fought against three people including Opheus, blocking most of the opponent's strength.

But in a three-on-one situation, he is also in danger.

According to his thinking, he only needs to hold on until the reinforcements arrive, so facing the siege of three people, he always focuses on defense and never takes the initiative to attack.

But he overestimated his own strength and underestimated Opheus' determination.

He wanted to wait until the reinforcements arrived, and Opheus had to deal with the opponent before the reinforcements arrived.

Therefore, even if Faruien defended with all his strength, under the attack of the three opponents who were almost fearless to die, he was more and more powerless, and he was about to die under the siege of the opponent.

As for the other knights, due to the consumption in the early stage, they were completely suppressed when facing the opponent.

A group of people fought fiercely.

At this time, several kilometers away.

Another knight squad of the Black Continent Alliance saw the signal flare, and the captain of the knights immediately stopped patrolling and called all the knights to rush to the battlefield.

This squad of knights was the closest to the battlefield. When they rushed over, although they were also shocked by the existence of the crystal mine, they immediately joined without hesitation after seeing the dangerous situation of Farien and others.


Opheus' face changed, he never expected that the reinforcements from the opponent would arrive so quickly.

On the contrary, after seeing his knight team, Faruen was overjoyed and heaved a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, Opheus took advantage of the moment when his attention was diverted, and lightly tapped the spear on his body at a tricky angle, directly piercing a blood hole, and the blood flowed profusely in an instant.


Faruen retreated instantly and had to leave the battlefield.

And Orpheus was able to get rid of his biggest opponent and face a new threat.

However, the situation on the scene has changed.

The original situation was that the Europa Cavaliers had the upper hand and were besieging the Black Continent Alliance Cavaliers, but after reinforcements arrived, the Black Continent Alliance had a greater advantage.

Fortunately, Opheus stabbed Farien ahead of time, forcing him to withdraw from the battlefield to heal his wounds. Otherwise, the situation for him now would be even worse.

After the newly arrived knight team simply judged the situation on the scene, they directly joined the battle without extra consideration.

Originally, Opheus and the others, who were about to finish off the Farien team, had no choice but to face a strong enemy.

The battlefield became hot again.

And just 1 minute later, with a burst of noise, another Cavaliers squad appeared.

Golden helmet and armor, golden spear.


"It's our reinforcements!"

"Praise the Europa League!"

The Europa Cavaliers team, which had been struggling for a long time and was completely counter-suppressed, cheered immediately after seeing the comer.

The faces of the Black Continent Alliance side all darkened.

They also didn't expect that the opponent's knight squad would be summoned.

After this team appeared, it quickly judged the situation on the scene and immediately joined the battle.

In this way, all the knight squads patrolling in this area, no matter which side they belonged to, rushed to join the battle after seeing the signal flare.

Like refueling tactics, the troops of both sides continued to fight.

In the entire valley, more and more knights fought together, and the entire battlefield became more and more heated.

What's more, a knight team from farther away came to join in after hearing the news.

From the very beginning, each side has a cavalier squad, a total of 19 people.

To 50 people.

100 people.

500 people.

1000 people.

2000 people.

3000 people...

Even in the end, most of the troops of both sides in the low-threat area were devoted to the battle over a crystal mine.

The Europa League and the Black Continental League are both large lord forces, and there are basically tens of thousands of knights trained on the earth.

But most of them need to guard important areas, so the number of people invested in the development of the wild world is actually only two to three thousand people.

This time, the war also evolved from the initial clash of knight squads to an all-out war between the two sides.

Of course, it's just an all-out war in the wild world.

The Europa League and the Black African League fought to the death.

Other forces that also established strongholds in low-threat areas will naturally not be unaware.

It's just that at the very beginning, other forces didn't know the truth of the matter and didn't get involved in the first place.

But as the news of the Yuanjing Mine broke out, all the forces in the entire low-threat area went crazy. They didn't expect that in the wild world, there appeared a Yuanli crystal deposit that they didn't even dare to think about.

In addition, when the news reached the earth, the whole earth went crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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